Ugh never ever order

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Re: Ugh never ever order


Post by SigM4 »

Abraham wrote:I buy stuff on the internet, but a firearm, not me...
I think it’s mostly a generational thing. I haven’t bought a new firearm in a store in years. Mostly because I got tired of every gun shop commando telling me I need this or that gun, or being downright rude if I wasn’t interested in their suggestions. More often than not I found that my knowledge of the product far outpaced theirs as well.

I’ve braved a few stores for a used gun, but only if the deal were too good to pass up.
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Re: Ugh never ever order


Post by Abraham »


I've bought 2 guns in the past 12 months or so, both from Cabelas.

Both bought from different gun counter guys.

Neither tried to talk me into anything else. They were both very professional and helpful with all my questions.

I can only vouch for the Cabelas in League City, Texas, but the gun counter guys there are great!

Oh yeah, both guns were on sale for cheaper than I saw on the internet too.
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