Whether or not ACOE land is a non-starter due to firearms prohibitions aside, I posed this question on the Facebook page for RadRover bikes, and here was the most complete answer I got, from another member of that group:Chris wrote:If you do get one, research long and hard before you go off riding it. I've heard ACOE managed trails will not allow them.
My new bike is throttle limited to 20 mph, so that's not a problem, but I don't know that one could successfully mount an ADA defense without a medical declaration of disability. I'm not convinced that my temporary handicapped parking placard applies, but even if it did, it expires in January 2018, so that's not a long term solution.The "No ebike" rules stem from the "no motorized vehicles" rule. And those rules stem from the "we dont want no loud stinkin trail bikes or ATVs on our trails."
When power assist bikes started appearing, the Federal agency that regulates such things came up with some definitions and said that power assisted electric bikes are to be considered bikes as long as they don't go over 20 mph. If they go over 20 mph then are considered motorized.
The problem is that this agency doesn't write laws so various municipalities can do what they want, and numerous municipalities, and in this case the Corp of Engineers, have done nothing to upgrade their rules and signs.
But as state above, most "front line" enforcers" like the rangers described above and in other threads on this subject, don't penalize Ebike riders as long as they are not pushing the envelope.
But that said... this is not a guarantee that all "front line enforcers" will do the same.
So in a sense, we are in something of a limbo until more specific laws and rules are passed.
Some Ebike riders have a copy of these federal regs on their smartphones. And some ebike riders are preparing to use the ADA as a justification. (Americans with Disabilities Act). That's what I plan to do. I'm 65 and out of shape. But with my EV I can wander 30 miles in any direction. Couldn't do that with a regular bike. Plus, the more I do it, the more I'm able to lower the PAS and thus get in better and healthier shape.
But as oljames3 pointed out, ACOE riding is a non-starter for me anyway, until they pull their heads out from their nether regions and take a deep cleansing breath of oxygen.