What did Santa bring you shootiing related?

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Re: What did Santa bring you shootiing related?


Post by howdy »

A new shirt to wear to the range?? Does that count.
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Re: What did Santa bring you shootiing related?


Post by Oldgringo »

Nothing, nada, zilch........and I am okay with that. I'll probably get a Beeman R9 later this summer.

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Re: What did Santa bring you shootiing related?


Post by CoffeeNut »

My dad got me a Remington 770 in 7mm-08 and a Remington range bag. He's not a big gun guy but his description of how he felt buying it and how much he liked the gun itself really made the gift. I'll be shooting it Sunday and hopefully stalking some hogs later on next month.

Another gift was some Sabre Pepper Gel for those times when I, sadly, must disarm.

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Re: What did Santa bring you shootiing related?


Post by lonewolf »

Ruger Mini-14. Nice little rifle. Reminds me of the M-14's I used to shoot in the Navy. Looking forward to getting it out and having some fun!
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Re: What did Santa bring you shootiing related?


Post by silverbear »

Ammo. I'm happy. My sons got Nerf guns and bow - the bow is really cool - and airsoft 1911.
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Re: What did Santa bring you shootiing related?


Post by Texas_Blaze »

I buy my own presents.
Bought a Remington 1911 R1 in stainless steel in 45ACP, and a few holsters, and 1000rds of ammo.

I basically worked two jobs this fall. My regular engineering project manager position & adjunct professor. Made some ME money, used for me, to be spent by me.
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Re: What did Santa bring you shootiing related?


Post by JSThane »

mgh wrote:Got this on Christmas Eve...yea

[ Image ]
What is that chambered in? I know they've made a couple STG clones recently, but haven't kept up with them.
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Re: What did Santa bring you shootiing related?


Post by joe817 »

Browning shooting glasses, ear muffs, ear plugs & a box of range ammo. ;-)
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Re: What did Santa bring you shootiing related?


Post by Oldgringo »

Texas_Blaze wrote:I buy my own presents.
Bought a Remington 1911 R1 in stainless steel in 45ACP, and a few holsters, and 1000rds of ammo.

I basically worked two jobs this fall. My regular engineering project manager position & adjunct professor. Made some ME money, used for me, to be spent by me.

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Re: What did Santa bring you shootiing related?


Post by thatguy »

8 lbs of Titegroup!!!

15K CCI small pistol primers

7500 165 grain 9mm Xtreme bullets.

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Re: What did Santa bring you shootiing related?


Post by Greybeard »

New protective case for cell phone with super duty battery. So I've always got a good charge when hopefully NOT needing to call 911. :cool: Son Dave has similar on his Galaxy and says he has gone for 4 to 5 days without charging. Which means I can take on hunting trips and never have to worry about putting on charger. The whole assembly doubles the weight of my Galaxy S5, but the bulk actually makes it easier to hold and I think less likely to drop on concrete or such. Time will tell.
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Re: What did Santa bring you shootiing related?


Post by Texsquatch »

Santa left some cash that I was planning on purchasing some ammo with. However, between the pecans and oaks in my yard, I decided to spend a good chunk of it on leaf blower. I've tinkered with a hand me down for an entire year and after getting it running, it went kaput in October. I'm tired of taking apart the carb and I just broke another fuel line last week. Besides, my shoulder is tired of all the starts and restarts. So.... This new one worked like a charm and my shoulders are rested for my next shooting session.

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Re: What did Santa bring you shootiing related?


Post by hounddog »

I got a few things, but I'd like to share something about two of my five grandsons. My younger daughter, son-in-law,and their two boys went on a Thanksgiving deer hunt down to Kerrville. The boys were placed one with each parent in stands the first day, and then switched places the next. The youngest, who is 11 years old got an 8 point buck on his first try. The older brother is 14 and he missed a shot on one of similar size. The next day, after switching stands, the younger boy had a chance to get a 12 point huge buck. His dad said he watched it through his scope for a super long time and then said, " Do you think if I shot close to it, it would go over toward Jake (his brother)? It makes me a litttle proud to have grandsons that have that kind of love for each other. I had to share this, as I couldn't ask for a better Christmas present. Hope you all have a great New Year.
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Re: What did Santa bring you shootiing related?


Post by CHLLady »

hounddog wrote:I got a few things, but I'd like to share something about two of my five grandsons. My younger daughter, son-in-law,and their two boys went on a Thanksgiving deer hunt down to Kerrville. The boys were placed one with each parent in stands the first day, and then switched places the next. The youngest, who is 11 years old got an 8 point buck on his first try. The older brother is 14 and he missed a shot on one of similar size. The next day, after switching stands, the younger boy had a chance to get a 12 point huge buck. His dad said he watched it through his scope for a super long time and then said, " Do you think if I shot close to it, it would go over toward Jake (his brother)? It makes me a litttle proud to have grandsons that have that kind of love for each other. I had to share this, as I couldn't ask for a better Christmas present. Hope you all have a great New Year.
Now that's a sweet Christmas memory to treasure. Proud grandpa for sure!

I got new shooting glasses, they're yellow and make everything so bright! They're like that old infomercial for the driving glasses. Lol. I got a new set of Teal colored electronic ears, Leight brand. And a membership to a ladies gun club which I'm super excited about.

Now I'm on the lookout for a stylish ladies range bag. Doesn't have to be fancy, I just don't want pink, black, or camo. ;-) Any suggestions?
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Re: What did Santa bring you shootiing related?


Post by mgood »

Cabela's gift card, which I hope to put towards a gun safe.
Though it is possible that it could burn a hole in my pocket before I save up the rest of what I need for the safe I want. In that case I might use it for more camo, ammo, or . . . [looking for a word that rhymes with camo and ammo :???: ].
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