Little neighborhood hoodlums...

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Re: Little neighborhood hoodlums...


Post by Texsquatch »

As I think about this again, I wonder what the parent's reaction would be if the boys were to encounter someone who shoots back? Imagine the outrage!!!!!! It would be tragic and completely avoidable and they would be pitiful victims of their own doing.
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Re: Little neighborhood hoodlums...


Post by G.A. Heath »

I would call the Sheriff and I am willing to bet these kids have caused more damage than what you experienced and I am willing to bet the S.O. is investigating this case. I would also suggest giving the football coach a heads up as well, Brownfield Texas recently lost their star quarter back due to an arrest involving the possession and USE of stolen firearms, coaches like to head things like this off before they get to that stage.
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Re: Little neighborhood hoodlums...


Post by C-dub »

I also think you're being played. The parents either don't have any control over their kids or they're afraid this will hurt their high school football career and don't want to do anything without realizing the damage they are doing to these boys by not teaching them that there are consequences to their actions. They had their chance to step up and take responsibility when confronted with evidence and blew it. Call the sheriff and give them copies of everything. Keep the originals safe and secure in case anything happens to the copies.
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Re: Little neighborhood hoodlums...


Post by Diesel42 »

Give the evidence to their coach and the sheriff.
Doing nothing is rewarding bad behavior.
My two cents,
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Re: Little neighborhood hoodlums...


Post by cb1000rider »

Thanks guys. I'll escalate it.
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Re: Little neighborhood hoodlums...


Post by RoyGBiv »

C-dub wrote:I also think you're being played. The parents either don't have any control over their kids or they're afraid this will hurt their high school football career and don't want to do anything without realizing the damage they are doing to these boys by not teaching them that there are consequences to their actions. They had their chance to step up and take responsibility when confronted with evidence and blew it. Call the sheriff and give them copies of everything. Keep the originals safe and secure in case anything happens to the copies.
I'm with C-dub on this.

Next time they may kill or permanently injure somebody. How'd that make you feel when you had the evidence to stop them before it got worse?
I'd have an impossible time living with that.
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Re: Little neighborhood hoodlums...


Post by jimlongley »

I have called the cops on a couple of kids, and not on a couple of others. The thing I would worry about most in this situation is three kids wandering around with a gun and a box of ammo just shooting at whatever they feel like, they ALL need to learn that they are responsible for whatever that bullet does. Time for the sheriff.

A few years ago we had a Rhodesian Ridgeback that could almost get over our 6+ foot fence. Apparently it became quite entertaining for a couple of the neighborhood kids to come by and kick the fence to get the dog riled up and see her try to get over (and God forbid she actually did). The big problem was that the fence was old and a little decrepit and in a couple of places it broke when they kicked it, and at least once my ridge made it out by expanding the hole they kicked in it. It was also not in sight of most of the neighbors, being a back fence on the alley, just like all the others around.

I found out from a neighbor, who had seen it happen, one of the kids' name, and I dropped by and chatted with his parents. They, of course, denied that their little angel could be involved in harassing a dog or damaging property.

It happened again, I called the cops, they couldn't do much of anything, it happened again, and again, and eventually our neighborhood cop and I came up with a plan.

Since, except for one neighbor who saw the kids in the area at the time, we had no actual witnesses, we had nothing provable, we decided to stage a little play. The next time it happened I met the cop in the alley and we made a big production of taking pictures, taking measurements, and even peering at the ground looking for footprints and so on, JUST AS THE KIDS WERE COMING HOME FROM SCHOOL.

The cop did go and talk to several of the parents in the neighborhood, in the guise of investigating the damage, but after our little play, the damage stopped.
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Re: Little neighborhood hoodlums...


Post by Cedar Park Dad »

txcharvel wrote:You've been more than generous in this situation. I say call the sheriff.

I say this as someone that did something really stupid at 16...if I had not been caught and punished, who knows how I would have turned out.
Call the cops in a big way. If any property occurred to you (I couldn't tell) take them to small claims court.
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Re: Little neighborhood hoodlums...


Post by VMI77 »

cb1000rider wrote: All 3 of these kids are on the varsity football team.
That's the money quote and it explains everything. Entitled teens that believe they don't have to follow the rules and that they're too important to really get in trouble. I'd file charges.

The thing is, depending on the local scene and the coach, and because they're football players, contacting the sheriff may go nowhere. I know of cases that are much worse, including brutal personal assault on another kid, and because they were football players and had connected parents nothing was done at all.
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Re: Little neighborhood hoodlums...


Post by AlaskanInTexas »

I am enthralled by this . . . keep us updated on what happens!

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Re: Little neighborhood hoodlums...


Post by cb1000rider »

Cedar Park Dad wrote:Call the cops in a big way. If any property occurred to you (I couldn't tell) take them to small claims court.
Yes, the shot up a video camera and did some minor damage to planters. Nothing major.. <$200 my side.

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Re: Little neighborhood hoodlums...


Post by TomsTXCHL »

cb1000rider wrote:I came home from vacation to find a neighbors exterior lights shot up, various planters shot up around the perimeter, and one security camera that has been shot.
I'm confused. Your house or your neighbor's?
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Re: Little neighborhood hoodlums...


Post by Jim Beaux »

You have your hat on backwards. Youve assumed responsibility for something others have done. You called the parents and got no respect. You inferred consequences if they didnt rectify the issue - & they ignore you. It's obvious, the parents feel no gratitude for your generosity and are trying to punk you.

You have an obligation to your neighbors. The odds are these kids have vandalized others and you are in effect covering for them. I would be mad if one of my neighbors withheld info that would identify those who have vandalized my property. The victims get preference - not the perps.

Youve done more than is reasonable, and it's now shame on them time. I wouldnt waste my efforts on them any longer. Turn the page, they had a chance to deal with you, now let them deal with the consequences.

BTW dont assume what the damages are. The camera should be replaced by a professional and the house and roof should be inspected.
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Re: Little neighborhood hoodlums...


Post by bryan1980 »

This is serious business here, not like ding-dong ditch or toilet papering. Somebody could have been injured or possibly killed because of this.

I'm afraid this is what happens when kids don't fear their parents any longer. One of the kids was not available because he was at a friends house?!?! If I would have done that, you can guarantee that my father would have dragged my butt home and made me "available". Heck, if it were a mile or two away, he would have made me run home in front of the car! I didn't do nonsense like that because I knew that was going to happen to me. I was scared of my dad growing up. These punks apparently don't have that same fear.

Get the sheriff involved, and if that doesn't get you any satisfaction, take them to small-claims court. (I'd love to see how Judge Judy would take care of them :mrgreen: )
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Re: Little neighborhood hoodlums...


Post by cb1000rider »

TomsTXCHL wrote:I'm confused. Your house or your neighbor's?
Both. My camera, a few planters. My neighbors exterior light. The kids were out in the neighborhood for 3 hours before they walked back in the same path.. So this is just what I've found. Most homes are pretty far back off the road, not much to shoot at.

My neighbors home is a vacation home. I have some responsibility to watch and monitor while they're not home in exchange for some access.

Small claims is fine, definite win there, but just understand that it would be me seeking to make a point - that's all. What I'd lose in terms of time is worth more than what I'd get back in terms of $$. The hours I'd lose in terms of setting it all up, having someone served, and showing back up are much more valuable to me.

I'll post back when I have an update.. I'm going to stew on it a while. Obviously the consensus is make it a criminal matter.
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