I bought my first double-edge safety razor with a badger-hair brush this week and have to say that I'm hooked. I don't think I'll ever go back. The shaving soaps / creams are far superior to anything from a can. The shave feels better on my skin - and in the long run, I stand to save a lot of money given the price of double-edge blades vs. Mach 3 replacements. Plus, it's taken shaving from a chore to a therapeutic, relaxing event.
My personal shaving history:
I gave up the electrics in high school. . . they never left me with a good shave and irritated my skin. The best cartridge razor I found and stuck with from age 18 through my 20s was the Mach 3, but most of that time I've had a beard and really only shaved the neck line, intermittent shaves for the 5 o'clock shadow look, and the occasional full shave. Still, the price for replacements is outrageous and the shaves still aren't that great. I loathe the canned foams and gels.
I'm satisfied enough with the safety razor that I can't imagine feeling compelled to go with the straight razor. I've let a barber do one a few times, but I'll most likely stick with what I've got for a long time. I'd like to think I can pass this razor on to my son, but I'll still be using it when he's old enough, so maybe a great-grandson will get it (Lord willing. . . ).
Anyway, I'd be interested to hear recommendations on soaps, creams, aftershave balms, etc.
This seems to be a growing interest. . . almost turning shaving into a real hobby. The scents are definitely more appealing. . . the first soap I used with the badger brush gave me a vivid, stark memory of my grandpa (he died in the mid-90's) and I thought, "Now THAT'S what a man smells like!"
My startup kit, after much research, came from http://www.RoyalShave.com" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;:
Edwin Jagger DE89BA11

Edwin Jagger EJ876 Best Badger Shaving Brush

. . .then I added a stand to hold them both, a sample pack of different blades, and a sample pack of a few different soaps / creams.