The question at hand is childishly absurdly simple. Will we allow Muslim mobs to determine the content of our Bill of Rights? Will we decide that as Americans, we have a right to freedom of speech, without considering the "global opinion" of a band of savages who want us to bow down to their stone god and its views on women, freedom and blasphemy, or will we decide that as Post-Americans we must consider the opinions of the "international community" and accept that freedom of speech is no longer feasible in a connected world?57Coastie wrote:I leave it to our resident legal scholars to consider this matter in that context and give us their opinion as to whether perhaps, if the Guardian's quote proves true and provable, Mr. Nakoula, and perhaps others, might be prosecuted by some appropriate jurisdiction, alleging the commission of a serious crime, ranging perhaps from conspiracy to first degree murder.
To hopefully avoid backlash from certain quarters, I do not make any suggestion that the consequences of Mr. Nakoula's film were either rational or forgivable -- I suggest only that they were arguably reasonably predictable. I would suggest, however, that the rightness or wrongness of the consequences is irrelevant to the question of whether or not he might be liable for criminal conduct.
Personally, I don't want to be considerate, I'd rather support the peculiar institution of allowing as many offensive opinions as can be found in a country of a few hundred million to proliferate. I also believe every person has the right to bray those opinions as he pleases, and that such a society of discordant arguments, where everyone is entitled to be right or wrong, ignorant or intelligent, bigoted or tolerant, crazy or sane, good or evil, without ever being sure which is which because it's the process of yelling at each other that allows us to discover we are actually the best society. Call me a jingoistic American exceptionalist.
Americanism is a nation of people arguing with each other, without killing each other, and Post-Americanism, as we have just witnessed, is the people who are willing to kill winning the argument by default.
That is our choice. We can choose to be ruled by savages brandishing weapons or by the Bill of Rights. But let's not pretend that the rule of Obama or Ban Ki-moon is anything more than the rule of savages by proxy. It doesn't much matter whether the savages are here pointing a gun at our heads or if Obama or some civil rights commission is doing their dirty work for them; our choice is clear. We can either be ruled by our laws or by the Koran.