Japan Tragedy

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Re: Japan Tragedy


Post by TxKimberMan »

A testament to the character of the Japanese people enduring these tragedies can be read here:

http://globalpublicsquare.blogs.cnn.com ... /?hpt=Sbin
One theme that has emerged in the international news coverage of the disaster is how calm, orderly and polite the Japanese people have been, even in the face of unimaginable hardship and deprivation.
One Japanese observer said it brought tears to his eyes to see an elderly evacuee bow deeply in appreciation as he received a single rice ball upon his arrival at a shelter.
in a week since the disaster, not a single case of looting has been reported, and I haven't seen any scene of people shouting in anger or banging on the table.
It was once said, "A man's character is his fate." (Heraclitus 540-480BC)
If that is true, I think the Japanese will endure this. However it's a little disconcerting for us after some of the post-Katrina hooliganism. :shock:
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Re: Japan Tragedy


Post by WildBill »

TxKimberMan wrote:+I haven't seen any scene of people shouting in anger or banging on the table.If that is true, I think the Japanese will endure this. However it's a little disconcerting for us after some of the post-Katrina hooliganism. :shock:
I don't even want to think about that. :grumble
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Re: Japan Tragedy


Post by baldeagle »

To see how utterly complete the devastation is view these before and after satellite photos of the area. And if you want to be stunned by the power of a tsunami, watch this six minute video of the tsunami destroying a town. (It's on Facebook, so you may need an account to view it.)
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