true, but life is about choices. One must decide how must risk they're willing to live with.Everyone is going to die sooner or later from one cause or another. There is no reason to put oneself at risk to accelerate the inevitable. Few of us live alone in our little sphere,
excellent idea. It avoids those ads "Motorcycle for sale; wife won't let me keep it" :-)I suggest the bike purchase decision be made by unanimous accord.
Interestingly, this table seems to suggest that being a pedestrian or a car occupant is more dangerous than being a motorcycle rider:" onclick=";return false;
Mind you, the numbers were from 2000 and there are more motorcycles (and cars and trucks and cellphones) today than there were 10yrs ago.
NSC Injury facts show lifetime odds of being injured as a pedestrian, car occupant or assault with firearm to be higher than as a motorcycle rider. However, they show 'motor vehicle accidents' as a separate category. I guess you have to buy the report to find out what that really means: ... 11_037.pdf" onclick=";return false;