Very few buildings allow indoor smoking any more. Rest assured you will not get cancer tomorrow from smelling a little tobacco smoke from the guy you pass on the street.
I have to wonder if the amount of “third hand smoke” is significant enough to have any affect. I also have to wonder if this “study” is similar to “studies” of handgun violence cited in an effort to enact more restrictive gun laws.
I don’t drink so it would not bother me if a 500% tax was placed on all alcoholic beverages. After all how many people do alcoholism and DWI kill and injure every year? How about banning fatty foods? They contribute to obesity, heart attack and stroke and raise insurance rates. I know three people that suffer migraine headaches triggered by strong perfume, aftershave or cologne. Let’s ban those.
Now having said that, a lot of “studies” have been done and articles published to demonize smokers. Sound like gun ownership? States and the federal government have added huge taxes on cigarettes. In this case taxation is not being used for the original purpose, to raise revenue. It is being used to control people’s behavior. Sound like ammunition taxes some states want? States and individuals have sued tobacco manufacturers. Sound familiar? The common theme here is if you can’t ban it, litigate or regulate it out of existence.

Let’s be careful what we jump up and want to ban. There are always others that want to ban what you do.