And to get the CHL stuff out of the way, handed him my license, CHL, and insurance....he coulda cared less about the CHL (it may have helped that i was in a minivan, had both my kids, wife and mother in law in there).
Anyway, he asked me 1) if I worked...and where and 2) my home telephone number.
My wife has a hissy fit everytime I "buck" the system. For example, she flipps out when I refuse to let the people at Fry's inspect my purchases. I view it as they think I am a thief and if they want to look in my bag after I have purchased something, there better be a cop there to arrest me. Pretty well same thing at Samsclub, however, after listening to my wife drone on an on about my noncompliant nature, to keep the peace, I allow the lady to treat me like a common criminal

When the LEO asked me if I worked, my first reponse was to ask him why he needed to know. This is a traffic stop, not a career discussion. Same thing with my home phone number. IMO, he doesnt need to know that for issuing me a ticket. Rather than deal with the fury from my wife over this, I sheepled, partly because I am not 100% sure that I would be required to give this information.
In hindsight, I am guessing that he was trying to figure out if I would show up to court or not (if i was unemployed, I would be more inclined to fight it).
Anywho, I was hoping someone could chime in (preferably a LEO) and let me know for certain if this information is required or not. I dont want to be combative and my responce would be "I respectfully decline to answer that question" or something to that effect. For sorta the same reasons as my deal with Fry's, if you dont need to know, I dont need to tell you.