Questions asked by LEO for a ticket

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Questions asked by LEO for a ticket


Post by dewayneward »

I got a ticket at 377 and North Tarrant Parkway for failure to come to a complete stop before turning on red by Keller's finest and had a question regarding the questions the LEO was asking.

And to get the CHL stuff out of the way, handed him my license, CHL, and insurance....he coulda cared less about the CHL (it may have helped that i was in a minivan, had both my kids, wife and mother in law in there).

Anyway, he asked me 1) if I worked...and where and 2) my home telephone number.

My wife has a hissy fit everytime I "buck" the system. For example, she flipps out when I refuse to let the people at Fry's inspect my purchases. I view it as they think I am a thief and if they want to look in my bag after I have purchased something, there better be a cop there to arrest me. Pretty well same thing at Samsclub, however, after listening to my wife drone on an on about my noncompliant nature, to keep the peace, I allow the lady to treat me like a common criminal :mad5

When the LEO asked me if I worked, my first reponse was to ask him why he needed to know. This is a traffic stop, not a career discussion. Same thing with my home phone number. IMO, he doesnt need to know that for issuing me a ticket. Rather than deal with the fury from my wife over this, I sheepled, partly because I am not 100% sure that I would be required to give this information.

In hindsight, I am guessing that he was trying to figure out if I would show up to court or not (if i was unemployed, I would be more inclined to fight it).

Anywho, I was hoping someone could chime in (preferably a LEO) and let me know for certain if this information is required or not. I dont want to be combative and my responce would be "I respectfully decline to answer that question" or something to that effect. For sorta the same reasons as my deal with Fry's, if you dont need to know, I dont need to tell you.
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Re: Questions asked by LEO for a ticket


Post by marksiwel »

Well the Frys thing is correct, you dont have to stop, but if you dont they can ask you to never come back (and I have seen it happen) also they do catch alot of stuff that way, the guy checking your stuff gets a portion of the money he recovers in merch.
As for Sam CLUB its a club, you payed to join it, you obey their rules as part of keeping your membership so for you to walk out of the SAMS without getting your receipt checked is break Club rules, the club you payed for.
They want where you work at your number so they can FIND YOU. I"ve had a cop call up my Co-Workers and tell them "Pay your stuff, dont make me come up there and get me" she never did, he came in, walked her to his car and put her in the back, no handcuffs or rough stuff, very classy of him
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Re: Questions asked by LEO for a ticket


Post by karder »

dewayneward wrote: This is a traffic stop, not a career discussion.
I have been asked the "where do you work" question too and I have wondered the same thing. In my case, I was stopped coming home from work after working the late shift, so it was about 1am and I figured the cop was just chatting me up to determine if I had been drinking or not, but that is not likely the case in your situation. I am curious to hear an answer on this one too. Personally, I don't like to make waves so I answer all questions. When I get stopped, my goal is to be as non-memorable to the officer as possible, but I certainly understand your objections.
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Re: Questions asked by LEO for a ticket


Post by dewayneward »

Marksiwel, your answer about frys (and samsclub for that matter) add support to me feeling like I am a thief. their sole purpose when stopping me is to see if I have stolen anything. In my book, that makes them think I am a thief. Think about that on its face, everytime they do this they are telling you "Hi, I think you stole something from me, show me your receipt to prove that you arent a thief".

I wont argue the logic of your posts, because it isnt the point of my original post, just trying to give a little background as to why I am asking the LEO question.

I was surprised that the cop actually called your co-workers to pay up, etc. While I guess it was "nice" of him, I just didnt get that warm and fuzzy from the officer that he was concerned about my well being. We wasnt mean or anything, very professional, I just didnt see the need for him to ask for my info. You may be right in your assessment that he would call me if I tried to get out of my ticket and I need to go put my aluminum foil hat back on, but I just dont think so.....

While not as bad as the offier asking the person for the social security number as disucssed in another thread, asking me this kind of personal information, I believe, could be an invasion of my privacy. I dont want cause issues if there is a legal reason for it (and I dont think there is), but I am not going to give information to someone, even an officer, unless it is required.
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Re: Questions asked by LEO for a ticket


Post by marksiwel »

every single time I've been pulled over in Coppell I've been asked where I work, and my phone number. We are talking about 10-15 times here. Only got one ticket :tiphat:

As for the Frys and Sams thing, you know how much they lose in theft employee and customer based? Its a big number? You ever work at a job were you get Commission? I do. People try and screw me out of Sales or get "refunds" or just flat out steal, it doesnt hurt the company so much as it hurts me. I'll chase a person down, I've called the cops. Its easier to get them in the store than outside of it for legal and practical reasons. Do I like that they accuse me of theft? no, but I have freinds who work at big ticket places that get SEARCHED before they go home every night. Trust no one
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Re: Questions asked by LEO for a ticket


Post by Rex B »

No one here is sympathizing with thieves. And employer search is a different matter. If you work for a place that does that, you consent to it or you find another job.
As a customer, the only place I let them search my bags at exit is Costco, for the reason cited above.
All retail stores have "shrinkage", but only a handful like Fry's and Best Buy want to search their customer's bags.
I choose not to trade with them, and when I have to, they don't search my bags.
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Re: Questions asked by LEO for a ticket


Post by samobius »

I know this is getting a little off topic, but it seems that the whole "search and seizure" thing is a little unconstitutional to me. There is no probable cause. I really wonder about the legality of all that.

I literally got chased down by a Walmart greeter once because I was carrying an unbagged DVD player. Of course I had the receipt but she was very upset.

I normally just keep walking if the cashier didn't swipe something correctly and the door alarm goes off. I know I paid for it.
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Re: Questions asked by LEO for a ticket


Post by gigag04 »

They ask for your work info and contact info because there is a spot on the citation to fill it in. It isn't anything personal - everyone gets asked that question. You don't have to answer if you don't want...but it's not the cops fault. That's the form the municipal court chose to issue citations on...take it up with them.

Are you mad at the cop because you got the ticket?
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Re: Questions asked by LEO for a ticket


Post by marksiwel »

Basically I think the OP was asking
DO I HAVE to give them my number and business address or business at all?
I dont think you have to do more than give them your name, Date of Birth and ID legally speaking (I am not a Lawyer, but my wife ALMOST IS ;-) )
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Re: Questions asked by LEO for a ticket


Post by The Annoyed Man »

Where do I work, officer? I work at home.

What do I do? Oh, I'm a crack dea... ...I mean, a website designer.

Why... yes, that is a gun in my pocket. No, I am not glad to see you. :smilelol5:
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Re: Questions asked by LEO for a ticket


Post by Sewer_Ice »

I think that it's important to mention that at FRY's, THEY CHECK EVERYONE! They're not singling you out because you look like a thief, they do it for everyone. Also, another reason they do it (this has happened to me) is to make sure your walking out with everything you paid for. I was building a computer once and the memory I paid for wasn't in the cart...

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Re: Questions asked by LEO for a ticket


Post by powerboatr »

gigag04 wrote:They ask for your work info and contact info because there is a spot on the citation to fill it in. It isn't anything personal - everyone gets asked that question. You don't have to answer if you don't want...but it's not the cops fault. That's the form the municipal court chose to issue citations on...take it up with them.

Are you mad at the cop because you got the ticket?

never been asked for a work or a phone number
but was asked for my SSN which i refused, based on their lack of protecting my privacy
in the military if it didn't have the privacy act written on the bottom then no SSN.
i apply that to other life as well.
as far as my phone number, sorry no sir in a polite manner but still no
your TEXAS dl has tons of info in it and embedded in the scan strip so there is no reason to give a place of work or a number
MOF the early voting in our county scans your dl like a credit card and it gives them you registered for vote, your address and WOW a phone number you used when you got license
and its no bodies business if you work or not :biggrinjester:
i am retired and i work at being RETIRED. i have insurance that's all they need to know IMO.
just my .02
I will add, the attitude and demeanor of the officer dictates the level of information transfer.
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Re: Questions asked by LEO for a ticket


Post by 03Lightningrocks »

They ask where you work so they can find you if you don't appear or pay the ticket. One of the fellers working for me failed to appear and the Police called us and informed us that he had a warrant out for his arrest and told us if he came to pay it they would not come get him. We loaned the tard money so he could pay up and stay out of jail. I for one was very grateful for the call. My guys don't make money for me if they are in jail over speeding tickets. Anyway...that is why they ask. It is really not a big deal and if you are feeling like it is a violation of your rights you can always refuse to give the info and ride down to the station right then and there to own up to your transgression. It is your choice...LOL... I know which one I would choose.
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Re: Questions asked by LEO for a ticket


Post by gigag04 »

powerboatr wrote:
gigag04 wrote:They ask for your work info and contact info because there is a spot on the citation to fill it in. It isn't anything personal - everyone gets asked that question. You don't have to answer if you don't want...but it's not the cops fault. That's the form the municipal court chose to issue citations on...take it up with them.

Are you mad at the cop because you got the ticket?

never been asked for a work or a phone number
but was asked for my SSN which i refused, based on their lack of protecting my privacy
in the military if it didn't have the privacy act written on the bottom then no SSN.
i apply that to other life as well.
as far as my phone number, sorry no sir in a polite manner but still no
your TEXAS dl has tons of info in it and embedded in the scan strip so there is no reason to give a place of work or a number
MOF the early voting in our county scans your dl like a credit card and it gives them you registered for vote, your address and WOW a phone number you used when you got license
and its no bodies business if you work or not :biggrinjester:
i am retired and i work at being RETIRED. i have insurance that's all they need to know IMO.
just my .02
I will add, the attitude and demeanor of the officer dictates the level of information transfer.
Don't forget you can always just be arrested for any violation other than open container or speeding. If any party in a contact has a bad attitude it doesn't help the scenario IMO.
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Re: Questions asked by LEO for a ticket


Post by C-dub »

One thing I've noticed around here is that there are several people that say things like, "every time I've been stopped" or "I've been stopped several times and never..."

What in the world are you guys doing that gets you singled out so much? I've been stopped once in the last 10-15 years and as soon as the LEO realized he was in the wrong he got back in his car and took off. I was thinking that maybe his dashcam was on and just wanted to get outta there as quickly as possible. lol
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