We are not arbitrarily detaining anyone. These are terrorist. They swear alegiance to a religious ideal. They are not uniformed organized military from any recognized country. They Are not signatories of any ratified treaty on warfare from any foreign nation.Frost wrote: My understanding is now that you believe the power to arbitrarily detain anyone is an appropriate power of the state, but we have simply allowed the wrong people to wield that power.
Better bureaucrats are not needed. Bureaucrats who believe in the Constitution and BOR and the rights of Citizens of these 50 states are what we need.Frost wrote:If we had better bureaucrats we would not need to fear them labeling the wrong people.
My position so we will be clear:Frost wrote:If they were caught in the act. That is a question of fact that we must have a just process to determine which respects the natural, god given, inalienable and self-evident rights of all people.anygunanywhere wrote: They were caught in the act...
1. Terrorists do not have rights guaranteed by COTUS or BOR.
2. Bringing them to Gitmo was a mistake.
3. Terrorists do not have access to our civilian courts. SCOTUS has no jurisdiction over individuals that do not have our rights.
4. When captured they should have been questioned in a manner consistent with the way they treated Americans they have held captive. Since the world does not define the way they treat us as barbaric then it must be just fine.
5. Once all valuable information was gleaned they should have been executed in a manner consistent with the way they have executed Americans they have held captive. Again, since the world does not define the way they execute captives as barbaric then it must be just fine.
6. I do not care what the world would think about this. Frankly if we actually did this then other nations would not mess with us.
7. Free will. The terrorists made the conscious decision to do what they did. They must understand the consequences of their actions. They want to be martyrs. Give them what they desire!
Some may think I am being inconsistent but I do not. So far what we have done has not eliminateds the problem. Continuing to do what we are doing is insanity.