Can we trust McCain?

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Re: Can we trust McCain?


Post by bauerdj »

Jason73 wrote:I don't trust McCain any more than I trust any other politician; they ALL lie. The problem is I don't have a choice, he is the Republican nominee. I think I'll just stay home on election day.

Don't even get me started on Ron Paul "rlol" , anyone who votes for him will accomplish nothing more than helping the Dems win the presidency just like everyone did when they voted for Ross Perot and handed Bubba Clintoon the presidency as a result.
Staying home on election day is the WORST possible choice. Voting for Ron Paul may be an exercise in futility but it still ranks above not voting. I will vote for the best canidate (lesser of evils in this case) who has a chance to win. I will bring a "barf bag" to the polls with me when I cast my vote.

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Re: Can we trust McCain?


Post by Trainman »

Texasdoc wrote:Trust is a hard thing with career politicins like the McCain ,Clinton,and Obama, Ron Paul is the only one that needs to be in the white house IMHO.
Perhaps he does NEED to be in the white house, but the the more important point here is CAN he win an election to defeat the liberals? The reality check says most likely a big fat NO.
Texasdoc wrote:Back to the question can you trust McCain,NO
More importantly is can you trust McCain more than Hussein Obama or Hillary Clinton?
Do you want to give either of them the opportunity to get the keys to your gun safe?
Again the answer is NO,

I will vote to defeat the democratic ticket, not because I have 100% faith that the republicains will do everything I would like, but because I know the democrats will do what I don't like 100% of the time.
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Re: Can we trust McCain?


Post by boomerang »

Trainman wrote:
Texasdoc wrote:Back to the question can you trust McCain,NO
More importantly is can you trust McCain more than Hussein Obama or Hillary Clinton?
Do you want to give either of them the opportunity to get the keys to your gun safe?
Again the answer is NO,
Sad but true. The answer is NO! I can't trust McCain more than Obama or Clinton.
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Re: Can we trust McCain?


Post by flb_78 »

boomerang wrote:Sad but true. The answer is NO! I can't trust McCain more than Obama or Clinton.
I trust McCain less then Obama. Obama is an elitist socialist, but at least he admits it in his views. McCain can't stab us in back fast enough." onclick=";return false;
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Re: Can we trust McCain?


Post by anygunanywhere »

flb_78 wrote:
boomerang wrote:Sad but true. The answer is NO! I can't trust McCain more than Obama or Clinton.
I trust McCain less then Obama. Obama is an elitist socialist, but at least he admits it in his views. McCain can't stab us in back fast enough.
None of the politicians admit fully their intentions. The recent foot-in-mouth episode from Mad Max Waters is a good example.

If the current ceop of candidates were completely hbonest they would never be elected.

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Re: Can we trust McCain?


Post by jbirds1210 »

Liko81 wrote:
jbirds1210 wrote:Hobson's choice IMO.

Actually, it's a Morton's Fork. A Hobson's choice is equivalent to "my way or the highway"; a Morton's Fork is "would you rather be hung or shot?".
Main Entry: Hob·son's choice
Pronunciation: \ˈhäb-sənz-\
Function: noun
Etymology: Thomas Hobson died 1631 English liveryman, who required every customer to take the horse nearest the door
Date: 1649
1 : an apparently free choice when there is no real alternative
2 : the necessity of accepting one of two or more equally objectionable alternatives

Thanks, but in my opinion there is no real alternative to McCain in the upcoming election. :biggrinjester:
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Re: Can we trust McCain?


Post by The Annoyed Man »

Did anybody see Sean Hannity's interview of McCain last night?
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Re: Can we trust McCain?


Post by nuparadigm »

This is the bumper sticker that says it all .....

Actually, I took it down because it may violate the 10 year-old daughter rule.
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Post by amber »

Voting for McCain is better than voting for Barr but it's best to vote for Obama.

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Re: Can we trust McCain?


Post by Trainman »

miss amber, I do believe you have a liberal agenda.
just joined today and already posted 3 deliberate comments supporting gun control and hussein obama along with a sig for a you tube link.

amber are you the obama girl???

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Re: Can we trust McCain?


Post by yerasimos »

amber wrote:Voting for McCain is better than voting for Barr but it's best to vote for Obama.

As I see things, Ron Paul >>>>> Bob Barr >>>>> McCain >> Obama > Hillary
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Re: Can we trust McCain?


Post by Liberty »

The title of this thread gives me a bit of of a chuckle. I don't think most of us trust any politician, even the ones we like.
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Re: Amber


Post by Charles L. Cotton »

amber wrote:Voting for McCain is better than voting for Barr but it's best to vote for Obama.
Obama is staunchly anti-gun and he supports a federal law banning concealed carry throughout the country. It's interesting that someone who wants to be able to lawfully carry a handgun for self-defense would support Obama.


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Re: Can we trust McCain?


Post by Jason73 »

bauerdj wrote:
Jason73 wrote:I don't trust McCain any more than I trust any other politician; they ALL lie. The problem is I don't have a choice, he is the Republican nominee. I think I'll just stay home on election day.

Don't even get me started on Ron Paul "rlol" , anyone who votes for him will accomplish nothing more than helping the Dems win the presidency just like everyone did when they voted for Ross Perot and handed Bubba Clintoon the presidency as a result.
Staying home on election day is the WORST possible choice. Voting for Ron Paul may be an exercise in futility but it still ranks above not voting. I will vote for the best canidate (lesser of evils in this case) who has a chance to win. I will bring a "barf bag" to the polls with me when I cast my vote.

Dave B.
+1 on the barf bag. :cheers2:

As disgusted as I am with our whole electoral system I agree that staying home isn't the answer. I will indeed go vote for McCain but I won't like it one bit.

amber wrote:Voting for McCain is better than voting for Barr but it's best to vote for Obama.
Why on God's green earth would I vote for the one guy who wants to take away my constitutional rights? I don't know if you have tuned out during the past 6 months or are just some anti who decided to flame this board but Mr Obama is a staunch anti-gun candidate who wants to make concealed carry illegal at the federal level. As far as Im concerned the only thing Obama is good for is wasting oxygen. :banghead: :nono:
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Re: Can we trust McCain?


Post by DoubleJ »

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