Another meeting place

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Another meeting place


Post by Ruark »

Just ate breakfast at a place in Kerrville that would be a GREAT place for a meetup, if anybody's interested. Hill Country Cafe. A smallish place, about 15-20 tables, been there for ages. All food (biscuits, salsa, etc.) is made from scratch and is SCRUMPTIOUS. Best breakfast I've had in decades. Biscuits were light and buttery, gravy was creamy and had sort of a slight sweet flavor. Sausage omelet with cheese was meaty and satisfying, salsa on it was delicious. Hash browns were just browned enough to be slightly crispy. Clientele is mostly conservative good ol' boys; a guy at the next table was open carrying a 1911 and wore a cap with a confederate flag on it. Great service, everything nice and clean. Cash only, but they have an ATM. Great place, five out of five stars.

Anyway, looks like a good possibility for a meetup someday.

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Re: Another meeting place


Post by wally775 »

:tiphat: :txflag:

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Re: Another meeting place


Post by surprise_i'm_armed »

Is Kerrville centrally located enough, in order to tap into the LTC forum members in the Austin/San Antonio area?

A previous thread on an LTC breakfast site seemed to favor San Marcos. I'm North Texas, so I don't know which town would help you to attract the most attendees. But work on it!

By the way, if you central Texas folks want to get a breakfast going, you should probably choose the "2nd Saturday/3rd Saturday/or 4th Saturday" of each month for your breakfasts.

Reason: If you scheduled your breakfasts for "1st Saturdays" of each month, you would decrease your attendance in 3 out of 12 months, to wit:
January - around New Years, July - July 4th, September - Labor Day.

N. Texas LTC's hold 3 breakfasts each month. All are 800 AM. OC is fine.
2nd Saturdays: Rudy's BBQ, N. Dallas Pkwy, N.bound, N. of Main St., Frisco.
3rd Saturdays: Golden Corral, 465 E. I-20, Collins St exit, Arlington.
4th Saturdays: Sunny St. Cafe, off I-20, Exit 415, Mikus Rd, Willow Park.
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