I think the forum is dying

Topics that do not fit anywhere else. Absolutely NO discussions of religion, race, or immigration!

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Re: I think the forum is dying


Post by joe817 »

longtooth wrote: Thu Sep 16, 2021 5:05 pm
madwildcat wrote: Thu Sep 16, 2021 4:59 pm
longtooth wrote: Thu Sep 16, 2021 4:10 pm I still use it as a very good reference when I have a question. I thank everyone on the for that is willing to answer my questions.
I confess I have not been here unless I NEED something. That is as lame as the friend that never calls unless he wants something.
Well, I have simplified life a little so I am going to make a better effort to be a contributor again.
Longtooth, with over 12000 posts, I don't think anyone would have any business saying you didn't contribute enough :mrgreen:
Thank you but I have been off for a long time. Not regular at all. When the forum first startecond I was a Moderator. The 12K posts do not reflect my absence over the last 7yrs. I would be ashamed to know how little I have contributed in that time.
Thank you for your kind words.
Lt, like you, I have not contributed in this forum in any way.....I did at one time with my series of "This Day In Texas History". I loved doing that series, when the discussions were wide and varied....as opposed to now as....one dimensional...ie, political in nature. There ARE some members here that seem to post news articles for the sole purpose of elevating emotions, continuing discord, and in general, continuing to "bait" the members into more radical trains of thought. And for that, I'm very sorrowful.
I joined this forum in 2009, 6 months before I received my CHL. I joined to learn about the responsibilities of gun ownership AND concealed carry laws. There was SO much good and topical information being presented every, single day.....

Now....not so much..... Much to my disappointment.

I would love to continue contributing to this great forum that has taught me so much. However....If this political climate and commentary continues, I will sadly have to admit, that this forum, who I so faithfully served for 12 years, Has served it's purpose.

Longtooth, it was indeed a pleasure to meet you at the Mesquite, Tx TSRA gun show in the convention hall back in, what was it, 2011? That was the year that TSTA had their annual convention there. It was an honor to meet you, and thank you for the spiritual cassette tape you "loaned" me....Someday, I hope to return that to you.

Thank you all for enduring my endless ramblings about what I consider fascinating chapters in Texas History. It was my pleasure to bring this to you all......

Good night and God Bless you all.
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Re: I think the forum is dying


Post by Vol Texan »

joe817 wrote: Sat Sep 25, 2021 10:47 pm
longtooth wrote: Thu Sep 16, 2021 5:05 pm
madwildcat wrote: Thu Sep 16, 2021 4:59 pm
longtooth wrote: Thu Sep 16, 2021 4:10 pm I still use it as a very good reference when I have a question. I thank everyone on the for that is willing to answer my questions.
I confess I have not been here unless I NEED something. That is as lame as the friend that never calls unless he wants something.
Well, I have simplified life a little so I am going to make a better effort to be a contributor again.
Longtooth, with over 12000 posts, I don't think anyone would have any business saying you didn't contribute enough :mrgreen:
Thank you but I have been off for a long time. Not regular at all. When the forum first startecond I was a Moderator. The 12K posts do not reflect my absence over the last 7yrs. I would be ashamed to know how little I have contributed in that time.
Thank you for your kind words.
Lt, like you, I have not contributed in this forum in any way.....I did at one time with my series of "This Day In Texas History". I loved doing that series, when the discussions were wide and varied....as opposed to now as....one dimensional...ie, political in nature. There ARE some members here that seem to post news articles for the sole purpose of elevating emotions, continuing discord, and in general, continuing to "bait" the members into more radical trains of thought. And for that, I'm very sorrowful.
I joined this forum in 2009, 6 months before I received my CHL. I joined to learn about the responsibilities of gun ownership AND concealed carry laws. There was SO much good and topical information being presented every, single day.....

Now....not so much..... Much to my disappointment.

I would love to continue contributing to this great forum that has taught me so much. However....If this political climate and commentary continues, I will sadly have to admit, that this forum, who I so faithfully served for 12 years, Has served it's purpose.

Longtooth, it was indeed a pleasure to meet you at the Mesquite, Tx TSRA gun show in the convention hall back in, what was it, 2011? That was the year that TSTA had their annual convention there. It was an honor to meet you, and thank you for the spiritual cassette tape you "loaned" me....Someday, I hope to return that to you.

Thank you all for enduring my endless ramblings about what I consider fascinating chapters in Texas History. It was my pleasure to bring this to you all......

Good night and God Bless you all.
joe817, I STRONGLY agree with your sentiments above. How this site has become a personal news aggregator for a select VERY FEW members to post constant news stories - that's what keeps me for checking back as often. If I could find a way to block EVERY SINGLE post initiated by one or two select members, that would improve my personal experience on this forum dramatically.

This is NOT the Drudge Report (although this is a bad example, because Drudge has made a 180 on his stances). It is the TexasCHLForum. If I want a news aggregator, I'll visit Bongino's site. I truly wish this endless barrage of news aggregation activity here would stop and stop now.

Mods, if you have any way to influence these few people, please act decisively on it. A majority of us here would be very thankful!

I think it's forum rule #11:
Off-topic posts/threads: Since they tend to cause the most problems for other boards, our "off-topic" sub-forum is not an "anything goes" area. Absolutely no discussions of immigration/border security, abortion, race matters, or any other hot-button political issues. (Gun-related political issues can be discussed in the Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues forum.)

The occasional one-off story is OK, but please help stop the never-ending stream of this from a very few folks. This is the best-run forum I know of. Please help us keep it that way.
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Re: I think the forum is dying


Post by longtooth »

Longtooth, it was indeed a pleasure to meet you at the Mesquite, Tx TSRA gun show in the convention hall back in, what was it, 2011? That was the year that TSTA had their annual convention there. It was an honor to meet you, and thank you for the spiritual cassette tape you "loaned" me....Someday, I hope to return that to you.

I remember that one for sure. I was blessed w/ the work at the CHLforum table and I still have 2 0r 3 copies of the message. If you find anyone that still has a cassette tape player pass it on. I have never wanted anything back when we gave away tapes. Now we are able to do video of the worship services and that is a blessing to our shutins and others too.

joe817, I STRONGLY agree with your sentiments above. How this site has become a personal news aggregator for a select VERY FEW members to post constant news stories - that's what keeps me for checking back as often. If I could find a way to block EVERY SINGLE post initiated by one or two select members, that would improve my personal experience on this forum dramatically.
Me too.

This is NOT the Drudge Report (although this is a bad example, because Drudge has made a 180 on his stances). It is the TexasCHLForum. If I want a news aggregator, I'll visit Bongino's site. I truly wish this endless barrage of news aggregation activity here would stop and stop now.

Mods, if you have any way to influence these few people, please act decisively on it. A majority of us here would be very thankful!

I think it's forum rule #11:
Off-topic posts/threads: Since they tend to cause the most problems for other boards, our "off-topic" sub-forum is not an "anything goes" area. Absolutely no discussions of immigration/border security, abortion, race matters, or any other hot-button political issues. (Gun-related political issues can be discussed in the Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues forum.)
I was a moderator when the discussion and decision took place. I felt then the same as you. I opposed it w/ the fear this would be one of the problems.
Even so I am committed to trying to revitalize the gun works discussion and hope others will too. Any way you cut it this is still the best gun board on the internet. We can discuss gun issues w/o the cussing and don't have to worry about someone posting ugly pictures.
Lets get it back going and forget about the politicians. We do need them. They are the only thing that keeps Washington even a little at bay.
I am not smart enough to be one of them though.
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Re: I think the forum is dying


Post by RoyGBiv »

Vol Texan wrote: Sun Sep 26, 2021 10:20 am How this site has become a personal news aggregator for a select VERY FEW members to post constant news stories - that's what keeps me for checking back as often. If I could find a way to block EVERY SINGLE post initiated by one or two select members, that would improve my personal experience on this forum dramatically.

This is NOT the Drudge Report (although this is a bad example, because Drudge has made a 180 on his stances). It is the TexasCHLForum. If I want a news aggregator, I'll visit Bongino's site. I truly wish this endless barrage of news aggregation activity here would stop and stop now.

Mods, if you have any way to influence these few people, please act decisively on it. A majority of us here would be very thankful!
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Re: I think the forum is dying


Post by anygunanywhere »

So if news about what is going on in our deteriorating society isn't posted by a few members, then there will be even less reason to visit the forum.

Killing it softly.

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Re: I think the forum is dying


Post by 03Lightningrocks »

anygunanywhere wrote: Mon Sep 27, 2021 12:41 pm So if news about what is going on in our deteriorating society isn't posted by a few members, then there will be even less reason to visit the forum.

Killing it softly.

Yep. I will also note that the ones complaining of this, could always begin posting their own starter threads related to weapons, gun or otherwise. The news stories I have seen are always weapons related in one form or the other. One can only have so many discussions over a 30.06 sign before it has been beat to death.
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Re: I think the forum is dying


Post by Paladin »

03Lightningrocks wrote: Mon Sep 27, 2021 1:04 pm
anygunanywhere wrote: Mon Sep 27, 2021 12:41 pm So if news about what is going on in our deteriorating society isn't posted by a few members, then there will be even less reason to visit the forum.

Killing it softly.

Yep. I will also note that the ones complaining of this, could always begin posting their own starter threads related to weapons, gun or otherwise. The news stories I have seen are always weapons related in one form or the other. One can only have so many discussions over a 30.06 sign before it has been beat to death.

At this point in the state of the world, I am far, far less inclined to share firearms information with people who are not:

#1. Committed to the US Constitution and Bill of Rights (which are currently under massive attack)
#2. Wholeheartedly supporting the 2nd Amendment and groups that promote it (the enemy is literally trying to SHUT DOWN the NRA and has falsely demonized the organization as well as called recruiters "extremists" and members "terrorists"... apparently supporting freedom, Bill of Rights, and gun safety is "terrorism" in Clown world)
#3. Recognizing that the all of the vast money and power of the government of the United States of America is extraordinarily valuable to bad actors and has manifestly been stolen in the most recent election... and those that have stolen the election see the American majority as a threat to their illegitimate rule.
Last edited by Paladin on Mon Sep 27, 2021 2:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: I think the forum is dying


Post by ScottDLS »

anygunanywhere wrote: Mon Sep 27, 2021 12:41 pm So if news about what is going on in our deteriorating society isn't posted by a few members, then there will be even less reason to visit the forum.

Killing it softly.

I like the news topics that are posted in "off topic" if not directly gun related. I don't do FakeBook or Twaddler anymore, so I enjoy engaging on Forums like this with people who share a common interest in Texas CHL/LTC and Gun Related Topics. Wehn there is an off topic section in a forum, I like to check it out, because there tends to be a lot of thoughtful discussion with members who are already familiar from their gun topic posts. This kind of forum is what "social media" is supposed to be about...an affinity group for people who share interests in common.
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Re: I think the forum is dying


Post by 03Lightningrocks »

ScottDLS wrote: Mon Sep 27, 2021 2:22 pm
anygunanywhere wrote: Mon Sep 27, 2021 12:41 pm So if news about what is going on in our deteriorating society isn't posted by a few members, then there will be even less reason to visit the forum.

Killing it softly.

I like the news topics that are posted in "off topic" if not directly gun related. I don't do FakeBook or Twaddler anymore, so I enjoy engaging on Forums like this with people who share a common interest in Texas CHL/LTC and Gun Related Topics. Wehn there is an off topic section in a forum, I like to check it out, because there tends to be a lot of thoughtful discussion with members who are already familiar from their gun topic posts. This kind of forum is what "social media" is supposed to be about...an affinity group for people who share interests in common.

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Re: I think the forum is dying


Post by chasfm11 »

ScottDLS wrote: Mon Sep 27, 2021 2:22 pm
anygunanywhere wrote: Mon Sep 27, 2021 12:41 pm So if news about what is going on in our deteriorating society isn't posted by a few members, then there will be even less reason to visit the forum.

Killing it softly.

I like the news topics that are posted in "off topic" if not directly gun related. I don't do FakeBook or Twaddler anymore, so I enjoy engaging on Forums like this with people who share a common interest in Texas CHL/LTC and Gun Related Topics. Wehn there is an off topic section in a forum, I like to check it out, because there tends to be a lot of thoughtful discussion with members who are already familiar from their gun topic posts. This kind of forum is what "social media" is supposed to be about...an affinity group for people who share interests in common.
:iagree: :iagree: The intellectual level of the conversations here VASTLY exceed the same topic on regular social media. I love the discussions and even the disagreements. The links to sources are important to me and I appreciate all who provide them.
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Re: I think the forum is dying


Post by anygunanywhere »

ScottDLS wrote: Mon Sep 27, 2021 2:22 pm
anygunanywhere wrote: Mon Sep 27, 2021 12:41 pm So if news about what is going on in our deteriorating society isn't posted by a few members, then there will be even less reason to visit the forum.

Killing it softly.

I like the news topics that are posted in "off topic" if not directly gun related. I don't do FakeBook or Twaddler anymore, so I enjoy engaging on Forums like this with people who share a common interest in Texas CHL/LTC and Gun Related Topics. Wehn there is an off topic section in a forum, I like to check it out, because there tends to be a lot of thoughtful discussion with members who are already familiar from their gun topic posts. This kind of forum is what "social media" is supposed to be about...an affinity group for people who share interests in common.
I too am off all social media except LinkedIn which I use for work. I frequent many blogs but this forum is still my main go to place for information.
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Re: I think the forum is dying


Post by Tex1961 »

I just realized that last week marks 4 years joining the forum for me. I had to smile and even laugh a few times at some of my very first posts. So completely clueless and half scared walking around with a fire arm strapped to my side. The amount of knowledge and information that I have gleaned from this forum is incalculable. I’ve met quite a few fellow members here, bought, sold and traded several items. Now I’m the LTC instructor doling out advice to students and gun owners. Pretty wild.
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Re: I think the forum is dying


Post by RPBrown »

ScottDLS wrote: Mon Sep 27, 2021 2:22 pm
anygunanywhere wrote: Mon Sep 27, 2021 12:41 pm So if news about what is going on in our deteriorating society isn't posted by a few members, then there will be even less reason to visit the forum.

Killing it softly.

I like the news topics that are posted in "off topic" if not directly gun related. I don't do FakeBook or Twaddler anymore, so I enjoy engaging on Forums like this with people who share a common interest in Texas CHL/LTC and Gun Related Topics. Wehn there is an off topic section in a forum, I like to check it out, because there tends to be a lot of thoughtful discussion with members who are already familiar from their gun topic posts. This kind of forum is what "social media" is supposed to be about...an affinity group for people who share interests in common.
:iagree: Although I am still on Facebook, only to keep up with the goings on in my family that live scattered across the country (mostly grandkids), this is still my go to place. I don't watch the news anymore except to see the weather if I know storms are coming. That's how I schedule my workers. I'm not on Twitter or IG or any other social media outlet. I have enough to worry about at home.
Most of the news I get are from this forum. I have learned a wealth of information here and still learn something new from time to time. I don't post much but I am here at least once a day, usually about this time of the morning while I am by myself at the office. For the most part, everyone here has been great. Sure, there is an occasional "member" come on board to try to stir things up but they get outed pretty quickly.
As for the political posts, Yes, they can be annoying and even cause some dissention amongst us, but the Mods do a pretty good job of keeping it civil and for that, I appreciate what they do. That's what makes this forum one of the best online and the only one I frequent regularly. Just my .02.
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