FBI asks you to look for extremism at home

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Re: FBI asks you to look for extremism at home


Post by crazy2medic »

Paladin wrote: Wed Jul 21, 2021 12:42 pm
philip964 wrote: Wed Jul 21, 2021 12:11 pm https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/ke ... -informant

Apparently the men arrested for plotting to kidnap the Governor of Michigan say they were entrapped by the FBI.

More idiots.
This is a recurrent theme of the Terror Factory:
the man who’d advised them on where to put the explosives — and offered to get them as much as the task would require — was an undercover FBI agent
The FBI proposing bombings and providing explosives. During the 1993 WTC bombing the FBI provided the bomb. The 1993 bombers had the intent of destroying the World Trade Center and the FBI informant build THEM the BOMB with FBI explosives.
Also the Terrorist that drove the truck was having difficulty obtaining a Driver's license, the FBI assisted with that also!
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Re: FBI asks you to look for extremism at home


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More Similarities Between the Whitmer Plot and January 6
The precursor to the kidnapping ruse, interestingly, was a plan to attack the state capitol in Lansing. The parallels are uncanny.

For example, Garbin met with a few wannabe terrorists at a Second Amendment rally in Michigan’s capital on June 18, 2020, to recruit “200 people to storm the Capitol, try any politician they caught for ‘treason,’ and execute them by hanging them on live television,” according to his plea agreement. Ironically, on January 6, some protesters were heard chanting “Hang Mike Pence” and a makeshift gallow with a noose had been erected on the west side of the Capitol in a now-iconic image of that day....

But an anti-lockdown protest in April 2020, which involved “Thor” and presumably other FBI assets, draws even more comparisons to January 6. Wearing a wire, “Thor” went to Lansing on April 30 to meet up with members of the “Wolverine Watchmen,” alleged militia members who would later be charged in the kidnapping scheme. After “Thor” communicated with his FBI handlers, according to a BuzzFeed investigation into the case, “something surprising happened. The Michigan State Police stood down and let the protesters—including those in full tactical gear—enter the building unopposed. They could even bring their guns.”

Police stood down and let protesters wearing military garb into the building? Where have we heard this before?
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Re: FBI asks you to look for extremism at home


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RT: Court documents reveal how the FBI funded a neo-Nazi terror group
Today the FBI are working hard to further discredit themselves. In particular, they seem to have developed a problem with financially supporting cults, and even encouraging terrorism where it did not necessarily exist. This phenomenon appears to occur when a federal mandate allocates funds for the pursuit of certain groups; this often seems to create a desperation to ‘meet quotas’ and to acquire promotions for solving cases related to the mandate, which is usually a media hot-topic. Where relevant cases prove hard to find, an ambitious agent or department tends to create one by pushing a likely target group of credulous losers in the right direction....

Where the parties interested in cracking down on this domestic ‘white supremacist terror’ have had difficulty is in naming any specific groups who actually warrant rounding up and arresting, legally. But apparently, where need exists (and once federal funds have been allocated), a perpetrator will eventually emerge.

With enough prodding and money from the FBI itself.
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Re: FBI asks you to look for extremism at home


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FBI Fires Lead Agent In Whitmer Kidnapping Case
The FBI agent credited with foiling Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s kidnapping plot no longer works for the agency after he was charged with allegedly smashing his wife’s head into a nightstand and choking her after a swingers’ sex party.

The Detroit News first reported the firing of former Special Agent Richard Trask, 39, who took the public face of the investigation, testifying in court.

However, the FBI dropped Trask as a witness after social media posts calling former President Donald Trump a “_” and other expletives surfaced.
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Re: FBI asks you to look for extremism at home


Post by longtooth »

OldCurlyWolf wrote: Sat Jul 17, 2021 10:43 pm I used to have some respect for the FBI.
Not for the last 20+ years.
I don't know how old you are OldCurlyWolf but at 71 I have to fully agree w/ the + by at least another 20years.
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Re: FBI asks you to look for extremism at home


Post by OldCurlyWolf »

longtooth wrote: Tue Sep 14, 2021 11:00 am
OldCurlyWolf wrote: Sat Jul 17, 2021 10:43 pm I used to have some respect for the FBI.
Not for the last 20+ years.
I don't know how old you are OldCurlyWolf but at 71 I have to fully agree w/ the + by at least another 20years.
Right behind you at 68
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Re: FBI asks you to look for extremism at home


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FBI fires agent ahead of Senate testimony for USA Gymnastics sex abuse scandal
the FBI has fired the agent who sources say did not properly pursue tips about now-disgraced USA Gymnastics national team doctor Larry Nassar
US gymnasts slam FBI, USA Gymnastics, Olympic committee over Nassar abuse
"We suffered and continue to suffer because no one at the FBI, USAG or USOPC did what was necessary to protect us," Biles said.

Maroney, who won a team gold medal at the 2012 London Olympics, said she reported the abuse by USA Gymnastics doctor Nassar to the Federal Bureau of Investigation in 2015.

"They allowed a child molester to go free for more than a year," the 25-year-old Maroney told the Senate Judiciary Committee. "They had legal, legitimate evidence of child abuse and did nothing."

Nassar, 58, is serving a life sentence after pleading guilty in late 2017 and early 2018 to sexually assaulting women and girls while working as a sports medicine doctor at USA Gymnastics and Michigan State University (MSU).
FBI didn't just ignore Epstein's sex crimes...
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Re: FBI asks you to look for extremism at home


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Half agree: Jan. 6 suspects are 'political prisoners'
49% said that those jailed for violence and other charges are being held as “political prisoners.” Some 30% “strongly” agree...Notably, 45% of Democrats agree that the more than 500 arrested are political prisoners.
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Re: FBI asks you to look for extremism at home


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"What is the point of reporting abuse if our own FBI agents are going to take it upon themselves to bury that report in a drawer?" {Maroney} added...."It truly feels like the FBI turned a blind eye to us and went out of its way to help protect," USA Gymnastics and the United States Olympic and Paralympic Committee, Biles testified while holding back tears.

"A message needs to be sent: If you allow a predator to harm children, the consequences will be swift and severe. Enough is enough," she said.
Raisman called for more investigation into how the Nassar probe was mishandled and said that the FBI pressured her to accept Nassar's plea deal.

"The agent diminished the significance of my abuse. It made me feel my criminal case wasn't worth pursuing," Raisman said.

"After telling my entire story of abuse to the FBI in the summer of 2015, not only did the FBI not report my abuse, but when they eventually documented the report 17 months later, they made entirely false claims about what I said," Maroney recalled.

"The Department of Justice refused to prosecute these individuals. Why?" Maroney said, while calling out Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco for her absence at the hearing Wednesday. "It is the Department of Justice's job to hold them accountable. I am tired of waiting for people to do the right thing, because my abuse was enough and we deserve justice."
McKayla Maroney: FBI made 'entirely false claims about what I said'

Between this and Epstein's case there is a pattern of the FBI and DOJ PROTECTING PROLIFIC CHILD ABUSERS

Alex Jones was way ahead on this whole list:

*Synthetic terror? -Check
*COINTELPRO continuing? - Check
*FBI protecting child abusers -Check
*FBI and their informants making up the majority of radical "militia" members -Check

Last edited by Paladin on Thu Sep 16, 2021 4:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: FBI asks you to look for extremism at home


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Anti-American Extremists cover up possible 9/11 Saudi Government Links for 20 years:

FBI Releases Declassified File Of Probe Into Possible 9/11 Saudi Government Links
A lawyer for the families of 9/11 victims said conclusions “validate arguments we have made in litigation regarding the Saudi government’s responsibility.”
How can these people even live with themselves???
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Re: FBI asks you to look for extremism at home


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J6 'Chaos' Total Bust For Media As Cops, Journalists And FBI Appear To Outnumber Protesters
a man dressed in 'Antifa' clothing - was an undercover member of law enforcement who was detained and then led away by police.

"Are you undercover?" the officers asked the masked man, who gave them a badge.

I guess not anymore.
This is more than suggestive that the FBI is behind ANTIFA:

If the stand downs during the riots of 2020 and FBI investigation of Kyle Rittenhouse, instead of the organized mob violence against him wasn't already enough.
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Re: FBI asks you to look for extremism at home


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Found some more extremists:

FBI Delayed Helping Victims of Russian Ransomware Attacks for three weeks
The digital key was retrieved through access to the servers of the Russia-based criminal gang behind the July ransomware attack. Using the key immediately could have helped the victims, including schools and hospitals, avoid millions of dollars in recovery costs, The Washington Post reported....the FBI withheld using the key because it was planning an operation to disrupt the Russian hackers group known as REvil, and the bureau did not want to tip them off. The planned operation never took place
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Re: FBI asks you to look for extremism at home


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Extremists need funding, and banks are where the money's at!

For an organization that was famous for stopping bank robbers, they seem to have come full circle: FBI wants to keep fortune in cash, gold, jewels from Beverly Hills raid.
When FBI agents asked for permission to rip hundreds of safe deposit boxes from the walls of a Beverly Hills business and haul them away, U.S. Magistrate Steve Kim set some strict limits on the raid.

The business, U.S. Private Vaults, had been charged in a sealed indictment with conspiring to sell drugs and launder money. Its customers had not.

So the FBI could seize the boxes themselves, Kim decided, but had to return what was inside to the owners...

Yet the FBI is now trying to confiscate $86 million in cash and millions of dollars more in jewelry and other valuables that agents found in 369 of the boxes.

Prosecutors claim the forfeiture is justified because the unnamed box holders were engaged in criminal activity. They have disclosed no evidence to support the allegation.
The temporary restraining order issued Tuesday by U.S. District Judge R. Gary Klausner marked a setback for the FBI in its attempt to keep as much as $86 million in cash and millions of dollars more in jewelry, gold and other valuables that agents took from 369 safe deposit boxes at the U.S. Private Vaults store on Olympic Boulevard.
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Re: FBI asks you to look for extremism at home


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New Evidence of FBI Involvement in the 1/6 Protest -- Glenn Greenwald with Darren Beattie:

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Re: FBI asks you to look for extremism at home


Post by philip964 »

https://www.forbes.com/sites/thomasbrew ... rch-users/

Keyword warrants given to Google.

Give us the name of everyone who searched for the name or an address during this time period.

Powerful tool.
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