What exactly did Trump Jr. do wrong?

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Re: What exactly did Trump Jr. do wrong?


Post by der Teufel »

Bitter Clinger wrote:
der Teufel wrote: The emails sent by Donald Trump Jr. say different. — http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-40571914
Seriously? That is your source? APPLESAUCE.

(sigh) Did you even bother to look at the BBC article? All it contains are the emails sent received by Donald Trump Jr. There's little or no commentary. As Joe Friday used to say "Just the facts, Ma'am".

The emails contain such gems as:

On 3 June 2016, at 10:36, Rob Goldstone (publicist) wrote:
Good morning
Emin (Agalarov, Azerbaijani businessman and singer-songwriter) just called and asked me to contact you with something very interesting.
The Crown prosecutor of Russia met with his father Aras (Agalarov, Azerbaijani-Russian businessman and public figure) this morning and in their meeting offered to provide the Trump campaign with some official documents and information that would incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia and be very useful to your father.
This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government's support for Mr Trump - helped along by Aras and Emin.

Did you catch the part where he tells Don T Jr. that "This is … part of Russia and its government's support for Mr. Trump …" ?

A few days later —
On 7 June 2016, at 16:20, Rob Goldstone wrote:
Hope all is well
Emin asked that I schedule a meeting with you and The Russian government attorney who is flying over from Moscow for this Thursday.
I believe you are aware of the meeting - and so wondered if 3pm or later on Thursday works for you?
I assume it would be at your office.
Rob Goldstone

On 7 June 2016, at 17:16, Donald Trump Jr wrote:
How about 3 at our offices? Thanks rob appreciate you helping set it up.

Did you note where Goldstone wrote "Russian government attorney"?

It's gonna be pretty tough for Don T Jr. to claim he didn't know the Russian government was involved.

And your sources are (besides Breitbart) ?????
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Re: What exactly did Trump Jr. do wrong?


Post by Bitter Clinger »

der Teufel wrote:
Bitter Clinger wrote:
der Teufel wrote: The emails sent by Donald Trump Jr. say different. — http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-40571914
Seriously? That is your source? APPLESAUCE.

(sigh) Did you even bother to look at the BBC article? All it contains are the emails sent received by Donald Trump Jr. There's little or no commentary. As Joe Friday used to say "Just the facts, Ma'am".

The emails contain such gems as:

On 3 June 2016, at 10:36, Rob Goldstone (publicist) wrote:
Good morning
Emin (Agalarov, Azerbaijani businessman and singer-songwriter) just called and asked me to contact you with something very interesting.
The Crown prosecutor of Russia met with his father Aras (Agalarov, Azerbaijani-Russian businessman and public figure) this morning and in their meeting offered to provide the Trump campaign with some official documents and information that would incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia and be very useful to your father.
This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government's support for Mr Trump - helped along by Aras and Emin.

Did you catch the part where he tells Don T Jr. that "This is … part of Russia and its government's support for Mr. Trump …" ?

A few days later —
On 7 June 2016, at 16:20, Rob Goldstone wrote:
Hope all is well
Emin asked that I schedule a meeting with you and The Russian government attorney who is flying over from Moscow for this Thursday.
I believe you are aware of the meeting - and so wondered if 3pm or later on Thursday works for you?
I assume it would be at your office.
Rob Goldstone

On 7 June 2016, at 17:16, Donald Trump Jr wrote:
How about 3 at our offices? Thanks rob appreciate you helping set it up.

Did you note where Goldstone wrote "Russian government attorney"?

It's gonna be pretty tough for Don T Jr. to claim he didn't know the Russian government was involved.

And your sources are (besides Breitbart) ?????
OMG, you are so right. How could I possibly have discounted the NOT UNDER OATH email dribble, er...statements of an Azerbaijani "business man" and a "publicist"? I am simply shamed by your superior abilities to gather and disseminate such compelling evidence "rlol"

Since you asked, here is the Brietbart piece:
http://www.breitbart.com/big-government ... for-years/
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Re: What exactly did Trump Jr. do wrong?


Post by der Teufel »

Okay, I'm good with that. You've pretty much made my case.

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Re: What exactly did Trump Jr. do wrong?


Post by Bitter Clinger »

der Teufel wrote:Okay, I'm good with that. You've pretty much made my case.

You are welcome. You are a most gracious loser. :cheers2:
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Re: What exactly did Trump Jr. do wrong?


Post by der Teufel »

I dunno, it seems you're working pretty hard to deliberately misunderstand everything I've written.
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Re: What exactly did Trump Jr. do wrong?


Post by Bitter Clinger »

der Teufel wrote:I dunno, it seems you're working pretty hard to deliberately misunderstand everything I've written.
Nope. Got you loud and clear. You have a case of Trump Derangement Syndrome and since you already have a conclusion that you like, you search fake news sources to support your forgone conclusion.

There is no crime. There is no collusion. Stick to writing about firearms.
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Re: What exactly did Trump Jr. do wrong?


Post by bblhd672 »

der Teufel wrote:
mloamiller wrote:Based on the info above, I does seem obvious the Russian government was involved, but there is still an element of "so what?"

I think the issue here is that foreign governments and entities (companies, individuals) are not supposed to interfere in US elections. Candidates cannot accept contributions from foreign entities, nor should they accept other assistance. It comes down to meddling in our election process. That's the issue. A foreign government (Russia) attempted to interfere in a US election, and Donald Trump Jr. apparently was willing to go along with that. Such actions are not legal.
Obama openly attempts to influence elections in other countries- everyone on the left yawns.
Clintons' receive billions from foreign governments for speeches and their foundation- everyone on the left yawns.
Anyone named Trump or anyone connected with Trump has any connection to anyone in Russia- the left screams high crimes and treason.

It's a left wing campaign to bring down anyone named Trump. Even some Dems and media admit no laws have been broken. Time to move on and allow the President and Congress to get to work on the serious matters this country is facing.
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Re: What exactly did Trump Jr. do wrong?


Post by treadlightly »

We'll have a better America under Trump and that's good enough for me, at least for the most part.

All of our leaders are flawed in various ways. I'll take a crook who's leveraging America First over Hillary any day of the week.

As far as election hacking, ever heard the phrase "garbage in, garbage out?" A corollary would be if you can't vet the garbage going in, you can't trust the garbage coming out.

It is a copyright violation, in all cases I'm aware of, to examine the proprietary ballots used in electronic elections. In Texas, it's actually illegal to have ballots in a secret format. All ballots are required to have specimens (different from samples) for public review. There are never specimens of the blank electronic ballots in those precincts like mine where regular voting is entirely electronic.

By extension of the fact blank ballots are prohibited from public view, ballots can't be audited. The single-source voting software is the only allowable view. Hack that, the election is yours.

Something in, something out. Could be American freedom, could be garbage. We are not permitted to know, and nobody in power cares.

If it weren't for a way to attack Trump, nobody in power would care if Russia hacked elections here, either, because we don't seem to care about domestic hacking.
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Re: What exactly did Trump Jr. do wrong?


Post by Jusme »

treadlightly wrote:We'll have a better America under Trump and that's good enough for me, at least for the most part.

All of our leaders are flawed in various ways. I'll take a crook who's leveraging America First over Hillary any day of the week.

As far as election hacking, ever heard the phrase "garbage in, garbage out?" A corollary would be if you can't vet the garbage going in, you can't trust the garbage coming out.

It is a copyright violation, in all cases I'm aware of, to examine the proprietary ballots used in electronic elections. In Texas, it's actually illegal to have ballots in a secret format. All ballots are required to have specimens (different from samples) for public review. There are never specimens of the blank electronic ballots in those precincts like mine where regular voting is entirely electronic.

By extension of the fact blank ballots are prohibited from public view, ballots can't be audited. The single-source voting software is the only allowable view. Hack that, the election is yours.

Something in, something out. Could be American freedom, could be garbage. We are not permitted to know, and nobody in power cares.

If it weren't for a way to attack Trump, nobody in power would care if Russia hacked elections here, either, because we don't seem to care about domestic hacking.
There is not one shred of evidence that Russia, or for that matter, China, North Korea, or any other foreign government, "hacked" anything, or managed to influence votes, during the election. All we know is that they "attempted" to do those things. The only ones claiming Russian "hacking" are the DNC, andHRC campaign. They claimed that after their emails were outed by Wikileaks. The DNC refused to allow the DOJ, or any other government entity to view their servers, even after they were subpeoned. (Comey even testified to this fact) the whole,fake collusion narrative was an attempt to distract from the corrupt DNC, and HRC. The MSM, barely mentioned the content of the leaked emails, because they were so damning to the crooks.
This whole DTjr thing, was a set up, perpetrated to try continue a false narrative. Should DTjr, have agreed to the meeting? In hindsight probably not, but the Trumps aren't politicians, and don't understand the deep state, corruption, and dirty tricks games yet, but they are learning. If nothing else, Trump is showing everyone exactly how to deal with the MSM, and making them self destruct.
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Re: What exactly did Trump Jr. do wrong?


Post by ScottDLS »

I know for a fact that a Russian satellite beamed a mind control ray at my head and made me switch my write in for Jeb! to checking the box for Trump. This was done at the direction of an Azerbaijani pop star via DJT Jr. If I had been wearing my tin-foil hat the ray wouldn't have gotten through, but the poll workers made me take it off saying it was "Electioneering" for Gary Johnson. :biggrinjester:
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Re: What exactly did Trump Jr. do wrong?


Post by treadlightly »

Jusme wrote:
There is not one shred of evidence that Russia, or for that matter, China, North Korea, or any other foreign government, "hacked" anything, or managed to influence votes, during the election. All we know is that they "attempted" to do those things. The only ones claiming Russian "hacking" are the DNC, andHRC campaign. They claimed that after their emails were outed by Wikileaks. The DNC refused to allow the DOJ, or any other government entity to view their servers, even after they were subpeoned. (Comey even testified to this fact) the whole,fake collusion narrative was an attempt to distract from the corrupt DNC, and HRC. The MSM, barely mentioned the content of the leaked emails, because they were so damning to the crooks.
This whole DTjr thing, was a set up, perpetrated to try continue a false narrative. Should DTjr, have agreed to the meeting? In hindsight probably not, but the Trumps aren't politicians, and don't understand the deep state, corruption, and dirty tricks games yet, but they are learning. If nothing else, Trump is showing everyone exactly how to deal with the MSM, and making them self destruct.
I haven't followed all the mainstream lies like I should, just been busy.

My point is that if anyone in power cared about election security there would have been changes made long ago. Our elections depend on vulnerable designs.

The reason I don't hack elections is because I was raised better than that. That's wrong. The elections should be secure, not dependent on my good rearing.

Fortunately, if I were going to hack elections I'd end up like the engineer sentenced to the guillotine. He's tied down, his neck is in the blocks, the executioner gives the trip lanyard a might heave, and... nothing. He yanks again, nothing. He's about to give it a third yank and the condemned engineer pipes up. "Ok, hang on, I think I see the problem."

That would be me. Just as soon as I found the crack to stuff a logic bomb in I'd want to sound off and fix the problem. I'd never finish a decent hack.

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Re: What exactly did Trump Jr. do wrong?


Post by parabelum »

Where was all the outrage when Obama meddled using our money in Israeli election etc.? How about that detestable witch and her real collusion with foreign governments?

Many things I'm not a big fan of when it comes to Trump, his kids (not elected) and SIL in high positions that appear nepotistic to me when I thought they'd be running the business only... :headscratch
Trump Jr. should have never have had such email trail nor should he have released this information just yet. I think he was being baited and he fell right in.

But anywho, I'm just glad that witch is off the scene, for now.
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Re: What exactly did Trump Jr. do wrong?


Post by Bitter Clinger »

ScottDLS wrote:I know for a fact that a Russian satellite beamed a mind control ray at my head and made me switch my write in for Jeb! to checking the box for Trump. This was done at the direction of an Azerbaijani pop star via DJT Jr. If I had been wearing my tin-foil hat the ray wouldn't have gotten through, but the poll workers made me take it off saying it was "Electioneering" for Gary Johnson. :biggrinjester:
That is why I have taken to wearing grounding heel straps and sleeping in a Faraday cage. :roll:
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Re: What exactly did Trump Jr. do wrong?


Post by Jusme »

ScottDLS wrote:I know for a fact that a Russian satellite beamed a mind control ray at my head and made me switch my write in for Jeb! to checking the box for Trump. This was done at the direction of an Azerbaijani pop star via DJT Jr. If I had been wearing my tin-foil hat the ray wouldn't have gotten through, but the poll workers made me take it off saying it was "Electioneering" for Gary Johnson. :biggrinjester:

The worst part for me was my insatiable craving for vodka after voting, especially since I don't like vodka. I had left my tin-foil hat, in my truck along with my gun, so I wasn't protected either. :smilelol5:
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Re: What exactly did Trump Jr. do wrong?


Post by Soccerdad1995 »

der Teufel wrote:
mloamiller wrote:Based on the info above, I does seem obvious the Russian government was involved, but there is still an element of "so what?"

I think the issue here is that foreign governments and entities (companies, individuals) are not supposed to interfere in US elections. Candidates cannot accept contributions from foreign entities, nor should they accept other assistance. It comes down to meddling in our election process. That's the issue. A foreign government (Russia) attempted to interfere in a US election, and Donald Trump Jr. apparently was willing to go along with that. Such actions are not legal.
Are "news" outlets supposed to meddle in our elections? Are the moderators of a "debate" supposed to give one candidate questions ahead of time to help them prepare? There are a lot of things that aren't supposed to happen in a perfect world, but they do happen. Should we launch a congressional investigation into every entity that meddled in the last election, regardless of any allegations of an actual crime?
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