Obama's continuing legacy

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Re: Obama's continuing legacy


Post by Skiprr »

Fox News Channel is reporting right now that the Penguin Random House deal for two books from the Obamas is valued at $65 million, not $60 million. But, hey. What's a few million between friends?
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Re: Obama's continuing legacy


Post by bblhd672 »

Skiprr wrote:
bblhd672 wrote:Penguin Random House just flushed $60 million down the progressive drain.
What? You mean that you won't be pre-ordering the hardcovers on Amazon as soon as they're posted? And giving the books as Christmas presents?

Nope...not even though I've heard that there will be 37 chapters describing Obama's favorite taxpayer funded vacations and golf outings.
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Re: Obama's continuing legacy


Post by anygunanywhere »

Jusme wrote:
Skiprr wrote:
bblhd672 wrote:Penguin Random House just flushed $60 million down the progressive drain.
What? You mean that you won't be pre-ordering the hardcovers on Amazon as soon as they're posted? And giving the books as Christmas presents?


I could use the pages to line a bird cage, but I'm afraid I'd be charged with animal cruelty. :biggrinjester:
I was thinking more like outhouse paper.
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Re: Obama's continuing legacy


Post by philip964 »

During the bad days, I was buying books and DVD's (but not necessarily reading) of people who took a conservative view, 13 Hours, Clinton scandals, Anne Coulter, etc.

It was all I could do.

Now it will be Obama and Clinton scandals, etc.

I won't be buying their books.

Hopefully the publisher won't be getting their money back in book sales.

I will be watching to see if the Obama's take a Christmas vacation in Hawaii this year.
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Re: Obama's continuing legacy


Post by Jusme »

philip964 wrote:During the bad days, I was buying books and DVD's (but not necessarily reading) of people who took a conservative view, 13 Hours, Clinton scandals, Anne Coulter, etc.

It was all I could do.

Now it will be Obama and Clinton scandals, etc.

I won't be buying their books.

Hopefully the publisher won't be getting their money back in book sales.

I will be watching to see if the Obama's take a Christmas vacation in Hawaii this year.

I will donate to send them to more exotic locales.....
Maybe Syria, Iraq, Crimea, or anywhere else they can be out of the country.
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Re: Obama's continuing legacy


Post by Abraham »


Who makes up their readership? I can't imagine self-aggrandizing books by the O's will garner much attraction even to die hard libs.

So, is this just a wink-wink strawman to give them sixty-five million?
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Re: Obama's continuing legacy


Post by Skiprr »

Abraham wrote:Skiprr,

Who makes up their readership? I can't imagine self-aggrandizing books by the O's will garner much attraction even to die hard libs.

So, is this just a wink-wink strawman to give them sixty-five million?
Oh, they are most definitely one of the largest book publishers out there. They can afford it, and I expect them to market the dickens out of the books.

The publisher (now a "holding house"?) came about in 2013 when German mega-media corporation Bertelsmann SE, who owned Random House (originally founded 1925 in the US), agreed with England's Pearson PLC, who owned Penguin Group (originally founded 1935 in the UK), to merge the two operations with Bertelsmann retaining majority ownership. The merger deal was valued at about $3.8 billion.

From the Penguin Random House website:
At a Glance
  • Established on July 1, 2013
  • Shareholders: Bertelsmann 53% and Pearson 47%
  • Headquartered in New York City with operations in 20 countries across five continents
  • Made up of 250 editorially and creatively independent imprints
  • Comprised of adult and children’s fiction and nonfiction print and digital trade book publishing
  • Employs more than 12,000 people globally
  • Publishes 70,000 digital and 15,000 print titles annually, with more than 100,000 eBooks available worldwide
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Re: Obama's continuing legacy


Post by bblhd672 »

And where will the $60 million go?

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... z4aB7GiRVn
Barack Obama is turning his new home in the posh Kalorama section of the nation's capital - just two miles away from the White House - into the nerve center of the mounting insurgency against his successor, President Donald J. Trump.

Obama's goal, according to a close family friend, is to oust Trump from the presidency either by forcing his resignation or through his impeachment.
The left lies about everything. Truth is a liberal value, and truth is a conservative value, but it has never been a left-wing value. People on the left say whatever advances their immediate agenda. Power is their moral lodestar; therefore, truth is always subservient to it. - Dennis Prager

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Re: Obama's continuing legacy


Post by Abraham »

O is a snake.

He hates America and Americans.

He sees President Trump, even with obstructionist democrats doing their best to block at every step his positive action, who has accomplished more in his short tenure than that fraud O accomplished in eight years.

Ah wait, he, President Trump has accomplished more in a "positive, pro-America effort" vs O's anti-America efforts, which yes, were many...O did a lot to bring America down, as I'm completely convinced he was/is determined to bring down America.

Perhaps, I'm being too hard on O. He's shown love, for the Castro brothers, Hugo Chavez (when he was above ground) and kowtowed to 3rd world despots of every stripe. He hates Israel, which is mind boggling if you don't question his anti-Israel, pro-Palestinian bent. And yet, naive Americans just loved him and I'm perplexed as to why - his America is evil mantra is accepted by these gullible dimwits...

O is behind a lot of the anti-Trump effort. He's orchestrating the so-called protestors, which are actually not legitimately disaffected Americans. What they are really is paid agent provocateurs.

I'm disgusted by this past American President who through gullible voters actually became President.

He, O, I hope will be discovered for he's doing, will be found guilty and go to jail for his crimes.

OK, I'm dreaming, but hope springs eternal, blah, blah, blah....
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Re: Obama's continuing legacy


Post by mojo84 »

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Re: Obama's continuing legacy


Post by bblhd672 »

Mark Levin to Congress: Investigate Obama’s ‘Silent Coup’ vs. Trump

http://www.breitbart.com/big-government ... ine-trump/
The left lies about everything. Truth is a liberal value, and truth is a conservative value, but it has never been a left-wing value. People on the left say whatever advances their immediate agenda. Power is their moral lodestar; therefore, truth is always subservient to it. - Dennis Prager

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Re: Obama's continuing legacy


Post by Alf »


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Re: Obama's continuing legacy


Post by philip964 »

https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/3009405/d ... ump-tower/

Obama bugged me.

The President has tweeted that his Trump tower phones were wire tapped by Obama.

I really hope he has some evidence as this is a pretty serious charge. If it is true, it's now a new level of big brother.

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Re: Obama's continuing legacy


Post by philip964 »

http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-03-1 ... ing-facili

Mass layoffs at Remington due to falling gun sales in Post Obama era.

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Re: Obama's continuing legacy


Post by philip964 »

https://www.google.com/amp/www.newsweek ... %3Famp%3D1

Obama traveled to Hawaii and may have met with the judge who ended Trump's second executive Oder.
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