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Post by Vol Texan »

ScottDLS wrote:When you voted for Trump in the primary, you voted for Hillary, since he was probably the only one running who could lose to her. The press is always all in for the Democrat, so the Republican candidate needs to take that into account.

Instead of articulating a conservative positions (or ANY positions) he meanders from one incoherent rant to another, usually aimed at his own party. He has no grasp of the issues, nor interest in gaining any. His stream of consciousness speeches repeat a few phrases and then generally degenerate into name calling and childish or obscene references. He doesn't prepare for debates and since he has no discernible principles to articulate, I think he'll get destroyed by Hillary. This even though she will be making abhorrent policy arguments. He could help Republicans lose the Senate as he gets decimated by the weakest Democrat candidate since Mondale.

This is my opinion as someone who will vote for him, since my fellow Republicans have left me no choice. Even Jeb! probably would have been better on ISIS, foreign policy, defense, gun rights, taxes, and the economy...But Trump promises a WALL...which will never be built when he loses, and Hillary naturalizes 11 million new Democrat voters. :banghead:
You've said it all perfectly here. Trump is a nightmare, but that doesn't take away the fact that I'll vote for him because the alternative is worse than can be imagined.
parabelum wrote: It's a non-story, grow thick skin. It was not aimed nor intended as you took it. This constant Trump bashing is getting on my last nerv, and it's always eminating from the same DNC operatives flying under the guise of being pro-2A.

I will write this as a constructive criticism with the best intents. I hope you will accept it at that, even if my words are not eloquent enough to convince you of so:

I hope you can take your own advice and grow some thick skin. Your candidate won, and ours didn't. If you truly want to convince more people to vote FOR Trump, then please stop bashing the conservatives who don't drink the Trump Kool-Aid at every turn. Reach out to them and bring them into your tent, rather than bashing them for sticking to their principles.

Yes, Trump has my vote, because the alternative is unconscionable. Our country has been on a downward spiral for too long, and Hillary's presidency will put the final nail in the coffin. Trump has my vote, but it sickens me to say this. I had hoped for anything else: even Chris Christie would have been better.

But we live in a world where sound bites (with no substantive basis) are the new reality, and Trump did that better than other Republicans. Our media did everything they could to make sure he got the nomination - not because he is the best candidate, but because they knew as soon as the primaries were over, they could use his buffoonery to destroy him in an instant. I predicted this months ago, and it has come to fruition. We are two weeks out of the GOP convention, and less than one week out of the DNC convention, and they have begun the first wave of a three-month full-court press against him. This won't stop because (a) this was their plan all along, and (b) he makes it so easy for them.

You're going to have to endure this until the election. It's not a non-story as you opined above, because those who write the stories don't agree with you. He won't stop what he's doing, and they won't stop writing about it.

Remember the old joke from when '43 was in office?
The Pope and President Bush meet with each other. They're near a lake and the Pope wants to go for a boat ride, so they take a small row boat out onto the lake. A big gust of wind blows the Pope's hat off and it ends up in the water. President Bush says, "Don't worry about that. I will get it for you." Bush gets out of the boat and begins walking on the water. After he recovers the hat and gets back in the boat, the Pope thanks him.

The next day the paper reads, BUSH CAN'T SWIM!
No, it didn't happen that way, of course, but it's an indicator of how the press turns anything they see into whatever they want it to be. But when the target of their wrath leaves himself so open:
  • If Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her"
  • If Hillary Clinton can't satisfy her husband, what makes her think she can satisfy America?
  • My fingers are long and beautiful, as, it has been well documented, are various other parts of my body.
  • My IQ is one of the highest — and you all know it! Please don't feel so stupid or insecure; it's not your fault.
  • Lyin' Ted Cruz just used a picture of Melania from a shoot in his ad. Be careful, Lyin' Ted, or I will spill the beans on your wife!
That's just a starter list, but you get my point. He won't stop, and they won't stop, so it will always be the story until they have defeated him. Trump has my vote, but more and more of my friends are choosing to vote third-party. I try to convince them otherwise, and I do so not by belittling them (as so many Trump supporters do), but by reasoning with them about how Trump losing would be even worse than Trump winning. I hope you're able to do the same, rather than bashing us as "DNC operatives flying under the guise of being pro-2A." You couldn't be further from the truth with that remark, and when you say it, you are not gaining any more votes for your candidate.
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Post by parabelum »

Those who vote third party in this election are my friends no more. May not mean anything to some, but it does mean quite a bit to others.

Take the Trump bashing train to the Salon station. That's all.
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Post by Scott B. »

Many good people believe that Trump would be a disaster for the party and hand the election to Hillary. The candidate has no interest in the Republican party, or party unity, because he isn't of the party.

"We need out an outsider!"

Well you've got one. Third party votes are the least of his problems. A larger number will simply sit this election out.

And let's not even mention the devastation that will occur down-ticket.

There is only one solution.

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Post by bblhd672 »

Vol Texan wrote: Your candidate won, and ours didn't. If you truly want to convince more people to vote FOR Trump, then please stop bashing the conservatives who don't drink the Trump Kool-Aid at every turn. Reach out to them and bring them into your tent, rather than bashing them for sticking to their principles.
You are assuming that everyone who is adamant about voting Trump actually voted for him in the primaries. It's offensive to me for you to use the same "lump them all together" tactics used by the left against people here who love their country and don't wish to see government further suppress liberty and freedom.

I never drank the "kool-aid", I voted for a true conservative candidate - he lost, and now I support the only person left standing who has demonstrated willingness not to further the "progress" of Obama/Clinton/et al.

Too many conservatives/Republicans/et al are more concerned about their dammed principles than the future of the country. Fine, be that way. But when you no longer have a 2nd Amendment or a real 1st Amendment, don't whine about it. Turn in your firearms, shut your pie hole about the government infringing on your rights or anything else President Clinton and her minions are doing, and be a good obedient citizen.
The left lies about everything. Truth is a liberal value, and truth is a conservative value, but it has never been a left-wing value. People on the left say whatever advances their immediate agenda. Power is their moral lodestar; therefore, truth is always subservient to it. - Dennis Prager
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Post by Bitter Clinger »

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Post by Scott B. »

Oh, those pesky principles. :cool:

It's reached the point where we have to cling to a desperate hope that Trump would support the 2nd Amendment, when he has zero track record of doing so. Sure, he's "said" he would. But if we put the same weight on those words as all his other--crazy--words then we are in deep trouble.

We know, from his words, that he's not so favorably inclined toward the 1st. Like many pseudo-populists, he wants to punish those who dare criticize him. No cause for concern there.

Cross your fingers isn't a great 'get out the vote' strategy.
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Post by jkurtz »

parabelum wrote:Those who vote third party in this election are my friends no more.
"I never considered a difference of opinion in politics, in religion, in philosophy, as cause for withdrawing from a friend." - Thomas Jefferson to William Hamilton, April 22, 1800
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Post by Vol Texan »

bblhd672 wrote:
Vol Texan wrote: Your candidate won, and ours didn't. If you truly want to convince more people to vote FOR Trump, then please stop bashing the conservatives who don't drink the Trump Kool-Aid at every turn. Reach out to them and bring them into your tent, rather than bashing them for sticking to their principles.
You are assuming that everyone who is adamant about voting Trump actually voted for him in the primaries. It's offensive to me for you to use the same "lump them all together" tactics used by the left against people here who love their country and don't wish to see government further suppress liberty and freedom.

I never drank the "kool-aid", I voted for a true conservative candidate - he lost, and now I support the only person left standing who has demonstrated willingness not to further the "progress" of Obama/Clinton/et al.

Too many conservatives/Republicans/et al are more concerned about their dammed principles than the future of the country. Fine, be that way. But when you no longer have a 2nd Amendment or a real 1st Amendment, don't whine about it. Turn in your firearms, shut your pie hole about the government infringing on your rights or anything else President Clinton and her minions are doing, and be a good obedient citizen. my full post, not just an excerpt.

Just like you, I am voting for Trump, and just like you, I'm trying to convince others to vote for him as well. I will hold my nose as I do so, but I will vote for him all the same. I, too, supported another candidate (Ted Cruz) both financially and otherwise in the primary, but he lost, and the only other option is Trump.

Once you get past the first sentence in the paragraph that you referenced above, you'll see that it is not about me. I'm voting for the buffoon, because he is the only option.

That paragraph is a direct response to another poster who called out non-die-hard Trump supporters as being, "DNC operatives flying under the guise of being pro-2A." All I was trying to do was explain to that poster that he could attract more flies with honey than with vinegar. Imagine, if I were not committed to voting for Trump, but was instead on the fence between him and a third party candidate. Calling me a DNC operative just because I don't worship at the altar of Trump with every single breath does NOT encourage me to 'come over to your side'.
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Post by parabelum »

Vol Texan,

Issue with Trump bashing that I have on a pro-2A forum is that my ("our") opponents are watching. More then you'd think.

So, if it was just me and you shooting the breeze about Trump, believe me, you'd see that I'm actually a pretty easy going guy.

But as it stands, this constant barrage of anti-Trump regurgitation is getting old.

As an alternative, I've posted a new thread, extremely lengthy, called "HILLARY" to showcase the alternative.

Thus far, the loudest voices of Trump bashing are very very quiet...
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Post by Scott B. »

Simple reason.

We know who Hillary is.

Trump is obviously who he is...but apparently we're not supposed to point out the lack of clothing. Just shut up and hope nobody notices until after election day.
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Post by ScottDLS »

The Democrats are not just watching now, they were "watching" then and voting (in open primaries) for Trump, because they knew he would be easy to destroy. Now he's flaming out as most conservatives predicted, but we're at fault for not cheering him loud enough.

Republicans who care about the 2nd amendment and SCOTUS were offered 15 better choices in the Republican primary (w/ Christie possibly the exception). Now that the party stuck us with Trump, we have to hope that his flaming coat tails don't bring down the Senate and House and other down ballot races...

Maybe it's all part of his brilliant plan to appeal to the Bernie voters and turn the Congress blue so he doesn't have to deal with the Republican "establishment".

If you voted for Trump in the primary YOU voted for Hillary. Or maybe it's all George W Bush's fault and "the establishment" and stuff. :banghead:
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Post by parabelum »


What do you mean "stuck Trump on us"? Millions of fellow American voters expressed themselves and Trump trumped the competitors. Who is "us"?

"if you voted in primary for Trump YOU voted for Hillary" ?

No sir, that's in the past, regardless of how absurd that statement is. Bashing Trump now however IS in the present tense, and YOU are working for Hillary now.

Still waiting for those of you bashing Trump to start being as aggressive at disseminating information about Hillary's disastrous stance, as much as you spend living in the past.
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Post by Beiruty »

I think Trump is losing it big time. He should take a 2-weeks vacation, and let someone else do the talking.
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Post by John Galt »

Abraham wrote:Vote Trump or reap Hillary.

All the complaining about Trump helps insure Hillary will win.

Yes, he's flawd, but Hillary is much, much more flawed.

Now, quit complaining about about Trump flaws and remember he's better in office than Hillary will ever be.
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Post by bblhd672 »

Beiruty wrote:I think Trump is losing it big time. He should take a 2-weeks vacation, and let someone else do the talking.
Or take a cue from HRC and "reboot" his campaign, ignoring whatever he has said and done prior to the reboot.
The left lies about everything. Truth is a liberal value, and truth is a conservative value, but it has never been a left-wing value. People on the left say whatever advances their immediate agenda. Power is their moral lodestar; therefore, truth is always subservient to it. - Dennis Prager
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