Ted Cruz A Texas

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Re: Ted Cruz A Texas


Post by parabelum »

Pariah3j wrote:Well I don't have a link, but I saw it with my own 2 eyes so you'll have to take me at my word...

http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2015/12 ... ation.html

These 2 specifically were discussed in one of the debates - where Megan Kelly attacked Ted Cruz on it... then in the interview after the debate they admitted that he had not flip flopped on Immigration, he did in fact introduce a poison pill amendment. Of course if you only watched the debate, you were left with the impression that they thought he did flip flop.
I know they all flip flop and it's frustrating as heck. When Trump does it my toes curl up inside my boots.

Look, Cruz is a decent guy. I actually volunteered to get him into US Senate.

My fear from day one has been his electability, but if Cruz can pick up 10 more states, I might switch. We will see.

The pundits who said that Trump would never go above 15% were wrong. Then they raised it to 20%, and they were wrong. Then it was no more then 30% and if he loses Iowa then it's a mark of his demise, and they were wrong.
The latest matchup against Hillary shows Trump closing in on her, after they had written him off.

I've provided a link 100 pages ago "rlol" where Trump has a statistical chance of 97% in winning the GE.

Time will tell, but you are 100% right on, this is a very heated and contentious race.

I just hope that Trump and Cruz don't destroy eachother in the process.

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Re: Ted Cruz A Texas


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Re: Ted Cruz A Texas


Post by Pariah3j »

Interesting... Looks like he won't be at the debate on Thursday either... I think we have another week or 2 before the next primary votes, hopefully he officially suspends before then.

Now the real question... Will Kasich and Rubio have the composure to gracefully bow out before then ?
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Re: Ted Cruz A Texas


Post by allisji »

per tweets from Ted Cruz campaign.. :biggrinjester:
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Re: Ted Cruz A Texas


Post by parabelum »

Pariah3j wrote:Interesting... Looks like he won't be at the debate on Thursday either... I think we have another week or 2 before the next primary votes, hopefully he officially suspends before then.

Now the real question... Will Kasich and Rubio have the composure to gracefully bow out before then ?
Politico also shows Dr.Carson ending his bid.

http://www.politico.com/story/2016/03/p ... 2?lo=ut_a1

Dr. Carson has been very gracious contender, and I hope he gets a spot in either Trump or Cruz cabinet as Surgeon General.

As for Kasich and Rubio, Kasich will stay until Ohio at least I think.
Rubio on the other hand is the de facto establishment candidate and the only way he might leave, albeit not gracefully, is when he gets trumped by Trump in winner take all Florida.
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Re: Ted Cruz A Texas


Post by mojo84 »

allisji wrote:per tweets from Ted Cruz campaign.. :biggrinjester:
That's just not right. Funny, but not right. :lol:
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Re: Ted Cruz A Texas


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I like Carson more than all of them. Unfortunately and sadly, I think he is just too nice of a guy to be president.
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Re: Ted Cruz A Texas


Post by Right2Carry »

Nobody has ever been elected President who has the high negatives that Trump has. His negatives are higher than Clintons and if I remember the story correctly they may be the highest for any candidate this late in the game.
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Re: Ted Cruz A Texas


Post by mojo84 »

Right2Carry wrote:Nobody has ever been elected President who has the high negatives that Trump has. His negatives are higher than Clintons and if I remember the story correctly they may be the highest for any candidate this late in the game.
Worse than Sharptons too.
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Re: Ted Cruz A Texas


Post by baldeagle »

parabelum wrote:And if The Great Wall of China that was built 206 BC that stretches 13000 miles or so is feasible, I think the our wall is a no brainier.
Are you aware that the wall is already a matter of law? The law states that the wall will be built. It even provides the funding to build the wall. Both Cruz and Trump support building the wall. The difference between them is that after Trump has spent the money to deport all the illegals, then he plans on using an "expedited process" (his words) to bring "the good ones" (his words) back in. Cruz would deport them and then they can get in line like YOU did to come into the country legally.

I get that people are mad, irate even, at what the federal government is doing. But it makes absolutely no sense to put a man into office that has no clue how to run a government and no core principles to guide him. Did you know that Trump stole his motto, "Make America Great Again" from Ronald Reagan? That he stole his immigration plan from Ted Cruz? Yes, the wall, triple the border guard, enforce the law - all part of Cruz's plan articulated in 2011. Are you aware that every single poll shows Trump LOSING to Hillary Clinton? That no one in the history of the country with unfavorables as high as Trump's are has EVER won a Presidential election?

Trump is a very accomplished promoter. He promotes himself. Many people fall for it, but not nearly enough to win a Presidential election.

I noticed you didn't read my article proving that Cruz has never flip flopped on immigration, so I'll just ask you this. Can you point to the place in the video you posted where Cruz said, "I support legalization of illegal aliens" or words to that effect? (I guarantee you can't, but try it anyway.)
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Re: Ted Cruz A Texas


Post by parabelum »

Baldeagle, you and I could go in circles ad nauseum here and neither one of us will budge, for our own reasons of course.

I'll rally with any Republican nominee, even Rubio, to stop that criminal witch from taking the WH, however.

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Re: Ted Cruz A Texas


Post by Abraham »


A hearty: "Hear, Hear"!

Even my cousin, who I absolutely love (even if she's a liberal) agrees, Hillary is a manifestation of utter evil and Trump simply a panderer.
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Re: Ted Cruz A Texas


Post by Dadtodabone »

www.isidewith.com . Think you know where your candidate stands? I was quite surprised to find that I share 92 percent of Mr. Cruz's positions. Trump 74, Rubio 72. I had been supporting Dr. Carson, 69.
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Re: Ted Cruz A Texas


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Dadtodabone wrote:http://www.isidewith.com . Think you know where your candidate stands? I was quite surprised to find that I share 92 percent of Mr. Cruz's positions. Trump 74, Rubio 72. I had been supporting Dr. Carson, 69.
Well, you're 74% with what Trump says he is this week, at least.
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Re: Ted Cruz A Texas


Post by Bitter Clinger »

Vol Texan wrote:
Dadtodabone wrote:http://www.isidewith.com . Think you know where your candidate stands? I was quite surprised to find that I share 92 percent of Mr. Cruz's positions. Trump 74, Rubio 72. I had been supporting Dr. Carson, 69.
Well, you're 74% with what Trump says he is this week, at least.
I was beginning to falter, I took the quiz and even though I voted Cruz, it said I sided with Trump. But then, just as I began to give in, a miracle happened. Cruz has been endorsed by Chuck Norris!


My faith restored!
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