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Stopping Power by J. Neil Schulman

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 1:15 pm
by tfrazier
I just read an editorial on the Huffington Post web site lamenting the number of fatalities by gun fire this year and got to wondering if anyone was tracking how many lives were saved this year because of gun defenses.

In the resulting google search, I ran across" onclick=";return false; where this author has made his book, "Stopping Power - Why 70 Million Americans Own Guns" available for free download. I've read the forward and first few pages so far and am intrigued. It's several years old, apparently, but I've never heard of it before.

Has anyone else read this? Is it any good?

Re: Stopping Power by J. Neil Schulman

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 7:19 pm
by TLE2
If you don't belong to the NRA, please join.

One of their recent e-mails (or article in the American Rifleman) commented on this statistic.

Their conclusion, based on a study, was that the "saved by" to "killed by" ratio was quite high (I remember something like 20 to 1, but don't quote me).