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Preachers of Hate: Islam and the War on America

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 10:22 am
by lawrnk
This is not my review, but frankly I could not have said it better. This is an outstanding book. Available at
ISBN # is 978-1400049011

I've read many books that dispelled all of the myths about why Muslim Fundamentalists hate us (and, of course, Israel). These include the CIA agent Michael Scheuer's ( & Cindy Shaheen)"Jewish Lobby" excuse, the poverty excuse, and of course the Israel's "occupation."

These are all proven canards, but most people are too stupid to realize that.

Mr. Timmerman takes them all on using the words & actions of the violators to make his case. Other writers (Dr. Daniel Pipes) have done an excellent job of deciphering the hate-filled, murder-inducing words emanating from Mosques around the world. Mr. Timmerman goes even deeper (literally, he traveled to Gaza and the West Bank) to interview the "everyday warriors" of the corrupt, criminal murderous Arafat and Abu Mazen Palestinian Authority. Remember folks, this is a group that cheered when Binny and the Jets wiped out 3,000 people. Basically, they blame all of their problems on "Great Satan" and "Little Satan." But Timmerman won't swallow their filth. He wonders aloud where the $7 billion in international aid given to the PA has disappeared to (guess? Arafat and his cronies accounts).

As for the future, the picture is just as grim. Timmerman reviews hours of PA controlled media that glorifies martyrdom, describes Jews as pigs and monkeys, and generally has indoctrinated another generation with hate and murder.

Finally, Mr. Timmerman discusses the utter folly of the Clinton/Barak Camp David plan. For Arafat, it was all a ruse as he made abundantly clear in Arabic: Oslo, Camp David, etc. were all part of the "phased plan", a Koranic duty to deceive, regroup, and murder when stronger. With PA officials (and leftist doves in Israel) own words, Timmerman makes it clear that this is not an issue of land for piece. If it was a 21-year student wouldn't have been stabbed to death in the Old City days after Gaza was given to the Holocaust denying Mazen.

Folks, Mazen made it very clear he is not serious about peace. In violation of the Road Map (which the left insists Israel accept), he has not cracked down and disarmed Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Fatah etc. In fact, he invited them to join his government! Moreover, again in violation of the Road Map, PA controlled media still encourages children and others to murder for their Palestine from the "River to the Sea."

Great book by a courageous journalist.