Unintended Consequences by John Ross is one of the most important works of fiction to be released.
Like many works of fiction it holds more truth than any work of non-fiction.
The book begins in San Antonio as Adolph Topperwien sets a world record for aerial shooting. This is the first of many examples of the "gun culture" mentioned by the author. Soon other characters, both fictional and real, join together weaving stories more complex than any movie plot into a compelling story.
The central protagonist is Henry Bowman, a man of unusual talents and of resolute action. His unique lifetime of skills come into play when the BATF decides to frame him and his friends. This sets into motion the book's climactic sequence that will keep you turning pages faster and faster.
This book will not convert an anti-gunner. No single book would, fact or fiction.
Don't buy it hoping to convert someone in your life. Buy it to educate yourself on the history of our modern world and why the 2nd amendment is more important now than ever.
Re: Review: Unintended Consequences
Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 6:36 pm
by anygunanywhere
Excellent! Now this section is taking off with worthwhile reading material!
Soon after I read this book there was a program on PBS called "The Bonus Army". Mrs. Anygun asked me what it was about and I was able to tell her the story. UC is truly a great book.
Everyone who values their RKBA should read UC.
Re: Review: Unintended Consequences
Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 6:41 pm
by Hyunchback
anygunanywhere wrote:
Everyone who values their RKBA should read UC.
Re: Review: Unintended Consequences
Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2008 9:31 pm
by zx9rt1
A very good book! It was one of the longest ones that I have read in a while. Could not wait until the next day to pick up where I left off. A must have!
Re: Review: Unintended Consequences
Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 9:43 pm
by big 54r
It was a very good book, the plot read true and plausible. It was informative about the history of the gun culture but some way's it was gratuitous and unnecessary as regard's to the sex etc.
all and all I would recommend it be read as it is an eye opener.
Re: Review: Unintended Consequences
Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 11:27 pm
by TEX
Great Book. There was talk at one time about making a movie based on the book, but I don't see howthat coul dbe done unless it was trilogy type arrangement. Otherwise you would lose too much of the story, and even then it might be tough. After reading the book for a while, I ended up having to make notes in the back of the book as to how each character was related and thier time period. I have read the book now three times (got it shorty after it was published) and I get a little bit more out of it each time. I belive it should be required reading at the highschool or college level.
Re: Review: Unintended Consequences
Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 6:27 am
by stevie_d_64
I'm re-reading it now...
Just getting to the "good" part...
Gives me the "warm and fuzzies", yet wrapped in the "heebie-jeebies" at the same time...
Talk about a coniption fit in the making...
Almost makes me wish I had a 20mm for recreational shooting and "other" purposes...
Re: Review: Unintended Consequences
Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 8:23 pm
by TEX
Great book. I always like fiction that is hung on the framework of actual history. I think a movie made from this book, could be a heck of a money maker and would become an almost instant cult classic, but it woudl have to be done right. By that, I mean the book would have to be divided into three different movies (sequeals), in oder to truly tell the story. 98% of the folks who saw the first one would go on to see the other two IMHO. Even some of the antis would end going to see it out of curosity. You wouldn't need to say much about the movie to get people interested, just use the book cover as the movie poster. The movies would have to me made so that they could be released about three months apart, with the previous movie running again a week before the newer one coming out. I think a movie about this book could spark a resurgence in gun ownership among non-gunnies and teach a little history in the bargin. heck, I bet they could even find many extras and some good pro-gun actors that would be willing to take on the job for minimal pay (or pro bono) if they believed in the project. The likes of Emory, Selleck and Nugent to name a few. I bet I could get a dozen folks at an IDPA match to be extras for free - on their own expense. I bet Ross would be willing to take a percent instead of money up front and act for free as would the fellow who owns Second Chance body armor. The more I think about it, the more I like it. Wish I had about 30 million laying around to get it going.
my 2 cents - TEX
Re: Review: Unintended Consequences
Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 2:17 pm
by Fangs
Re: Review: Unintended Consequences
Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 5:00 pm
by big 54r
I guess I have changed somewhat...
I tried reading this again as I do most of the books I like or at least think I like, but I couldn't do it it didn't hold my interest....
so I don't know what that say's really.
Re: Review: Unintended Consequences
Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 7:26 pm
by SwimFan85
It's feelgood story of hope and change.
Re: Review: Unintended Consequences
Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 7:41 pm
by Jumping Frog
Reading the book again in the 2012 era when the book is set in the early 90's also shows us the ways our gun culture has made progress in the last two decades. For example, shall issue CHL's and the more commonly accepted notion of self defense with the Castle Doctrine.
When I read it, I was also kicking myself for not picking up a lot of the cool NFA weapons in the pre-1968 era and the pre-Hughes Amendment fiasco.
I remember when you could buy guns inexpensively via mail order. . .
Re: Review: Unintended Consequences
Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 12:03 am
by fannypacker
I bought a Japanese Arisaka Type 99 in Japanese 7.7 caliber for $ 15.00 by mail order when my Dad signed back in the day. Unintended Consequences is a great read.
Re: Review: Unintended Consequences
Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 10:13 am
by n5wd
Hyunchback wrote:...The book begins in San Antonio as Adolph Topperwien sets a world record for aerial shooting.
I guess I'm about to show my ignorance, but... someone please tell me what "aerial shooting" is. I get a picture of someone sniping at car radio antennas, and I'm sure that's not it!
Re: Review: Unintended Consequences
Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 8:10 pm
by Hoosier Daddy
n5wd wrote:I guess I'm about to show my ignorance, but... someone please tell me what "aerial shooting" is.
or maybe " onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;