The full title is The Gun Digest Book of Combat Handgunnery by Massad F. Ayoob.
The author's name is pretty much a household term among people who read gun magazines. He has been running the Lethal Force Institute since God was a rookie Texas Ranger. He has probably set some sort of record for being consulted in legal cases revolving around firearms.
This book presents a lot of basic information for anyone who wants to learn to "run the gun". It talks about grip, trigger interface (how to put your boogerhook on the bang button for combat shooting) and takes pains to illustrate the author's view of different shooting stances.
There is a lot of information to chew on presented in easily digested chunks. It's a good book to keep in the "throne room" for those times when you have a few minutes to study something.
It doesn't take the place of hands on instruction but not everyone has the opportunity for such.
Book Review: Combat Handgunnery
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Book Review: Combat Handgunnery
What is Project One Million: Texas?
The "Project" is a grassroots effort to increase the number of Texans who are members of the National Rifle Association from 250.000 to 1,000,000.
The "Project" is a grassroots effort to increase the number of Texans who are members of the National Rifle Association from 250.000 to 1,000,000.
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Re: Book Review: Combat Handgunnery
I like this book.