Magazine Review: Combat Handguns

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Magazine Review: Combat Handguns


Post by Hyunchback »

This news stand magazine has been around for many years. It is published on lightweight paper and tends to become damaged easily.

This magazine is ad heavy and it is my belief that ads can keep bad reviews from seeing publication with this magazine. I don't have proof. It's my opinion. Everyone has one, much like certain body parts. I'm sure the publishers are going to call me by a body part's nickname for giving that opinion.

That said there is also good stuff to be found that keeps me buying time after time. Masaad F. Ayoob presents case studies of different shootings that go to court and encapsulates how the prosecution and defense dealt with the truth.

Content that carries over from issue to issue include "It Happened To Me" which doesn't always end in a bad guy going down. Holster and knife reviews make their appearance as does "Street Smarts" that introduced me to a phrase I keep in mind.
Everybody talks .45s, shoots 9mm's and carries .38s.
Not always true, but I keep it in mind when reading this magazine which tends to feature full sized 1911 pattern pistols in 60% of their articles.

This one gets a recommendation with a caveat for your emptor. It's not great but it has some usefulness.
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Re: Magazine Review: Combat Handguns


Post by striker55 »

I subscribe and like the articles, this month has a lot of 9mm guns.

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Re: Magazine Review: Combat Handguns


Post by Tactical_Texan_CHL »

I subscribe to Guns, and American Handgunner, but I do pick up Combat Handguns on occasion and it's a good read. I also enjoy the articles by Mas Ayoob. He's got some great wisdom and info to share, and I'm glad he does. The craftsmanship in the FMG Publications magazines though is fantastic.
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Re: Magazine Review: Combat Handguns


Post by anygunanywhere »

I like to read them on planes.

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Re: Magazine Review: Combat Handguns


Post by Hyunchback »

anygunanywhere wrote:I like to read them on planes.

I'm surprised you haven't been detained by the TSA!

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What is Project One Million: Texas?
The "Project" is a grassroots effort to increase the number of Texans who are members of the National Rifle Association from 250.000 to 1,000,000.
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