Recommended read...just started it for second time after reading it a couple years go.
Available here:In a nation plagued by fractious and partisan politics, any conflict, any disagreement can be the match that starts the fuse burning. Once lit, the fuse may burn too fast for anyone to stop it.
When a gruesome mass-shooting at an upscale high school prompts a call for the repeal of the 2nd amendment to the U.S. Constitution (the right to keep and bear arms) a handful of states dig their heels in, refusing to allow the Bill of Rights to be foreshortened. Parliamentary maneuvering gives way to raw politics as Texas, the only state whose annexation agreement allows it, attempts to split itself five ways in order to provide additional states to vote against repeal, and the opposing faction moves to prevent it.
A Constitutional crisis erupts when Texas and a dozen other states secede from the Union in protest, sparking a second Civil War.
With most of the nation's military deployed on foreign battlefields, the fighting on the home front to prevent or support the secession is state-vs.-state, town-against-town, and door-to-door, with foreign governments being dragged into the maelstrom caused by the breakdown of traditional partnerships. The armed forces, itself a homogeneous mix of both factions, is forced to deal with soldiers who now may or may not be reliable, with no way to predict who is and who isn't.
Misstep upon misstep, the two sides edge ever closer to the lip of the nuclear cliff. ... ping-Point