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Her buck this evening……..
Quick Story of it:
Got on stand early (4:15 p.m.) nothing sighted until 5:30 p.m. when a young high racked 8 point came through, my Daughter looked at it...and wisely decided to "pass", (it will make a nice buck in a couple more years). A single Doe with her fawn appeared about 150 yds. out later in the evening... with not much shooting light left.
Where her box stand is located (back in the pines) it gets dark much earlier than in the pastures. Often... it is almost too dark to see in the woods, when you still have 15 minutes of legal shooting time and can still see clearly out on a pasture.
Junior was looking at the Doe and Fawn to be sure there wasn't something in behind them....when indeed she DID spot something. was so far away....and the light fading so was hard for her tell at first what exactly was coming up behind the Does.
She put down her Steiner's and reached back for my Pentax Binoculars to get a better view. I could tell by her excitement that we might have a "shooter", she quickly handed the Bino's back to me to "confirm"... and when the buck looked down our direction... there was no doubt.
The buck walked right past the two does (neither one in estrous...obviously) and took a track that would bring it in a bit closer IF it didn't disappear into the brush. When it didn't pop out where we thought it would....I was afraid it had vanished down an alternate trail.
The light was really getting dim now...when Jessica (with her Eagle Eyes) picked up the Buck on a logging road about 110 yards to our right.
The buck was standing broadside on the road but wasn't going to be there long....and we were right on the ragged edge for being able to see the animal through the scope.
She quickly pulled her rifle in from one window and got it pointed the new direction where the buck was still standing, then immediately realized that she would need to use the lighted reticle feature and chose the Green dot over the Red, settled the cross-hairs and pressed the trigger.
At the report...I could see the buck jump straight up and kick out behind itself. That is generally a very good sign (meaning a hard hit deer, usually heart shot). We waited a bit, recounted the event and her sight picture then got down and looked for the buck.
The first pic is exactly how we found him (tangled in the brush). It took both of us to drag him out.