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Any point in hog hunting during daylight hours ?

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 9:29 pm
by Skydivesnake
Hi folks, my eyesight is pretty bad at night (long story - lasik folks will understand) but I want to do a bit of hog hunting at Fort Hood with a buddy and sometime in the future, my son.

Given that I would be stumbling around the woods tripping over stuff in the dark, unable to see my shotgun sights, unable to track runners and probably not find my way back to the truck unless I was stood infront of it, I am considering some daytime hunting. Is there any point in doing this at all ? All that I've read has suggested dusk or nightime hunting. I wouldn't mind a bit of stealthy creeping around and just bagging one piggie - but is even that likely during the day ?

I would be using a semi-auto shotgun and slugs...

Re: Any point in hog hunting during daylight hours ?

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 10:13 pm
Tricky thing about hogs, they don't have patterns or habits. Somthing diffrent every day

I'd set up a feeder and put a camera on it, see what you see before you spend much thine hunting

When it's cold, you will find them where ever there is food, regardless of time of day

Re: Any point in hog hunting during daylight hours ?

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 4:56 pm
by der Teufel
In hot weather you can pretty much forget about finding hogs in the open. If there's water and shade, you might catch on there with a little luck. As it gets cooler they'll probably start coming out earlier, up to one or even two hours before sundown. Right now I'd think daytime hunting would be a waste of effort, unless you can figure out where the shady waterholes are. Even then it's not a sure thing when the temps are above 90°F.

Re: Any point in hog hunting during daylight hours ?

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 11:28 am
by SC1903A3
I recommend mornings and evenings. Pigs move thru the morning and come out before sunset. I've killed quite a few during these time periods over the years. Get yourself a 5 gallon bucket, fill it with corn, cover in water, throw in a couple of bottles of beer cover it and let it sour for about a week. Pigs love this stuff. Be sure to splash some up high on tree branches to carry the smell.

Re: Any point in hog hunting during daylight hours ?

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 6:43 pm
by shh83
What part of the State are you hunting?

My parents have a place outside Stephenville and they are over -run with hogs...

Its not uncommon to see one dozen during daylight hrs now that the temps have significantly dropped (still hot-just not 115!)

Re: Any point in hog hunting during daylight hours ?

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 7:34 pm
by rusty86
I think you are more likely to see hogs at night, but that's not the only time you CAN see them. Like some others have said in this post, you won't see them in the day until it gets cooler. Even when it's cooler, night time is better. I have killed some in the morning (8 or 10ish) both out of a deer stand and coming back from a deer stand.

Wait until it's a little cooler (November-ish?), go have fun, and good luck.

Re: Any point in hog hunting during daylight hours ?

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 7:58 pm
by Sputz
I got a hog at 11 in the morning this past weekend. I used oranges and corn to attract it.


Re: Any point in hog hunting during daylight hours ?

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 8:01 pm
by Oldgringo
Most Wal-Mart parking lots are full of 'em - day and night. :smilelol5: "rlol" :smilelol5:

A word of caution: some of 'em may be armed and licensed. :woohoo

Re: Any point in hog hunting during daylight hours ?

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 6:01 am
by chuckybrown
One hunter at our place had 20+ in front of him at around 8:30 AM last Saturday. Another was shot Saturday afternoon around 4, and another big bore was taken Sunday morning around 9.

Yes, they do move in the daytime.

Re: Any point in hog hunting during daylight hours ?

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 7:00 am
by fishman
Early morning and late in the day. It may take several hunts before they cross paths with you, so be careful about spreading a lot of scent around.

Re: Any point in hog hunting during daylight hours ?

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 6:11 pm
by texasmusic
They can be spotted in mid day especially at places where they haven't been threatened in the past. I would shoot them morning noon and night if I could :txflag:

edit: always take your pig gun with you!