Beth Dutton Deer

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Beth Dutton Deer


Post by Greybeard »

Sorry, no photo. Because I missed! But did catch a good adrenaline dump and observed something never seen before.

My primary hunting blind in Runnels County is 4 X 8 with windows on all four sides. This morning around 9:00 I noticed a nice big doe moving east on a terrace around 250 yards away. I scrambled to get the muzzle of 30.06 out the window. She kept stopping and starting, looking and moving to the east. Dope sheet for scope says to use first mil dot down for 300 yard shots. I never could get a steady hold on her until she was going away, at very close to 300 yards. But decided against taking that "Texas Heart Shot".

Then suddenly she turned like a cutting horse and started coming straight back at me. At which point I noticed a smaller creature headed northwest. It was a coyote! It was a no brainer for me and I started tracking it with that #2 mil dot as it scrambled to get away from the Beth Dutton Doe, very hot on his trail.

Bottom line is I decided I best take the shot on the song dog before they both got too far out of range. And missed. A little low and did not lead it quite enough. Grrrr! Dust cloud looked like the bullet came very close to a males primary reproductive part. Anyhoo, he took off like a streak of lightening. And so did she. And probably every other deer within 500 yards, so I packed everything up.

Not the first deer hunt I have spoiled over a coyote - and probably wont be the last. But am guessing that may be the last deer that coyote messes with for a long while. :-)
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Re: Beth Dutton Deer


Post by RoyGBiv »

I had to look it up.... :lol:

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Re: Beth Dutton Deer


Post by 03Lightningrocks »

Greybeard wrote: Tue Jan 03, 2023 10:17 pm
Not the first deer hunt I have spoiled over a coyote - and probably wont be the last. But am guessing that may be the last deer that coyote messes with for a long while. :-)
I don't know what story that coyote told the rest of the pack when he got back with them that night. But I can bet it ended with, ".... and then this deer tried to shoot off my man parts!".
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