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Legality Concealed Knives

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 11:01 pm
by jason
I apologize if this is the wrong section for this.

I'm looking to get a neck knife to carry.

I'm trying to find information concerning the legality of carrying knives in Texas. I looked through the penal code, but the only mention I could find was carrying "illegal knives."

(6) "Illegal knife[0]" means a:
(A) knife[0] with a blade over five and one-half
(B) hand instrument designed to cut or stab
another by being thrown;
(C) dagger, including but not limited to a dirk,
stilletto, and poniard;
(D) bowie knife[0];
(E) sword; or
(F) spear.

Any mention of concealment appears to only address handguns.

So from what I read, it seems legal for me to purchase a fixed-blade knife with a blade up to 5.5" and carry it concealed.

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 11:54 pm
by starrbuck
Texas's concealed carry law only applies to handguns. That's why it's a CHL, or Concealed Hangun License. You did your homework and know what length knife you can carry legally, and the CHL is meaningless when it pertains to knives.

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 12:02 am
by jason
starrbuck wrote:Texas's concealed carry law only applies to handguns. That's why it's a CHL, or Concealed Hangun License. You did your homework and know what length knife you can carry legally, and the CHL is meaningless when it pertains to knives.
I was aware that CHL only applied to handguns, but wasn't sure if there were laws against concealed carry of knives.

In California, fixed blades had to be open carried. The laws there concerning blades was enough to drive anyone mad.


Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 12:45 am
by KBCraig
Russell wrote:Welcome to Texas, where we can at least be somewhat free :cool:
Unless you want to carry the knife named for a Hero of the Alamo. :???:

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 1:18 am
by T3hK1w1
Generally, if a knife does not fall into one of the "Illegal Knives" categories, you can carry it any way you want. Also, note that most of the knives that DO fall under this category are only illegal to carry-they are not illegal to own.

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 3:44 pm
by dihappy
What about locking blades? Did i read some where, something about locking blades or is any blade under 5.5'' legal with the exception of a double bladed dagger, stilleto, etc?

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 4:03 pm
by Liberty
dihappy wrote:What about locking blades? Did i read some where, something about locking blades or is any blade under 5.5'' legal with the exception of a double bladed dagger, stilleto, etc?
Thats a San Antonio thing. They have an ordinance about locking blades.

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 4:40 pm
by dihappy
ahh yes, thats right. So doesnt matter how long in SA, no locking right?

Thats ridiculous!

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 5:57 pm
by Skiprr
Yep; in San Antonio I don't think you can carry a folding, lock-back knife, period. Because Texas law says no blade longer than 5.5" and the clever SA legislature wrote Muni code to say no lock-back knife with a blade shorter than 5.5". :???:

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 7:22 pm
by jason
Skiprr wrote:Yep; in San Antonio I don't think you can carry a folding, lock-back knife, period. Because Texas law says no blade longer than 5.5" and the clever SA legislature wrote Muni code to say no lock-back knife with a blade shorter than 5.5". :???:
The problem I have, is how we are supposed to know every ordinance of every county and municipality we may have to travel through. Obviously, no one knows what you're carrying if it is concealed properly. I don't like the feeling that I'm breaking the law, even if the law is ridiculous.

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 7:23 pm
by HooG19
Skiprr wrote:Yep; in San Antonio I don't think you can carry a folding, lock-back knife, period. Because Texas law says no blade longer than 5.5" and the clever SA legislature wrote Muni code to say no lock-back knife with a blade shorter than 5.5". :???:
So carry a lock blade that is exactly 5.5"?

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 7:36 pm
by flintknapper
HooG19 wrote:
Skiprr wrote:Yep; in San Antonio I don't think you can carry a folding, lock-back knife, period. Because Texas law says no blade longer than 5.5" and the clever SA legislature wrote Muni code to say no lock-back knife with a blade shorter than 5.5". :???:
So carry a lock blade that is exactly 5.5"?

Unfortunately, this involves yet another problem.

There is no uniform method by which the blade is measured.

One person may interpret "blade" to mean the sharpened part of the blade only, another may think that the blade is everything from the tip to the hilt/locking mechanism.

For fixed blade could even include the "tang" which may extend all the way through the handle. There needs to be a national standard on this IMO.

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 8:23 pm
by stevie_d_64
I dunno...Sometimes I wonder why I even bother to carry a knife...

Loaded statement, I know...But having done so for years, with what I believe to be a perfectly "legal" knife for any purpose...What has it really done for me??? Do I practice with it??? Do I keep it sharp??? etc etc...

Its been that one little thing that has become so second nature to my routine in the morning, cliping it to the hem in my right pocket, that I can see the wear and tear on many a pant I have worn over the years...

So from time to time you kinda go though this little gut check and try to figure out why you do this...

FYI, it has been one of those Cricket M-16 (Tanto tipped) locking blades...That I figure would be illegal in San Antonio for some silly reason...

But thats just what kinda got me off on this tangent anyway...