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Humorous sign of the week

Posted: Sat May 20, 2017 11:58 pm
by bbhack
For your enjoyment. This is located in San Antonio, NW. I don't want to say exactly where, because this is either brilliant satire or serious. Not sure.

Re: Humorous sign of the week

Posted: Sun May 21, 2017 12:12 am
by nimravus01
Perhaps the owner of the business has a kid who is a first year law student? Lol!

Re: Humorous sign of the week

Posted: Sun May 21, 2017 12:14 am
by 68Charger
Where abouts in San Antonio. I live in medical center (NW). I would love to see this for myself so I can laugh when I'm having a bad day. :mrgreen: :smilelol5:

Re: Humorous sign of the week

Posted: Sun May 21, 2017 6:42 am
by flechero
I like it... looks official enough to appease/fool 95% of the anti's. (which probably constitutes the bulk of their business)

Re: Humorous sign of the week

Posted: Sun May 21, 2017 1:08 pm
by bbhack
Where abouts in San Antonio. I live in medical center (NW). I would love to see this for myself so I can laugh when I'm having a bad day.
An office center behind Chacho's on Poss Rd.

Re: Humorous sign of the week

Posted: Sun May 21, 2017 2:25 pm
by crazy2medic
Or would that be the humorous sign of the weak?

Re: Humorous sign of the week

Posted: Sun May 21, 2017 4:07 pm
by Soccerdad1995
So the owner is fine with concealed and open carry, and only has a problem with something called "brandishing"? Since this sign is in Texas, "brandishing" is a non-sensical word, kind of like if the sign said "spagretting" a weapon. I'm not sure what point they are trying to make, but it is a relief to see that they have no issues with legal carry.

It is a bit concerning that they are giving out incorrect legal advice, presumably without a law license. But based on other threads I have read here that is not illegal. Maybe I should send letters to all 30.06 posted businesses telling them that they are violating various laws (non-discrimination, etc.) by having their signs up?

Re: Humorous sign of the week

Posted: Sun May 21, 2017 4:47 pm
by twomillenium
The sign does not give legal advice, it is a legal sign and is merely and accurately quoting the written law. It has no bearing on the LTC holder unless they choose to "brandish the firearm in a manner to cause an immediate breach of the peace". Using your legal firearm in self-defense is not an "immediate" breach of the peace because the peace has already been breached.
IANAL and this is not intended to be legal advice.

Re: Humorous sign of the week

Posted: Mon May 22, 2017 12:59 pm
by Soccerdad1995
twomillenium wrote:The sign does not give legal advice, it is a legal sign and is merely and accurately quoting the written law. It has no bearing on the LTC holder unless they choose to "brandish the firearm in a manner to cause an immediate breach of the peace". Using your legal firearm in self-defense is not an "immediate" breach of the peace because the peace has already been breached.
IANAL and this is not intended to be legal advice.
I stand corrected. I didn't realize that Texas law included the term "brandishing".

To the broader point on giving legal advice, IANAL, but if this sign had incorrectly stated the law, then would that have constituted giving legal advice? For example, would I be giving legal advice if I were to send a letter to a 30.06 posted business owner telling him that he is committing a felony by having that sign? And if I, as a non-lawyer was to do that, would I be breaking any laws? I believe the consensus from previous threads (where signs actually were incorrectly stating the law) is that this is not illegal.

Getting back to the point of this thread, I am just happy that we have yet another business owner who fully supports our 2A rights.

Re: Humorous sign of the week

Posted: Mon May 22, 2017 1:29 pm
by oljames3
I have been unable to find the term "brandish", in any of its forms, in Texas code. PC Title 9, Chapter 42, Section 42.01(a)(1) and (2) refer to offensive language and gestures that tend "to incite an immediate breach of the peace." Applying this to a holstered handgun seems a stretch, especially when 42.01(a)(8) says "displays a firearm or other deadly weapon in a public place in a manner calculated to alarm;". Disorderly conduct can apply to both licensed and unlicensed carriers.

Texas PC 46.035 covers unlawful carry of a handgun by an LTC holder. Still no "brandishing".

Re: Humorous sign of the week

Posted: Mon May 22, 2017 5:05 pm
by twomillenium
Soccerdad1995 wrote:
twomillenium wrote:The sign does not give legal advice, it is a legal sign and is merely and accurately quoting the written law. It has no bearing on the LTC holder unless they choose to "brandish the firearm in a manner to cause an immediate breach of the peace". Using your legal firearm in self-defense is not an "immediate" breach of the peace because the peace has already been breached.
IANAL and this is not intended to be legal advice.
I stand corrected. I didn't realize that Texas law included the term "brandishing".

To the broader point on giving legal advice, IANAL, but if this sign had incorrectly stated the law, then would that have constituted giving legal advice? For example, would I be giving legal advice if I were to send a letter to a 30.06 posted business owner telling him that he is committing a felony by having that sign? And if I, as a non-lawyer was to do that, would I be breaking any laws? I believe the consensus from previous threads (where signs actually were incorrectly stating the law) is that this is not illegal.

Getting back to the point of this thread, I am just happy that we have yet another business owner who fully supports our 2A rights.
I was quoting the sign and noting that the sign was, IMO, not anti LTC. I think it makes the anti folks have that warm feeling run up their leg, of course if it runs down their leg, we know what that is. :lol:

Re: Humorous sign of the week

Posted: Tue May 23, 2017 3:22 pm
by JustSomeOldGuy
Since the sign specifically applies to people who carry but DO NOT have an ltc, it appears that someone is having a private joke at the liberals' expense... "rlol"

Re: Humorous sign of the week

Posted: Tue May 23, 2017 10:14 pm
by ScottDLS
So let's break this down...You can't "brandish" a weapon in such a manner as to rise to disorderly conduct... OR ELSE we'll charge you with trespass. But I guess you CAN brandish a weapon in a different manner (one not inciting an immediate breach of the peace). You can presumably brandish a long gun since the use of the term "weapon" appears to be referring to the penal code definition in 46.01. Otherwise for clarity they should have used the term "firearm" or deadly weapon, or stated specifically what you were not to brandish without having your permission to enter the property withheld. :headscratch

ETA: I was wondering what law school graduates who failed the bar exam did for a living. Now I know, they are "graphic artists" for sign companies. I hope they didn't violate the DMCA by using a copyrighted font. :biggrinjester:

Re: Humorous sign of the week

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2017 5:20 pm
by bbhack
I was told that one needs to properly brandish a gun before re-bluing it, or it would turn out splotchy.

Re: Humorous sign of the week

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2017 5:39 pm
by Pariah3j
This is the sign we need to start telling businesses they need to post the 30.05 signs, those old 30.06 and 30.07 signs are outdated. "rlol"

It even looks real official. It'll be a quick way to tell if they know what they are posting or not. :biggrinjester: