Will be visiting Tech later this month. Have read their policy 10.22, seems pretty straightforward.
Do I need to worry about any surprises? Any 30.06 locations on the campus tour?
Already know to avoid the rec center.
I noticed this excerpt from the pamphlet you linked
Concealed Handgun- the presence of a handgun is not openly discernible to the ordinary observation of a reasonable
Is this consistent with the legal definition of concealed? My concern is that the text I quoted seems to imply that "printing" is a problem.
This is consistent. It doesn't mention anything about printing per se. The discernible presence of an object is not a problem. That I can tell that there is something you are concealing is not the same as me being able to discern that the object is a handgun.
A friend of mine from many many years ago only covered his handgun by pulling his t-shirt over it. Prior to the day he did this with me when we were making a Whataburger run for a group I didn't know he had a CHL. We rode in his car and he put it in an IWB holster at about 5 o'clock right before getting out of the car. I noticed it back there walking in. It was so noticeable that I could tell it was either a Glock 19 or 23. He figured that he only needed to cover it and that it didn't matter if it was discernible as a handgun or not. Nothing happened on that trip and we parted ways a couple months later when he had to move for his job.
I am not and have never been a LEO. My avatar is in honor of my friend, Dallas Police Sargent Michael Smith, who was murdered along with four other officers in Dallas on 7.7.2016. NRA Patriot-Endowment Lifetime Member---------------------------------------------Si vis pacem, para bellum.................................................Patriot Guard Rider
Depends on your definition of 'openly discernable'. If you're at the UT Austin campus, that gun shaped bulge might actually be a dildo. If the shirt still completely covers it, how can you tell? Could be I'm concealed carrying my soap bar carved .38 snubby, my project for this semester's Sculpture Class. I think I'm a reasonable person (at least some of the time) and for me to 'discern' that it's a gun, I'd need to actually see at least some part of it. I think we've gone over the printing question in other threads here.
My own question would be, ARE there any 'reasonable persons' on a college campus anymore?
member of the church of San Gabriel de Possenti
lay brother in the order of St. John Moses Browning
USPSA limited/single stack/revolver
I noticed this excerpt from the pamphlet you linked
Concealed Handgun- the presence of a handgun is not openly discernible to the ordinary observation of a reasonable
Is this consistent with the legal definition of concealed? My concern is that the text I quoted seems to imply that "printing" is a problem.
This is consistent. It doesn't mention anything about printing per se. The discernible presence of an object is not a problem. That I can tell that there is something you are concealing is not the same as me being able to discern that the object is a handgun.
A friend of mine from many many years ago only covered his handgun by pulling his t-shirt over it. Prior to the day he did this with me when we were making a Whataburger run for a group I didn't know he had a CHL. We rode in his car and he put it in an IWB holster at about 5 o'clock right before getting out of the car. I noticed it back there walking in. It was so noticeable that I could tell it was either a Glock 19 or 23. He figured that he only needed to cover it and that it didn't matter if it was discernible as a handgun or not. Nothing happened on that trip and we parted ways a couple months later when he had to move for his job.
I think this is the crux of my concern. Back when OC was not allowed anywhere, I could CC in a skin tight leotard carrying my 1911 in my back pocket, such that anyone could clearly "discern" that it was a gun. And that would not have been a problem (legally) as long as I could CC in that location. The use of the word "discern" in this policy seems to imply that they are going to have a problem if someone is carrying in a similar manner. I think it would be much better if they used the word "visible" versus "discern".
I live in Lubbock. There are 30.07 signs at every street entrance to the campus. I rarely go onto campus except every once in awhile for work but the company I work for prohibits firearms in work truck (so its hidden well) so I don't actually carry while there. Typically college students are clueless to everything around them there heads are always in their phone or they are zombie walking with earbuds in. You could probably open carry on campus for a solid 10 minutes before anyone would even notice although that is not advised. Tech police and Lubbock PD don't really have that much to do so there will be plenty of them there to talk to you about it.
jb2012 wrote:I may be mistaken, but I thought it was established that dorms could not be posted 30.06?
I'm not certain how they decided to post dorms.
Completely guessing here, I believe they've posted dorms where mostly /only under-21s live. If you want to and are legally able to carry a gun and live on campus they've set aside specific residence locations for that.
Again, not confirmed.
I am not a lawyer. This is NOT legal advice.! Nothing tempers idealism quite like the cold bath of reality.... SQLGeek
jb2012 wrote:I may be mistaken, but I thought it was established that dorms could not be posted 30.06?
I'm not certain how they decided to post dorms.
Completely guessing here, I believe they've posted dorms where mostly /only under-21s live. If you want to and are legally able to carry a gun and live on campus they've set aside specific residence locations for that.
Again, not confirmed.
Most dorm dwellers are under 21. Some colleges may cater to the exceptions, some probably won't........
For most colleges, I suspect that if you check the exclusion list for each college, that you're going to find it similar to what they did at UTRGV.
All the standard dorms (students assigned 2 per dorm unit) are posted 30.06. The exceptions will be any on-campus "married student housing" (at UTRGV the 'Bronc Village'). In other words, somewhere between 80-100% of student housing is going to be an exclusion zone......
member of the church of San Gabriel de Possenti
lay brother in the order of St. John Moses Browning
USPSA limited/single stack/revolver
They wasted their money posting 30.07. Open carry on any school campus is statutorily prohibited. I would be happy for them to vigorously prosecute anyone who did, including a licensee who is supposed to know better.
USMC, Retired
Treating one variety of person as better or worse than others by accident of birth is morally indefensible.