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Potential Fingerprint Problems?
Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 7:24 pm
by CatD6R
A machinist by trade, I constantly abuse my fingertips with cuts and burns. I was wondering if this would cause a set of prints to be kicked out for my CHL. Any suggestions or knowledge of the subject?
Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 8:45 pm
by Warhorse545
When I first got my license I was told to hold off on prints till the blisters healed over on 2 of my fingers. And I have a friend that about three times a year his fingers peel and he had his kicked back the time he was printed when they were peeling. I would suggest to do what ya can for a week or do and get them in the best shape you can and then get printed.
I have also seen some prints that I thought were smeared and non-useable that went through with no problems. With DPS it seems ya never know.
This is just from my experience.
Welcome to the forum BTW.
Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 9:48 pm
by CatD6R
Thanks for the welcome. Someone on another forum told me to use a water based lotion for atleast a week prior to being printed, and I am keeping cuts covered while at work...hopefully i wont have any problems.
Thanks again!