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6+1 or 15+1??? Is it enough with a lower round count?

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2015 8:37 am
by cmgee67
I carry a Glock 19 everyday no matter what but I from time to time carry my glock 43. I carry both in the waist band with no issues. So naturally I'll carry the bigger fun and leave the 43 in the truck. But what do y'all think? Is 7 rounds plenty for concealed carry or is 16 rounds better? You can conceal the 43 so much easier and not to mention the weight is so much better but you have your 19 that's bigger and heavier and holds more rounds. I personally like the idea or being more than prepared but I want to know what you guys think about the situation.

Re: 6+1 or 15+1??? Is it enough with a lower round count?

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2015 8:41 am
by TVegas
For the last year I have carried a shield (8+1), but I recently started carrying a Glock 19 and I find that with the way I carry (appendix) the guns hide virtually the same. There is slightly more printing of the grip on the 19 when I twist my body away from the gun, but it's not so great that it makes any difference. To me, I would always carry the gun you feel you could fight with best, as long as the situation doesn't require a smaller gun.

Re: 6+1 or 15+1??? Is it enough with a lower round count?

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2015 8:47 am
by jrs_diesel
Either way, I think we could all agree that something is better than nothing.

Re: 6+1 or 15+1??? Is it enough with a lower round count?

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2015 8:51 am
by txhighlander
I carry wheels an I don't feel under gunned. I do practice reloading under stress as well though. :tiphat:

Re: 6+1 or 15+1??? Is it enough with a lower round count?

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2015 8:52 am
by The Annoyed Man
My EDC lately has been a G17, but I bought two G43s this week. The first one was for my wife. She loves it. I liked it so much, I got another one - the TALO edition with night sights - for myself. I will still likely carry the G17 more often than not, simply because it is comfortable to carry in a Bianchi/Safariland pancake holster. But I still occasionally pocket carry a small gun, and that's what the G43 will be for. It will be replacing the Kahr PM9 I have for sale HERE. My wife's G43 is replacing her Kahr CW9, which I also have for sale.

Re: 6+1 or 15+1??? Is it enough with a lower round count?

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2015 8:53 am
by goose
Eventually the question becomes "Is one backup magazine enough or is two better?"

We could all carry more and bigger. I vote to carry the combination that allows you to carry the most. One day may be a 19 one day may be a 43. But that is two days worth of carry which is vastly better than two days not carrying.

Re: 6+1 or 15+1??? Is it enough with a lower round count?

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2015 9:16 am
Isn't this like fuel on an airplane? The only time you have too much is when you are on fire!

When I lived in CA, where the magazine limit was 10, you did the best you could with that. When I moved back to a free state, I got rid of the 10 round mags and got 17 round mags for my 226 Navy. The P7M8 is 8 rounds, nothing to do about that. I recently sold both in favor of a VP9, 15+1.

There was a story about a SEAL in a terrific fire fight inside a structure. His M4 took a hit, he drew his 226 and kept in the fight, changed mags, and kept on. He was grievously wounded, but recovered, and at the medal ceremony, the Admiral gave him some grief, that he would have to go through pistol training again as a competent marksman shouldn't have needed two magazines to eliminate that few bad guys!

Re: 6+1 or 15+1??? Is it enough with a lower round count?

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2015 9:16 am
by NotRPB
Round Count

I pocket carry a Glock 26 using a Glock 19 mag for 15+1 as a BACKUP
My Primary is a Glock 26 with a Glock 17 Mag +3 Pinky Extension for 20+1
I carry a Spare 20 round mag (Glock 17 Mag +3 Pinky extension)
So I carry 77 rounds usually, hoping I don't need 80 rounds
Before retirement and leaving Houston, Texas>Second time a hardware store where I worked was robbed, there were 5 robbers together, all armed. The first time an electronics Store where I worked was robbed, there were only two armed robbers.

August 2013 Cop shot 17 times at Sikh Temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin says, 'Never give up' (Murphy was shot 17 times when he was the first officer responding to the shooting rampage at the Sikh Temple) ... r-give-up/

Rapper 50cent was shot 9 times at close range TWICE and has since released 2 albums, ... ves-again/

BabyFace Nelson was shot 17 times before he killed the two FBI agents shooting at him, then Babyface Nelson went home (Died later that evening)

Angel Alvarez, hit 23 times in Harlem shootout with cops, held without bail on weapons charges

Further info same topic viewtopic.php?f=94&t=61675&p=757318&hil ... on#p757318 Includes Castillo's instance in Houston, a jeweler using 3 small capacity guns against the 3 armed robbers, while being shot numerous times while running back and forth to use small capacity guns store in different locations

Perhaps the magic 1-shot-stop caliber matters; shot Placement matters, I have to idea what round count is enough.

Re: 6+1 or 15+1??? Is it enough with a lower round count?

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2015 9:20 am
by kjolly
no matter how many rounds you carry the important thing with semi-automatics is to carry a extra magazine because of possible malfunctions which you can recover from quicker with the addition of a spare magazine.

Re: 6+1 or 15+1??? Is it enough with a lower round count?

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2015 9:30 am
by Bitter Clinger
kjolly wrote:no matter how many rounds you carry the important thing with semi-automatics is to carry a extra magazine because of possible malfunctions which you can recover from quicker with the addition of a spare magazine.
:iagree: EDC is a Springfield EMP w/2 spare 9 round mags.

Re: 6+1 or 15+1??? Is it enough with a lower round count?

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2015 9:42 am
by Richbirdhunter
My EDC is a G26 with G19 mags, I keep 3 extra mags in the truck

Re: 6+1 or 15+1??? Is it enough with a lower round count?

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2015 9:42 am
by RPBrown
I would think that under normal circumstances, 7 would be enough. There is always that chance that you would get into a firefight and need more, but think about the odds of even having to use your weapon. They are slim, however they are growing every day. But the odds of having to use a lot of rounds (15+) are even smaller. With that statement, my EDC is a 1911 of some shape form or fashion, and I usually have a spare magazine if not a BUG of some sort. You never know what the sudden Adrenalin rush can cause.

Re: 6+1 or 15+1??? Is it enough with a lower round count?

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2015 9:44 am
by NotRPB
2 rounds could be enough, but on days you plan to be attacked my more than one person, carry more :biggrinjester:
I think all parachutes come with a backup plan

Re: 6+1 or 15+1??? Is it enough with a lower round count?

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2015 9:51 am
by John Galt
RPBrown wrote:I would think that under normal circumstances, 7 would be enough. There is always that chance that you would get into a firefight and need more, but think about the odds of even having to use your weapon. They are slim, however they are growing every day. But the odds of having to use a lot of rounds (15+) are even smaller. With that statement, my EDC is a 1911 of some shape form or fashion, and I usually have a spare magazine if not a BUG of some sort. You never know what the sudden Adrenalin rush can cause.
:iagree: I have said that 7 rounds should be plenty, unless one thinks that there might be a Gun Fight at OK Corral.

Re: 6+1 or 15+1??? Is it enough with a lower round count?

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2015 10:04 am
by Beiruty
I have been carrying for like 7yrs now. 14 + 17rds of 9mm for my PX4SC or 16 +15 for my HKP30. Why 31 rds? who knows, It is a prime number :mrgreen: