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Texas lawmaker files 'Pop Tart gun' bill
Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 8:28 pm
by winters
Re: Texas lawmaker files 'Pop Tart gun' bill
Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 8:29 pm
by Keith B
Yes it is. I support this one.
Re: Texas lawmaker files 'Pop Tart gun' bill
Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 8:32 pm
by brhalltx
Wow. Who'd think a Democrat would file a bill like that.
Re: Texas lawmaker files 'Pop Tart gun' bill
Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 8:37 pm
by winters
brhalltx wrote:Wow. Who'd think a Democrat would file a bill like that.
I think its ridiculous we have now come full circle into stupidity to need such a law. I guess pens, pencils, scissors never hurt anyone? ofcourse my mother teaches nursing and some of the things they come up with are nuts and she is talking about adults.
Re: Texas lawmaker files 'Pop Tart gun' bill
Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 8:39 pm
by jmra
Keith B wrote:
Yes it is. I support this one.
Re: Texas lawmaker files 'Pop Tart gun' bill
Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 8:45 pm
by K.Mooneyham
What irritates me is that little kids keep getting in trouble around this nation for making "finger guns" or drawing guns. I'm not talking about some older teen making a "finger gun" and accompanying it with a serious violent threat, but just little kids playing. Well, I guess I'm not the only one, at least here in Texas, anyway.
Re: Texas lawmaker files 'Pop Tart gun' bill
Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 8:46 pm
by Dave2
What's the penalty for attempting to punish a kid for chewing their food into a gun-like shape? I've become increasingly convinced that we won't actually solve the problem until we stop employing the problem people.
Re: Texas lawmaker files 'Pop Tart gun' bill
Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 9:21 pm
by Charles L. Cotton
Dave2 wrote:What's the penalty for attempting to punish a kid for chewing their food into a gun-like shape? I've become increasingly convinced that we won't actually solve the problem until we stop employing the problem people.
Anyone who would discipline a kid for "offenses" coming within the scope of the Bill should be fired and lose their teaching credentials. I'd like a little jail time thrown in too, but some would say I'm going overboard.
Re: Texas lawmaker files 'Pop Tart gun' bill
Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 9:31 pm
by mojo84
Charles L. Cotton wrote:Dave2 wrote:What's the penalty for attempting to punish a kid for chewing their food into a gun-like shape? I've become increasingly convinced that we won't actually solve the problem until we stop employing the problem people.
Anyone who would discipline a kid for "offenses" coming within the scope of the Bill should be fired and lose their teaching credentials. I'd like a little jail time thrown in too, but some would say I'm going overboard.
Sometimes overboard is good.
Re: Texas lawmaker files 'Pop Tart gun' bill
Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 9:46 pm
by rbwhatever1
Overboard about 500 miles out would be nice.
Re: Texas lawmaker files 'Pop Tart gun' bill
Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 10:36 pm
by joe817
Charles L. Cotton wrote:Dave2 wrote:What's the penalty for attempting to punish a kid for chewing their food into a gun-like shape? I've become increasingly convinced that we won't actually solve the problem until we stop employing the problem people.
Anyone who would discipline a kid for "offenses" coming within the scope of the Bill should be fired and lose their teaching credentials. I'd like a little jail time thrown in too, but some would say I'm going overboard.
Not me! &
Re: Texas lawmaker files 'Pop Tart gun' bill
Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2014 6:19 am
by Jumping Frog
Re: Texas lawmaker files 'Pop Tart gun' bill
Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2014 7:44 am
by RetNavy
Guess my school ISD is a more tolerant than most..... I packed my pre-k daughter lunch the other day and put in plasticware pkg that you get for take outs..... it included plastic knife....
i didnt get a frantic call from the school saying my kid had a taboo weapon...
no screaming cop cars running code to the school.....
no kids needed therapy for seeing a knife
didnt realize it til the next morning that i had put a "weapon" in a 4 year old's lunch bag....
(SA not to awake with only one cup of coffee)
just going have to make sure nothing like that happens again.... dont need Mothers Against Plastic Knives and Pop-Tart Guns irrate at me
Re: Texas lawmaker files 'Pop Tart gun' bill
Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2014 9:03 am
by TomsTXCHL
More proof that the world is coming to an end. Get ready folks.
When I was a kid there were very few (any?) playtime activities that didn't involve gunplay. If it wasn't "Cowboys and Indians" it was WWII combat (mostly krauts notsomuch japs iirc). My favorite weapon was a croquet mallet because it could be thrown-down and jumped-on and run-over and still always fired unlimited rounds with zero failures. And I turned-out all right--I don't even step on bugs.
While Hollywood and the videogame manufacturers have been turning our kids into dazed/confused/stayathome monsters, our Fed/State/Local Governments have either been taxing hard-working Parents such that they can hardly find time to know what their kids are doing much less provide positive guidance for them, or Subsidizing inactivity, laziness, low self-esteem, you-name-it with welfare perpetuating a downward spiral for the poor.
Re: Texas lawmaker files 'Pop Tart gun' bill
Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2014 9:09 am
by LDB415
I like this one. I like HB161, HB150, HB138, HB97, and HB113 and don't like HB76, HB124, HB130, and HJR34.