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CHL application and child support
Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 9:37 pm
by Sludge
Sent off my application on the 3rd. Received my signature confirmation from USPS today in the mail and now I wait. One question that has been concerning me is the disqualifier for delinquent child support. At one time several years ago I was collected on by the Texas AG office due to an employer screw up. I was behind by a few payments, It was taken care of and paid off. I still make regular payroll deductions through my work to keep everything current. It is never late and my account balance is caught up. Is this going to be a problem, or am I being paranoid??
Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 9:43 pm
by TxBlonde
Sounds good to me.
IMHO, that is only if you are currently deliquent.
Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 10:09 pm
by KBCraig
You're not currently delinquent, so you're good.
Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 6:32 pm
by Sludge
Thanks for the response. It does make me feel better, but I will be even better when I have plastic in hand....
Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 6:43 pm
by BrassMonkey
Call OAG and ask for a "Clearance Letter" It is good to have that anyway. My Ex-Wife has never paid a dime. OAG won't do a darned thing...
Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 6:34 am
by Sludge
BrassMonkey wrote:Call OAG and ask for a "Clearance Letter" It is good to have that anyway. My Ex-Wife has never paid a dime. OAG won't do a darned thing...
Thats wrong Bro. The OAG was all over my case, in a nutt shell my employer changed the way that we get paid and failed to change the way that they withold my CS. I got 1500 behind and I had letters, phone calls, you name it they where doing it. I got the CS amount fixed and paid a lump some just to get the OAG off of my back. Now every 3 years they drag me into their office and adjust my CS with what I am making.
Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 7:05 am
by BrassMonkey
She moved to Oklahoma, does not work, does not report her new addresses to the state or courts. Is on welfare, WIC, Section 8 housing. When Texas finally DOES find her, whch takes years, she moves before they can server her. When are they gonna realize that sending her a letter in the mail is a tip off to get the hell outta dodge so she doesn't get served? Texas OAG SC Division, buncha idiots...
I even contacted a PI to try to locate her so I can server her myself, too expensive though... :-(
Re: CHL application and child support
Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 11:15 am
by Show Killer
Sludge wrote:Sent off my application on the 3rd. Received my signature confirmation from USPS today in the mail and now I wait. One question that has been concerning me is the disqualifier for delinquent child support. At one time several years ago I was collected on by the Texas AG office due to an employer screw up. I was behind by a few payments, It was taken care of and paid off. I still make regular payroll deductions through my work to keep everything current. It is never late and my account balance is caught up. Is this going to be a problem, or am I being paranoid??
You are good to go. You can be currently behind on child support and still get a CHL. As long as you have a payment schedule set up with OAG they will approve you. I know because when the ex and i first got divorced they made me pay child support back to when we got seperated (6 months earlier) and there was no way i was coming up with $3500 that quick. I made arrangements with OAG to repay her $100 extra a month and i was set. Still got my 1st CHL with a $2000 balance on the books at OAG. The law is set up to not allow dead-beat-dads to get a CHL.