"We need to go ahead and blow up Syria so you can find out what's in it!"

Moderators: carlson1, Charles L. Cotton
Could be man. It's way too easy to come up with that one. It thought of it last night laying in bed and couldn't stop laughing. I wouldn't doubt if it surfaces elsewhere.Pecos wrote:Are you sure that wasnt a Saterday Night Live script?
Nancy Pelosi IS a SNL skit! Just like SNL is a sad attempt at humor Nancy Pelosi is a sad attempt at portraying intelligence!Pecos wrote:Are you sure that wasnt a Saterday Night Live script?
RoadRunnerTR21 wrote:It is pretty simple. She is a whack job living in a state full of whack jobs and that is why she keeps getting elected. How do any of these crazies keep getting elected? They go to a location and align themselves with their constituents and they keep getting elected. Just look at the Dallas city counsel. Thank God I live where I do.
Repubs give away free gun classes and CHL's to circumvent obummerfones.Pecos wrote:These people leading our country are pretty scary! Just think in a few years Oboma's term will be over & Hillary will be our next president & Nancy will be vice president voted in by free loaders that get nothing anyway!!!
PS: All these people probably have CHLs