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Probably an over discussed issue.

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 10:47 pm
by Craig8d8
But I can't find my exact answer by using the search. So...

I know a 30.06 must be 1". I know it can't be smaller than that but what if the letters are larger than 1"? Is that legal? I've been at one of our local hospitals in and out since Thursday. And every door I went it was either not marked or was printed with maybe 1/2" letters. Well I went out a different door this eve and noticed a huge 30.06 sign with 2" lettering.

What are your opinions?

Thanks guys!!

Ps: I snapped a pic on my iPhone. If anyone can post it up here for me I can email it to you!

Re: Probably an over discussed issue.

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 10:54 pm
by apostate
The law says "at least one inch in height" so larger qualifies. ... /PE.30.htm" onclick=";return false; ... CHL-16.pdf" onclick=";return false;

Re: Probably an over discussed issue.

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 10:55 pm
by Craig8d8
Well heck. I guess I won't use that door again. Lol

Re: Probably an over discussed issue.

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 5:28 pm
by Katygunnut
Maybe they thought the signs needed to average 1" and they were compensating for the smaller lettering on the other signs?

There is a school of thought that I have seen on these boards that once you have seen a compliant sign at any entrance you are forevermore on notice that the building is properly posted (on at least one entrance), and would be in violation if you later carry past an entrance that is not properly posted. That usually comes up when discussing locations where some entrances are not posted at all (as in certain Shopping Malls).

I have also seen some opinions that just reading about a posting here or on other sites is sufficient notice (again, most applicable when you go through an unmarked entrance after being told that one of the other entrances is properly posted).

I won't give a definitive opinion on either stance, since IANAL, and as far as I know, there is no applicable case law.

Re: Probably an over discussed issue.

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 9:03 pm
by Greybeard
Don't forget either that cameras probably got you on record entering at each of the doors. And maybe even on tape taking a pic of their 30.06 sign. ;-)

Re: Probably an over discussed issue.

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 10:10 pm
by one eyed fatman
Greybeard wrote:Don't forget either that cameras probably got you on record entering at each of the doors. And maybe even on tape taking a pic of their 30.06 sign. ;-)
Big freaking deal. I didn't get a gun and a gun license so I could run around being paranoid about everything (especially the law). Seems to be what this forum is about mostly... Purty sad when you use a gun forum to spread fear against your own. There is no way everyone can abide by the law. It's simply not possible. You walk into a store, you do your business and notice a 30.06 sigh on the way out... what do you do? Ya broke the law but nobody cares cause nobody knows and nothing bad happened when that law was broken SBFD. Some people here need to seriously get a life.

Re: Probably an over discussed issue.

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 10:24 pm
by C-dub
one eyed fatman wrote:
Greybeard wrote:Don't forget either that cameras probably got you on record entering at each of the doors. And maybe even on tape taking a pic of their 30.06 sign. ;-)
Big freaking deal. I didn't get a gun and a gun license so I could run around being paranoid about everything (especially the law). Seems to be what this forum is about mostly... Purty sad when you use a gun forum to spread fear against your own. There is no way everyone can abide by the law. It's simply not possible. You walk into a store, you do your business and notice a 30.06 sigh on the way out... what do you do? Ya broke the law but nobody cares cause nobody knows and nothing bad happened when that law was broken SBFD. Some people here need to seriously get a life.
Easy there big guy. He was joking. Mostly.

Re: Probably an over discussed issue.

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 11:52 pm
by 03Lightningrocks
C-dub wrote:
one eyed fatman wrote:
Greybeard wrote:Don't forget either that cameras probably got you on record entering at each of the doors. And maybe even on tape taking a pic of their 30.06 sign. ;-)
Big freaking deal. I didn't get a gun and a gun license so I could run around being paranoid about everything (especially the law). Seems to be what this forum is about mostly... Purty sad when you use a gun forum to spread fear against your own. There is no way everyone can abide by the law. It's simply not possible. You walk into a store, you do your business and notice a 30.06 sigh on the way out... what do you do? Ya broke the law but nobody cares cause nobody knows and nothing bad happened when that law was broken SBFD. Some people here need to seriously get a life.
Easy there big guy. He was joking. Mostly.
:biggrinjester: I think somebody needs a hug.

Re: Probably an over discussed issue.

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 10:20 am
by glbedd53
That's exactly why I have to take Prozac.

Re: Probably an over discussed issue.

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 10:24 am
by danpaw
Is it even legal for a one eyed fatman to carry a gun anyway?

Re: Probably an over discussed issue.

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 12:10 pm
by C-dub
danpaw wrote:Is it even legal for a one eyed fatman to carry a gun anyway?
Carry, probably. There was even that blind guy up in NY, I think, where a judge ordered the police to return all of his guns to him after they had confiscated them after he accidentally shot himself in the leg. So, I don't know about carrying, doubt they could pass the range qualification, but even a blind person still retains their right to own a firearm as long as there isn't some other restriction. ;-)

Re: Probably an over discussed issue.

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 5:53 pm
by danpaw
Yeah, you're right. I shoot with one eye closed anyway.

Re: Probably an over discussed issue.

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 1:46 pm
by gringo pistolero
one eyed fatman wrote:Ya broke the law but nobody cares cause nobody knows and nothing bad happened when that law was broken SBFD. Some people here need to seriously get a life.
Doesn't that violate forum rule 1?

Re: Probably an over discussed issue.

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 2:10 pm
by WildBill
gringo pistolero wrote:
one eyed fatman wrote:Ya broke the law but nobody cares cause nobody knows and nothing bad happened when that law was broken SBFD. Some people here need to seriously get a life.
Doesn't that violate forum rule 1?
SBFD = Speciality Board of Fluency Disorders. ;-)

Re: Probably an over discussed issue.

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 2:48 pm
by J.R.@A&M
One might say that's pretty big talk for a one eyed fat man. But I've seen the result of that on TCM, so I'll just say here's hoping for a a nice rain shower this afternoon for everybody.