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Bar Patron Shoots, Kills Suspicious Man
Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 7:47 am
by Lucky45
HOUSTON -- A bar patron shot and killed a man who tried to rob him Sunday night, officials told KPRC Local 2. Harris County sheriff's deputies said the shooting happened outside P & C Place in the 14600 block of Almeda Road near West Riley Road at about 9 p.m.
Officials said a customer became suspicious when he noticed a man sneaking around the bar's backdoor. The patron went to his pickup truck to get his gun, deputies said. Deputies said the patron told him the man pointed a shiny object at him and demanded money. The customer shot the man, officials said. He died at the scene. Officials interviewed the customer. They have not said if he will face charges.
The weapon the man pointed at the customer was a tool, deputies said.
I wonder if any charges will arise?? hmmm!!!!
Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 7:50 am
by age_ranger
Gee, a BAR patron, doesn't sound too good for our hero............

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 9:12 am
by Greybeard
Yep, "If ya go lookin' for trouble, you can find it ... "
Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 9:26 am
by seamusTX
The patron went to his pickup truck to get his gun,...
Better to get
in the truck and make tracks.
Nothing good happens in bars. I wasted enough time in them to know.
- Jim
Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 9:27 am
by dpatterson
Guess they didnt say what his BAC was at the time of the shooting?
Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 9:43 am
by longtooth
seamusTX wrote:The patron went to his pickup truck to get his gun,...
Better to get
in the truck and make tracks.
Nothing good happens in bars. I wasted enough time in them to know.
- Jim
Me too. I have had several young folks tell me:
Yea you can say we ought not to party because you have had your fun before settling down.
I tell them:
Remembering back, I dont remember anything fun about:
puking, arguing w/ the wife over money, getting fired once, the kids crying because of the arguing,
I just dont remember anything fun in those times.
Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 10:13 am
by seamusTX
longtooth wrote:Remembering back, I dont remember anything fun about:...
What I remember is too much cigarette smoke and stale beer, obnoxious drunks, trying to talk over loud music, funny stuff happening in the bathroom, and getting attention I didn't want from sleazy women. (Of course this goes double for women getting attention from sleazy men.)
- Jim
Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 10:28 am
by casselthief
went to TomCats this weekend to see some friend's bands play. The two people that helped me hold the door shut as thugs shot at us. (see also the Say Hello thread.)
anyway, it was a great show!!! nice LOUD music. didn't have to listen to people trying to talk over it. had a few tastey beverages (not too many, I was driving, and it was supposed to be THE weather storm of the millenium).
helped my buddies unload gear, afterwards, then went to Waffle House.
didn't spend that much. didn't drink that much. gee, moderation is amazing....
back on topic. Dude should have left. but, the deceased may have tried the same thing on someone else, who knows!
Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 6:55 pm
by Tote 9
seamusTX wrote:The patron went to his pickup truck to get his gun,...
Better to get
in the truck and make tracks.
Nothing good happens in bars. I wasted enough time in them to know.
- Jim

THe patron was looking for trouble. He had a chance leave but
didn't. If it happened exactly like the post said, then in my book he's guilty
of murder. My oppinion.
Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 7:15 pm
by seamusTX
Tote 9 wrote:If it happened exactly like the post said, then in my book he's guilty of murder.
Just for the sake of conversation, I disagree.
If the dead guy demanded money and had a "shiny object" in his hand, he was committing robbery. The article just says "tool." Someone can cause fatal injuries with a hammer, screwdriver, or Crescent wrench.
However, PC §9.32(2) comes into play here, because once the man had access to his vehicle, he could have retreated.
I wouldn't want to be in his shoes, but I don't think it's murder.
- Jim
Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 8:16 pm
by Tote 9
seamusTX wrote:Tote 9 wrote:If it happened exactly like the post said, then in my book he's guilty of murder.
Just for the sake of conversation, I disagree.
If the dead guy demanded money and had a "shiny object" in his hand, he was committing robbery. The article just says "tool." Someone can cause fatal injuries with a hammer, screwdriver, or Crescent wrench.
However, PC §9.32(2) comes into play here, because once the man had access to his vehicle, he could have retreated.
I wouldn't want to be in his shoes, but I don't think it's murder.
- Jim
The reason I think it was murder is, he made a deliberate choice, that was to go get his gun just because
he saw a suspicious person. He had not been threatened untill after he went and got his gun. As you said he
could have left. He didn't, he chose not to. As a result a man died when
maby there was no cause.
Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 8:17 pm
by JKDubb
I wonder if the 51% deal will come into play...
Guess he was making an attempt to be a hero, I OTOH would have been in my truck headed to my house. My priority is to save my own hide, and that of my family's of course. I refuse to pay a lawyer for saving someone else's behind.
Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 8:32 pm
by KBCraig
JKDubb wrote:I wonder if the 51% deal will come into play...
Not at all, because there was no concealed handgun involved, and the entire incident took place outside.
Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 8:37 pm
by KBCraig
seamusTX wrote:However, PC §9.32(2) comes into play here, because once the man had access to his vehicle, he could have retreated.
I wouldn't want to be in his shoes, but I don't think it's murder.
I agree with you, but not about the retreat. He wasn't in or near his truck when the threat was presented; he was investigating a suspicious stranger.
It may have been poor judgment to investigate, but once he opted to do so, carrying the rifle was prudent. When the threatening "shiny tool" appeared, retreat would have been unreasonable, and active defense quite reasonable.
Caveat: I'm assuming a lot in that last paragraph, especially that it was a close-range encounter.
Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 8:38 pm
by cloudcroft
Man, are you "old-fashioned!"
Nowadays it's also men getting attention from sleazy men, or women getting same from sleazy women.
But re: getting in your car and taking off because it's "not my problem" we really need more of that kind of attitude in this world. Or would it be better to have more people GET involved.
Reality is, criminals couldn't care less about or are afraid of the "armed but can't shoot" cops who have to follow all those rules/regualtions (but criminals don't)...but the same criminals SURE DO care about/are afraid of "untrained but armed citizens!"
Tote 9,
Looking for trouble? How do you know that?
How about he was just a citizen just checking out something suspicious? That's just as plausible, isn't it? Maybe even more so.
I've done it lots of times...running off peeping toms lurking about some woman's apartment, angry boyfriends threatening to kill their girlfriends, prowlers, crack heads, drunks, loud music gangster punks parking/drinking/trashing out the area, other gangster punks loitering -- especially in MY neighborhood -- because I don't don't want that sorry trash around here and want them to know it in no uncertain terms.
A gun in my pocket allows me to do that.
And I don't call the "We can't do anything about it" or, "We're too lazy to even write a report and help you document the problem" USELESS police every time something looks suspicious. SOME time, yes, but not EVERY time. I deal with it on a case-by-case basis.
If the cops won't do anything, I sure will. But please, don't tell me about "the consequences" -- from the punks or the cops -- because I don't care.
So call the police, okay, but also don't be timid re: standing up for yourself, other decent citizens and your neighborhood against the garbage out there.
-- John D.