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Background Check

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:53 pm
by Banjo1960
I don't know why, when you apply online and pay the $140.00 and get your fingerprints done and sent in why don't DPS start your background check. I mean they have your ss# and your dl# and your finger prints seems to me this would speed up the process. Why do they have to wait on all the other material to be mailed to start the process. All there waiting for is your picture,and the pass/ fail form. Would'nt this make since to go ahead and start the process or have I missed something? I called last Friday to check on my app and was told that they were waiting on the other material to be received thru the mail. They did tell me that they received my fingerprints and they looked good. Whats that suppose to mean?
Sorry about all the rambling on!
Have a Great day and I will still be waiting for an up-date on DPS Site!

Re: Background Check

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:56 pm
by Kirk
I can't speak for the DPS but my assumption is they are waiting on the Pass/fail form and won't do anything till then.

Once they receive everything the website doesn't change immediately so be prepared for that. The best thing is not to watch it, not that I listened to that but it's like watching paint dry. :banghead:

Re: Background Check

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:04 pm
by bayouhazard
They want a complete application. I agree they could start the background check without the class but they have applicants lined up for background checks. If they're not sitting around waiting, there's nothing gained in the big picture by starting to process applications that are incomplete.

Re: Background Check

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:41 pm
by Banjo1960
Thanks I just thought it would help speed up things, after all they already have the money ite not like there going to be out any money doing it. By the way Kirk I like your profile picture!!!!

Re: Background Check

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:53 pm
by 2up1down
Banjo1960 wrote:They did tell me that they received my fingerprints and they looked good. Whats that suppose to mean?
Most probably a really GOOD thing. Meaning that the prints were acceptable for use, some have had to "re-print" prolonging the
process even longer. Good luck and welcome to the waiting game.