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Everyone Should Read

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 9:37 am
by Mancunian
I'm gonna play devils advocat here for a moment.

I've been in some very nasty places throughout my life and always had the mindset if you carry yourself with confidence and you act like you belong there chances are you're not going to get picked on.

One thing that has jumped out off the pages at me on this forum are people's paranoia about bad guys beeing out to get them at every turn. Speaking for myself, I'm not like that. Since getting my CHL I've probably carried twice in public.

However, I read something interesting this morning that has made me rethink my role with a CHL. I'd like to share the piece I read and get your thoughts. I'm not saying after reading this I'm going to be armed to the teeth every time I venture out, but, It's made me more aware. ... /wrong.htm

Re: Everyone Should Read

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 5:22 pm
by Mancunian
Mancunian wrote:I'm gonna play devils advocat here for a moment.

I've been in some very nasty places throughout my life and always had the mindset if you carry yourself with confidence and you act like you belong there chances are you're not going to get picked on.

One thing that has jumped out off the pages at me on this forum are people's paranoia about bad guys beeing out to get them at every turn. Speaking for myself, I'm not like that. Since getting my CHL I've probably carried twice in public.

However, I read something interesting this morning that has made me rethink my role with a CHL. I'd like to share the piece I read and get your thoughts. I'm not saying after reading this I'm going to be armed to the teeth every time I venture out, but, It's made me more aware. ... /wrong.htm
Seventy two views and no comments!! Interesting :???:

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 5:26 pm
by casselthief
can't view it at work, sorry. :oops: :cry:

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 5:43 pm
by Paladin
I can't agree with all of it, but the airsoft part is pretty good.

Re: Everyone Should Read

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 6:16 pm
by KBCraig
Mancunian wrote:Seventy two views and no comments!! Interesting :???:
Sorry, but my eyes crossed before I got into the second paragraph. That's not the author's fault; it's mine.

I find that I can't read long serious works on the computer, especially when I'm in "forum mode" (scan reading).

I'm sure the premise was good. I just couldn't take the time to find it.


Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 7:21 pm
by Venus Pax
I didn't read all of it; I'm about to go somewhere.
I scanned the article, and it appears to contain mostly good information.

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 8:23 pm
by kw5kw
again, long article.

I did read quite a bit of it, but if something's that long I do much better in print, viz. magazine, newspaper, book.

(And I'm too cheap to buy ink (toner) and paper to print everyting like this.)

The bulk of the article was good.

I carry a lot and I practice quite a bit.


Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 8:24 pm
by kw5kw
ooops, double post.

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 9:06 pm
by Skiprr
Sorry. After about 120 "legal defensive pistol" phrases, my eyes glazed over. Obvious use of highly specific, unusual language doesn't help; it only pegs the writer as an eccentric at best...a fanatic at worse. How about the consistent repetition of "mercenary proxy-guardian 'police'"? I mean, come on.

Too, the author is all over the place. For example, quoting Clint Smith early, then advocating the trigger be positioned in the first knuckle-crease of the forefinger. That's a no-no. You gotta be about 6'3" or over to be able to get the crease of that knuckle on the trigger and still have a proper web-of-palm grip. And Clint would never approve pulling the trigger with the crease of the first knuckle...the only way you can do it that way is to pull the barrel to the right; you can't track straight back toward the breech.

You throw too much politically-tainted rhetoric at me--at either end of the pendulum--and you lose my interest. You may have something good to say, but that you can't say it for yourself, in plain language, will leave me thinking you either have no original thoughts, or you're just spewing someone else's pre-digested pap.

Not you, Mancuian; the author of that impossible-to-read piece.

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 11:02 pm
by tallmike
What did you plan to do with your trusty six (or five) -shooter against the North Hollywood bank robbers illegally equipped with machineguns and a trunkful of ammo?
He lost me right about here. Im not there to stop the N Hollywood robbers, just extricate myself from whatever part of town they happen to be in. Fire a shot or 2 then run like the devil. (remember 10 yr old daughter rule) ;-)

The average person does not need 40 rounds of .45 to go to wal-mart, you dont need to confront anyone and stop WW3 just make yourself the least appealing target so you can call the police. They have the firepower and ammo to stop whatever needs to be stopped, I just need the firepower to slow the action down long enough to dial 911 while running away.

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 11:12 pm
by XDgal
I did read every word and while I don't agree with all that was said, he did have some good points. Force on force training is a great idea. Finding such training for us poor civilians is difficult and/or expensive. I like the Airsoft gun idea, it would help in practicing various defensive moves at home. Unfortunately, for us in big D, our city council wants to ban the sale and, even the possesion, of these pistols! I, for one, don't belive we are safe anywhere, anytime. Safety is just an illusion, but that is the nature of the world we live in, and always has been. You have to prepare for the worst as best you can, and take the time to enjoy the good times when they are here.

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 11:16 pm
by longtooth
Yes Maam. Good post.

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 1:45 am
by KBCraig
tallmike wrote:
What did you plan to do with your trusty six (or five) -shooter against the North Hollywood bank robbers illegally equipped with machineguns and a trunkful of ammo?
He lost me right about here. Im not there to stop the N Hollywood robbers, just extricate myself from whatever part of town they happen to be in.
I'm reminded of the Ron White routine: "I'm sitting there watching this thing unfold on TV, and the police are all complaining, 'He's wearing body armor!' I'm thinking, 'I can see his head! Shoot him in the head!' And finally one of the guys got tired and shot himself!"

While all of us are trained to start shooting COM, I daresay that many of the regulars here, had they found themselves cornered at 10 yard or less, could have ended the North Hollywood shootout several thousand rounds early. Body armor wouldn't have been a factor.


Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 10:46 am
by kw5kw
Skiprr wrote:<snip>

Too, the author is all over the place. For example, quoting Clint Smith early, then advocating the trigger be positioned in the first knuckle-crease of the forefinger. That's a no-no. You gotta be about 6'3" or over to be able to get the crease of that knuckle on the trigger and still have a proper web-of-palm grip. And Clint would never approve pulling the trigger with the crease of the first knuckle...the only way you can do it that way is to pull the barrel to the right; you can't track straight back toward the breech.

Yeah, I caught that also. That is really bad advice, for by using the crease you can't escape the 'flex' that occurs when your muscles tighten thereby causing a "low/left" occurance.


Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 1:17 pm
by Braden
I tried to read it and I just lost interest. Too many "legal defensive" phrases thrown in there and other stupid stuff. I'm sure there's some good information, but it's poorly written and that makes it too much of a chore to read.