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0 Days to Parking Lot!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 9:01 pm
by terryg
It's just around the corner and it will completely change how often I carry. I have a few co-workers who leave it in their vehicle currently despite the risk - but I have not been comfortable doing this. Now a 'friend' of mine (in the psychologist context) would occasionally still carry during the commute and leave it in his vehicle if there was a planned activity after work that required such an item - but felt the risk to job was too great to take a chance each and every day.

But I wonder, how many will the new law also have a huge impact on?

Ok, added some more options.

Re: 39 Days to Parking Lot - Poll

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 10:06 pm
by chasfm11
Terry, you might want to add another option or two. Ordinarily, I work out of my home but have to drive to my employer's office building to attend meetings periodically. The parking lot bill makes it possible for me to keep my gun in my car where I could not before. Actually, the chance of my employer requesting a car search is as close to zero as it gets and I probably would that the risk anyway but there are several facilities that I might have to go to and some would be a greater exposure than others.

So the parking lot bill helps me but the results are not significant.


Re: 39 Days to Parking Lot - Poll

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 10:16 pm
by punkndisorderly
I work for a school district, so the law did me no good at all. Seems kind of crappy to exclude huge chunks of the population. I've heard it wouldn't have passed otherwise, but still irritates me.

Re: 39 Days to Parking Lot - Poll

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 10:39 pm
by CC Italian
Yep, same here. I work for a school district and it is becoming more common to have those no guns in your car policies. So I can carry but if those munitions sniffing dogs that Customs brings out some times pick out my car I lose my job. This is why I don't carry at work. Also, I am worried about some student breaking into the car a stealing the gun and God knows what else. Needless to say I go without on my way to work everyday.

Re: 39 Days to Parking Lot - Poll

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 10:56 pm
by MasterOfNone
No change. I work on federal property. GSA has been trying to sell it for a year with no success. I guess nobody wants the baggage that comes with it.

Re: 39 Days to Parking Lot - Poll

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 4:10 am
by RPB
I didn't vote n poll, just commenting
I'm retired so not applicable

The only legislation/proposed leg/cases affecting me for places I'd go which I don't go at all are

Post offices
College Campuses
USACE properties

and I get annoyed at when my niece's high school nurse calls to come pick her up and disarming/arming to walk 8 feet inside the door

and when walking 12 feet inside a door at municipal offices building paying my utility bill at a municipal cashier window when there's a municipal Court cashier window 20 feet from it and a municipal Court which might meet twice a week or so down the hall

and when I go to a Court ANNEX building to the County Tax assessor's office for license plates or the DPS driver's license office .... because they are in a courthouse with metal detectors at the front door..

However, I support and "lobby" in my own way for any pro-2A cause.
But, didn't vote in the poll because for me, it's N/A.... just commenting

Re: 39 Days to Parking Lot - Poll

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 5:26 am
by Dave2
You forgot an option: No - my employer does have a "no weapons" policy, but they conveniently forgot to mention parking lots in it.

Re: 39 Days to Parking Lot - Poll

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 7:29 am
by gus
I work for a hospital in Austin and our garages have never been posted. I bought an older Honda Accord to commute and my biggest fear is theft of the gun. Security does make rounds in the garage and I have never heard of any issues, but it still worries me.

Re: 39 Days to Parking Lot - Poll

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 7:59 am
by kjolly
By the strict wording of the company manual, if you do not let them do a search you are termininated. The reality is they never have pushed issues that far.
Don't think the new bill makes a lot of difference to me but am definately excited that its a step in the right directioon.

Re: 39 Days to Parking Lot - Poll

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 8:01 am
You missed some options. The company I work for has a no weapons policy, however, the building I work in has a shared parking lot. Building is in a shopping center and shares the parking lot with all other businesses. The company does not own or control the parking lot in any way. So the parking lot bill does not affect me.

Re: 38 Days to Parking Lot - Poll - revote

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 8:10 am
by terryg
Thanks for the input, I added some more options.

Re: 38 Days to Parking Lot - Poll - revote

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 8:31 am
by Blindref757
I'm a teacher. Local policy is not 30.06 compliant...there is really no mention about CHL except in the community relations section. Until I receive notice directed at employees, I'm going to use the don't ask don't tell method and lock the gun in my nano vault under my seat.

Re: 38 Days to Parking Lot - Poll - revote

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 10:31 am
by threoh8
Whether the bill applies in my personal situation or not, I'm glad it passed.

Re: 38 Days to Parking Lot - Poll - revote

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 12:10 pm
by JeepGuy79
I work at a university with only 1 and sometimes 2 armed guards for the entire campus. The dean is 100% against campus carry and in the employee and student handbook it states no guns on campus or in parking lot. It's not a tiny campus... we have 4 buildings at this location and another going up right now (many are 4story) and we have two 2 story buildings at another location in town that never has armed security. I am concerned for students and staffs safety if some nut job ever decides to go on a rampage here because our one armed guard will likely be in their kawasaki utv taking a nap in a parking lot half a mile from the main buildings. We are inside of a residential area with little police presence and response time would likely be 10+ minutes for our cops to get here and realize they are not prepared for something like this.

I am not trying to be paranoid but school shootings are nothing new, they just seem to be getting worse every time there is one. Our state nor our campus takes our safety seriously and if I kept a gun in my car and used it to save myself or others on campus property I would be fired and then arrested. People in schools and other state buildings are probably more likely to have a mass shooting, and we are the ones excluded from law changes. I guess it is good for those that can have a gun in their car and it is a step toward less bull laws but I don't think I will be effected ever from the change.

Re: 38 Days to Parking Lot - Poll - revote

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 12:21 pm
by The Annoyed Man
I am self-employed, and I have no parking lot. I do have a driveway. My office is the converted front bedroom of my house. However, and I extend this invitation to all board members who care to make the drive to Grapevine, if you park in my driveway, you must NOT leave your weapon in your car. It could be stolen from there. You MUST carry it into my house and then show it to me so that I can show you mine. Also, the Vice President in charge of Me (my wife) will want to see your gun too, and then show you hers. Her other title is Director of First Impressions. If you're not carrying a 1911, you'll have to make up for it in personal charm. Otherwise, I'm afraid we can't do business together.
:mrgreen: :lol: :smilelol5: "rlol"

Ahhhhh.... I crack myself up. :mrgreen: