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Spotted a Guy Carrying

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 9:28 am
by texanron
Yesterday (12/23/2010) the wife and I were out running errands and on our last stop of the day we spotted a guy carrying a firearm in plain view. He had exited the store we were going into and was about 40-50 yards from us walking up the parking lot aisles. His t-shirt would've been long enough to cover up his gun but it looked like he had tried something on and just didn't double check his set up when he put his t-shirt back on. The thing that was just as suprising to us was all the people that were in this guys immediate vicintity that didn't even notice. The "White Zone" is very evident at this time of the year. It pays to take one last second to double check that you're good to go before exiting the dressing rooms.

Re: Spotted a Guy Carrying

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 10:23 am
by Oldgringo
It must have been a mighty big handgun to be spotted from 45 yards away. Was it pink? :shock:

Re: Spotted a Guy Carrying

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 11:14 am
by USA1
Don't you know?'re supposed to scream, call 911, then faint. :lol:

Good eye. I've been looking for a while and still haven't spotted one. ;-)

Re: Spotted a Guy Carrying

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 11:41 am
by Beiruty
Last time I saw a large dark-skinned man freely and open carry a black pistol when entering a Krooger. Wait sec no one called 911 or freaked out. Ah, maybe that shiny thingy that cops do wear was fixed on his belt was the :tiphat:

Re: Spotted a Guy Carrying

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 12:00 pm
by texanron
Oldgringo wrote:It must have been a mighty big handgun to be spotted from 45 yards away. Was it pink? :shock:
It had a stainless steel slide with black grip. Kind of like a S&W Sigma. Plus, as a young gringo, I have sniper vision! :cool:

Re: Spotted a Guy Carrying

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 12:03 pm
by aaangel
i would have called security and yelled..... MAN WITH A GUN.
"ignorance of the law, excuses no one!"

:lol: :lol: "rlol" :biggrinjester:

Re: Spotted a Guy Carrying

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 12:23 pm
by shootthesheet
I have seen guys OC that had no visible badge showing. I assume most were LEOs but when a guy is just strolling around a store or thru a parking lot I don't really care. If it is some thug flashing it tucked in his pants I might get an urge to call a LEO.

I think people notice the guns but they are smart enough not to go yelling “MAN WITH A GUN!!!” and end up looking like a wimp or getting shot because it is a BG.

Re: Spotted a Guy Carrying

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 12:42 pm
by RHenriksen
Only sighting I can recall was only in retrospect. Probably 10-15 years ago, I was in line for the cashier, and staring at a guy's beltline. There were two brown leather loops going around his belt at about 3:00, and his shirt was tucked in. I couldn't figure out what those loops were for, when I didn't see phone, pager, etc on his belt.

It's only now I look back & realize... Doh! :biggrinjester:

Re: Spotted a Guy Carrying

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 1:07 pm
by RPB
I saw a guy with a Minolta, ... Sony... Olympus?
no.... it was a CANON camera case on his belt from WalMart, I assumed he had an LCP in it. :mrgreen:

irony LCP cannon :lol::

Re: Spotted a Guy Carrying

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 3:29 pm
by Carry-a-Kimber
I saw a guy last Monday at about 12:45 pm at the Exxon/Subway in Crockett that I am pretty sure was packin'. He had on an orange long sleeve t-shirt and jeans, with the wife and kids. Looked like the butt of a full size semi-auto protruding from under his shirt at 3:30. Perhaps an insulin pump :biggrinjester:

Re: Spotted a Guy Carrying

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 4:13 pm
by texanron
I feel confident that the subject I observed in the OP was not a LEO. He was wearing a black t-shirt, denim shorts that were hanging about 6" past his knees and "Vans" type tennis shoes. Since we were outside the store and he was leaving the area I felt no need to holler out, MAN WITH A GUN!

Re: Spotted a Guy Carrying

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 5:09 pm
by Lonest4r
I spotted a person a while back, it was 6 months or so ago at the Shops at Legacy. He was sitting down to eat at the table outside the taco bar and his Hawaiian shirt had hung up on his tan contoured leather holster OWB. You couldn't see the gun but the holster was pretty visible. I'm pretty sure it was a 1911.

Re: Spotted a Guy Carrying

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 8:15 pm
by 92f-fan
Just because you see a buIge doesnt mean a gun

I have a "bulge" at 2:00 - 3:00 - 24x7 and its not a gun.

If there is another bulge behind that at about 5... well then....

Re: Spotted a Guy Carrying

Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2010 12:11 am
by Scott in Houston
I have seen one person. I was able to tell him, "Your 2nd Amendment is showing."
He smiled and reached for the top shelf with his left hand.

Re: Spotted a Guy Carrying

Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2010 8:54 am
I was at Lowes a while back getting some equipment to do some yard work. It was one of those spring days where it was perfect weather for a t-shirt and jeans. While I was standing at the counter outside another man comes up. He has "tactical" khakis and a black long sleeve shirt on. Right at 3 o'clock was a bulge. I looked at him and asked "What ya packin?" He looked at me a little shocked and looked down and saw his bulge. He explained he was from Michigan and was in town helping some family and wasn't prepared for the heat. Turned out to be a good encounter. We talked guns for a while then went our separate ways.

The "tactical" khakis and bulge at 3 was a dead giveaway.