The end of the road.
Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 4:39 pm
Well Ladies and gents,
Alot of you do not notice me, I lurk alot and rarely post. However, I feel the need to now.
A long time ago (20 something odd years ago) I was a very gullible and stupid kid; On one of my escapades with friends someone had the bright idea of playing a prank on one of our schoolmates. We all went to his house and we were going to "get" something from his house to hang on his car antennae. Well as fate would have it the schoolmates father was home and did not think it was funny. I was charged with burglary of habitation and defferred ajudicated. Fast forward 4 years later the Judge granted me early dimissal. I do not so much as even have a speeding ticket till now. I applied for a CHL 2006, in the year prior (2005) the Texas Legislature in all its wisdom amended GC 411.1711 with HB1831.
Last year there was an amendment to GC 411.1711 to add the highlighted text below
Alot of you do not notice me, I lurk alot and rarely post. However, I feel the need to now.
A long time ago (20 something odd years ago) I was a very gullible and stupid kid; On one of my escapades with friends someone had the bright idea of playing a prank on one of our schoolmates. We all went to his house and we were going to "get" something from his house to hang on his car antennae. Well as fate would have it the schoolmates father was home and did not think it was funny. I was charged with burglary of habitation and defferred ajudicated. Fast forward 4 years later the Judge granted me early dimissal. I do not so much as even have a speeding ticket till now. I applied for a CHL 2006, in the year prior (2005) the Texas Legislature in all its wisdom amended GC 411.1711 with HB1831.
person is not convicted, as that term is defined by Section 411 .I 71, if
an order of deferred adjudication was entered against the person on a
date not less than 10 years preceding the date of the person's application
for a license under this subchapter unless the order of deferred
adjudication was entered against the person for an offense under Title
5, Penal Code, or Chapter 29, Penal Code.
Last year there was an amendment to GC 411.1711 to add the highlighted text below
I did not realize that took my right to carry away; I already paid for the class and the renwal fee. Needless to say I am REALLY saddend and a little depressed. Not because of the money but bummed out because I have lost my way of defending my self and my loved ones. Because of a really moronic descision I made; I guess I made my bed now Im gonna sleep in it. And I hope noone makes a descision you cant correct later. Some people make mistakes that can be corrected some cant. Im not asking for sympathy I just wanted to get it off my chest to someone thank you for reading.GC § 411.1711. CERTAIN EXEMPTIONS FROM CONVICTIONS. A
person is not convicted, as that term is defined by Section 411.171, if an
order of deferred adjudication was entered against the person on a date
not less than 10 years preceding the date of the person's application for
a license under this subchapter unless the order of deferred adjudication
was entered against the person for:
(1) a felony offense under:
(A) Title 5, Penal Code;
(B) Chapter 29, Penal Code;
(C) Section 25.07, Penal Code; or
(D) Section 30.02, Penal Code, if the offense is punishable
under Subsection (c)(2) or (d) of that section; or
(2) an offense under the laws of another state if the offense contains
elements that are substantially similar to the elements of an offense listed
in Subdivision (1).