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1st Trip To The Range With Plastic

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 3:27 pm
by Embalmo

I went to Red's for the first time since I got my plastic in hand. I kept "them" in my pocket until I got into the "noisy room". When I entered the actual range, I took both guns out of my pockets, set them on the counter, and proceeded to shoot. When I was done, I reloaded my defense ammo, and put "them" back in my pockets before I exited the "noisy room". Is this normal policy for gun ranges? Are some stricter, or more liberal with their policies?

Embalmo :drool:

Re: 1st Trip To The Range With Plastic

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 3:35 pm
by seamusTX
Many ranges do not allow you have a loaded weapon except at the firing line. Some allow you to carry a concealed handgun but not to draw it.

I have never been to a range that allowed you to carry and shoot a loaded weapon. I don't think I would want to be. I do it alone or only with my wife well away from the hot range.

- Jim

Re: 1st Trip To The Range With Plastic

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 4:01 pm
by Kythas
I think it depends on where you go.

For example, The Bullet Trap has a sign by the front door that says "No loaded guns past this point", or something like that. I asked the guy behind the counter if that applied to my carry gun if I have a CHL and he said, with a little grin, "It's not a 30.06, is it?"


Re: 1st Trip To The Range With Plastic

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 4:22 pm
by Keith B
Kythas wrote:I think it depends on where you go.

For example, The Bullet Trap has a sign by the front door that says "No loaded guns past this point", or something like that. I asked the guy behind the counter if that applied to my carry gun if I have a CHL and he said, with a little grin, "It's not a 30.06, is it?"

Bullet Trap's policy is the same as Red's; keep it concealed until you get to the firing line, remove the gun and do not put it back into your holster until you reload it to leave the line. No drawing from holster. :thumbs2:

Re: 1st Trip To The Range With Plastic

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 8:00 pm
by NcongruNt
This is my SOP whenever I go to Red's, infrequent as that may be. I think my average is about once per year.

I prefer outdoor ranges, and my regular range (Lone Star in Lockhart) is fine with this. I prefer to clean my carry guns before heading out, so I'll use the bench just behind the firing line for this purpose. My guns do not leave the firing line loaded unless they are holstered, and they are verified unloaded with slides locked back and magazines absent when transported to the bench for disassembly and cleaning.

Personally, I prefer to have one carry gun on me and available, so the carry guns will be alternated holstered or in use/being cleaned. For cleaning, I will generally clean the primary first, with the backup holstered. I then return to the firing line for loading and holstering of the primary, unloading/clearing/slide-locking of the backup, a return to the bench for cleaning, then a return to the firing line for loading up and holstering of the backup.

All of this is done with the safety rules in mind, with any loaded guns that are being handled pointed downrange while the line is hot. Lone Star has a bay for moving and shooting if it's not in use by other shooters, and Matt (the owner) seems quite happy to have safety-conscious folks practice drawing, moving, and shooting drills when it's slow enough to allow it. It's a great setup, and I highly recommend the place over Red's if you don't mind the drive. A year membership only costs $65, so you get a year of shooting for the same price you get 5 hours at Red's. Also, you have the option of using your own targets. Plus, there's post-session barbecue to be had nearby. :drool:

Re: 1st Trip To The Range With Plastic

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 9:29 pm
by Kevinf2349
I got a little confused at Texas City range.

Their sign says ALL weapons must be unloaded and have their action open before entering the range. Now I do know that they won't allow you to replace the weapon as a CHL carry weapon before you leave the building, but they allow you to reload and conceal in the parking long as they don't see you I assume!

I usually load the magazines and 'reassemble' the carry guns in the parking lot and I have never kept a gun concealed at TCSR...but I have at Marksman.

Re: 1st Trip To The Range With Plastic

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 10:15 pm
by jamullinstx
Somehow my earlier response to this OP got lost, so I'm re-posting, even though my thoughts are echoed, partially, in some of the intervening responses.

I shoot at Red's occasionally. Their doors have signs stating that all guns are to be unloaded prior to entry. However, the signs are not 30.06. They also have a rule that there is no drawing from holsters. I interpret all of this to mean that they are fine with concealed carry, just don't remove it from the holster while at the range. In other words, if you plan to shoot your carry weapon, it cannot be your carry weapon that day. Unload it, put it in a case, carry it into the store and load it at the firing line just as you would for any other firearm you were planning to shoot at the range that day. Use a different gun that day as your carry weapon.
Embalmo wrote:Guys,

I went to Red's for the first time since I got my plastic in hand. I kept "them" in my pocket until I got into the "noisy room". When I entered the actual range, I took both guns out of my pockets, set them on the counter, and proceeded to shoot. When I was done, I reloaded my defense ammo, and put "them" back in my pockets before I exited the "noisy room". Is this normal policy for gun ranges? Are some stricter, or more liberal with their policies?

Embalmo :drool:

Re: 1st Trip To The Range With Plastic

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 10:21 pm
by ghostrider
>I shoot at Red's occasionally. Their doors have signs stating that all guns are to be unloaded prior to
>entry. However, the signs are not 30.06. They also have a rule that there is no drawing from
>holsters. I interpret all of this to mean that they are fine with concealed carry, just don't
>remove it from the holster while at the range.

I shoot at Red's (South location) fairly regularly. I specifically asked the employees one day about this and there policy does not prohibit shooting your carry weapon as long as you aren't drawing and shooting. So, I wear my carry gun their and I usually shoot it as well.

Re: 1st Trip To The Range With Plastic

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 10:23 pm
by nils
:iagree: Seems reasonable to me.

Re: 1st Trip To The Range With Plastic

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 10:26 pm
by suthdj
I would think "Drawing from the holster" means you cant draw and fire as in trying to live practise quick draws but pulling it out to leave out and use for x amount of time then return to holster to leave would be acceptable. But then again it is not my range, so best answer would be have the owner clarify what he wants.

Re: 1st Trip To The Range With Plastic

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 10:38 pm
by Embalmo

What the official policy is and what'll get your head bit off by the range master are 2 very different things of course. I called a friend before I left and he advised me that they told him was acceptable. I walked into the range with a revolver in my left pocket, and my LCP in my right. I pulled them both out right in front of the range master and placed them on the counter. I swapped out my defense ammo for my target ammo in my LCP's magazine and proceeded to shoot.

When I was done, I loaded my revolver, and my LCP right in front of the range master and poked them right back in my pockets. I've been there about 15 times since January and I know the rules well enough to never get barked at; I'm guessing that if you're very regular and have a reputation of being safe and following the rules, they will leave you alone more than an unfamiliar face.


Re: 1st Trip To The Range With Plastic

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 1:02 pm
by LoneStarWings
At red's, just don't be a jackass and no one will give you any grief.

I usually carry my CCWs in, "remove" (not draw) them from their holsters and set them on the bench. I leave them there until its time to leave, at which point I reload them and carry them out in their holsters. I'm sure the staff has seen me do this and they haven't said anything.

I go there with a LEO too, he walks right out to the line with his weapon holstered and they're fine with it.

Re: 1st Trip To The Range With Plastic

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 8:55 pm
by nils
Make sure that you follow all of the rules, and you'll be OK. Call ahead to get the protocol, and you'll know what's what.