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# of CHLs in Austin?

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 7:07 pm
by springfieldATX
I was just wondering where I could find info on the number of CHLs in Travis county or Austin...I think I saw it somewhere on some thread...just cant find it. Thanks!

Re: # of CHLs in Austin?

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 8:21 pm
by seamusTX
The county records for licenses issued in 2008 are here: ... Issued.pdf" onclick=";return false;

In 2008, 1,851 license were issued to residents of Travis County. The total number of licensees should be around 5 times that figure, a bit more than 9,000. Divide by the population of the county, about 1 million. I'm not good at maths, but it looks to be about 1% of the total population.

Travis may be unusual in having a lot of people who moved from out-of-state recently and a lot of transient residents associated with the university.

DPS does not publish statistics by city. To get Austin separate from Travis County, you would have to add up all the ZIP codes in Austin, which is probably more work than anyone wants to do.

- Jim

Re: # of CHLs in Austin?

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 10:12 pm
by joe817
Unfortunately, there is no published data for the population of CHL holders by county.....only licenses issued in a particular year by county. The only population figures are annual statewide numbers.