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Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 12:18 pm
by tx glock guy
For the third time Texas DPS has rejected my fingerprint card.

Due to a stroke that affected my left hand, it is becoming a real issue completing this last step in getting my Texas CHL.
does any one have any suggestions?

When I talked to DPS over the phone the woman said to send a letter explaining the issue with the new set of prints.

Should the next agency that I go to for the prints sign the letter that I have already typed out or is my signature enough?

Also would going to one of the DPS "FAST" locations be advisable?

Thanks for any help that anyone can shed on this subject

Re: fingerprints

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 12:26 pm
by joe817
tx glock guy wrote:For the third time Texas DPS has rejected my fingerprint card.

Due to a stroke that affected my left hand, it is becoming a real issue completing this last step in getting my Texas CHL.
does any one have any suggestions? When I talked to DPS over the phone the woman said to send a letter explaining the issue with the new set of prints.Should the next agency that I go to for the prints sign the letter that I have already typed out or is my signature enough?Also would going to one of the DPS "FAST" locations be advisable? Thanks for any help that anyone can shed on this subject
Sorry to hear of the health problems. I talked to DPS using the FAST method. The girl I spoke to recommended it. I'm seriously considering it. It costs $9.95 to have it done. Check it out: ... dentix.pdf" onclick=";return false;

Re: fingerprints

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 2:09 pm
by hheremtp
I suggest that you try the FAST method

Re: fingerprints

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 2:15 pm
by Tactical_Texan_CHL
I agree. I had to be re fingerprinted for my nursing license. They require the FAST method now. The print quality that it provides is impressive, and it's alot easier than the old ink method for you and for the fingerprinter. I'll do that for my CHL renewal when it comes up also.

Re: fingerprints

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 9:23 pm
by srothstein
One of the big advantages of the FAST method is that the computer rates the print quality right then. DPS might still reject one from them, but it is much more unlikely than with ink cards.

Re: fingerprints

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 9:51 pm
by shootthesheet
I used the FAST for my last renewal and it was good. They can examine the prints before they do the card so it is good. My mother also used them and she had no problems at all. I think they can help with your problem.

Re: fingerprints

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 10:09 pm
by Oldgringo
Mrs. Oldgringo's fourth (4th) set of prints were by F.A.S.T. and were accepted 160 days after initial submittal. I don't know whether the letters to the Gov, Lt. Gov, State Senator, and DPS that accompanied the 4th set helped or not.

Re: fingerprints

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 7:30 pm
by HankB
Just to repeat something I've expressed previously . . . if DPS/FBI frequently rejects prints taken from a willing subject by a certified tech using a fingerprint kit, I don't have ANY faith in the so-called "evidence" of latent prints gathered from crime scenes.

If a print has to be "perfect" to pass a background check, it should have to be "perfect" to convict anyone of anything.

Re: fingerprints

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 7:47 pm
by dicion
Actually, it makes sense

If they're going to have a print in their database to be able to match a non-perfect, or partial print to, the original needs to be as perfect as possible so that any small part of a latent print can be matched to a section of the whole 'perfect' print.

Remember, they're generally not taking these prints you're sending them and running them through the database, looking to see if they were found at any crime scene (that would take FOREVER to process), rather, they are scanning them in as originals, to be searched through IF you commit a crime.

Re: fingerprints

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 11:10 pm
by tx glock guy
Thank you all for your replies.

I have an appointment next week With FAST.