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Ohio Reciprocity, Why Not?

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 7:18 pm
by para45
I was looking at the map for reciprocity with the TX CHL, and Ohio does not recognize TX and Ohio does not recognize Texas. I looked over the Ohio CHL requirements and it is similar to TX. Who would I express my interest in getting Texas reciprocity with Ohio? Congressman? I think the Gov. handles the reciprocity doesn't he? Thanks for your help!

Re: Ohio Reciprocity, Why Not?

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 7:39 pm
by boomerang
I think one of the hurdles is Texas will issue a CHL to a 20 year old veteran and some other states don't like that.

Re: Ohio Reciprocity, Why Not?

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 8:30 pm
by Greybeard
TX Attny. General's Office handles reciprocity. (DPS did for the first several years.) Sorry, I know not the hangup with Ohio. I decided to avoid going back to Cleveland anyway after their river caught on fire. :shock:

Re: Ohio Reciprocity, Why Not?

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 8:52 pm
by KFP
FWIW - I've heard that Ohio is not a fan of Texas issuing to military members under 21 and that Texas is not fond of Ohio issuing emergency licenses.

A Utah license is the way to go if you need Ohio.

Re: Ohio Reciprocity, Why Not?

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 9:22 pm
by TLE2
Other states, according to what I remember from CHL class, have reciprocity, but with modifications.

No reason OH couldn't say: reciprocal but limited to 21 years or older...

Seems reasonable to me, but then I live in Texas ( :txflag: ) and not Ohio. :woohoo:


Re: Ohio Reciprocity, Why Not?

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 11:24 pm
by Dutchster
KFP hit on a couple 'annoyances', but as I understand it at the end of the day it's Ohio's background check.

Ohio does not check to determine whether a person is prohibited from owning a firearm under federal law, which is a requirement for reciprocity or gubernatorial recognition by Texas. Believe it or not, technically speaking if you've been convicted of domestic violence you can get an Ohio CHL provided that the conviction is at least three years old. We all know that a DV conviction gets you put on the federal disability list for life. In practice I don't think this has ever happened because you wouldn't be able to own a firearm to qualify and you'd be incriminating the heck out of yourself by having a CHL post conviction. Ironically on the application you have to check a box that says "I am not prohibited by federal law from possessing a firearm" but the background check doesn't completely verify that.

The only time Ohio asks the FBI to check your background is if you have not lived in the state for five years.

In addition to repealing the class D (alcohol establishment) restriction, the other point I raise in the letters I send to my legislators is fixing this issue. It won't affect anybody who can legally own a gun and it will hopefully open Ohio up to reciprocity with more states.

BTW - KFP - that's a cute dog - do you take it hunting? :cool:

Re: Ohio Reciprocity, Why Not?

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 11:48 pm
by Lumberjack98
KFP wrote:A Utah license is the way to go if you need Ohio.
Exactly why I obtained my Utah license. My family has business interests in Ohio and I travel there every other year to help out. This was an easy way for me to be able to carry while there.

Yes it's a pain, but at least that is an option.

Re: Ohio Reciprocity, Why Not?

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 10:35 pm
by KFP
Dutchster wrote: BTW - KFP - that's a cute dog - do you take it hunting? :cool:
Not yet, I'm convinced that she'd love to go out - jumped up and take a look at a bird that flew over our 6' fence in the backyard yesterday. I have a feeling she'll be out opening day with me.