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Pennsylvania License Good for Texas Resident???

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 12:35 pm
by Joel
Last Saturday my wife and I attended a CHL class for my third renewal and her initial license. One of the instructors stated that we should expect to wait up to 6 months for our licenses to return due to a tremendous backlog being experience by DPS because of an increase in applicants. He also suggested that those of us who had a current Texas CHL obtain a Pennsylvania License to Carry Firearm which would be good in Texas (reciprocal agreement).

Each county in Pennsylvania issues it's own LTC which is good statewide. Applicants from out of state must submit an application, copy of the resident state DL and CHL, provide two references and $25. Pennsylvania, or the sheriff of the county you make application to, will in return send you a LTC.

The question is would a Texas LEO recognize a Pennsylvania LTC from a Texas resident? I understand that we have a reciprocal agreeement. Would the situation be like a DL. If I am a Texas resident and have been so for either 30 or 60 days, cant' recall which, I am required to have a Texas DL.

I am considering the Pennsylvania LTC, but don't want to give some Pennsylvania county my money for naught?

Re: Pennsylvania License Good for Texas Resident???

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 2:55 pm
by seamusTX
I am inclined to think that a Texas LEO would not question an out-of-state CHL or equivalent, unless he was suspicious of you for some other reason. It's legal to carry a handgun in your car without a CHL now, so you are not possibly committing a crime simply by possessing a concealed handgun.

Note: This is purely my opinion and I am not a LEO.

You could print out the reciprocity agreement and carry that in case of misunderstandings: ... rocity.pdf

- Jim

Re: Pennsylvania License Good for Texas Resident???

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 2:57 pm
by HerbM
Welcome to the world of a CHL holder.

Yes, Pennsylvania is recognized by TX, and most LEOs probably don't have the list memorized -- most CHL holders don't either. If you are causing trouble they can certainly call into dispatch and find out. Some LEOs have said publicly that they would accept even a (non recognized) CA license if the person was not causing trouble, being polite, cooperative, etc.

You can also print out and carry a copy of the agreements -- it won't help if the officer is determined to hassle you, but again as long as we are polite and cooperative most will consider the evidence, or at least the desk sergeant will when you get to the station.

Here is the DPS notice of reciprocity (true reciprocity, i.e., both ways): ... rocity.pdf

Here is the TX DPS CHL index page: ... sindex.htm

Here is the TX DPS CHL agreemens with other states page: ... rocity.htm

Have fun. Stay alert. Stay safe.

Re: Pennsylvania License Good for Texas Resident???

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 8:47 pm
by WildBill
HerbM wrote:Some LEOs have said publicly that they would accept even a (non recognized) CA license if the person was not causing trouble, being polite, cooperative, etc.
There is no reciprocity, but Texas recognizes CA CCW permits. The chances of an LEO stopping somebody who has one is very remote.

Re: Pennsylvania License Good for Texas Resident???

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 9:04 pm
by boomerang
Like Herb said, there is reciprocity with PA. From a practical standpoint, I don't think a LEO has ever asked me for ID except when I was driving (no CHL needed now) or entering a 51% premises (no carry even with a CHL) so it seems like the most likely reason to have to show an out of state CHL is if I use my handgun for self defense outside my home and don't have a Texas CHL. (lost, expired, whatever)

Re: Pennsylvania License Good for Texas Resident???

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 10:36 pm
by The Annoyed Man
There's an article in this month's TSRA magazine suggesting that getting a Pennsylvania permit is a good way to tide yourself over if your CHL expires before the DPS can process your renewal. They even tell you which sheriff to send your application to.

Re: Pennsylvania License Good for Texas Resident???

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 9:27 am
by BobCat
Yes, the article in the TSRA mag was very helpful. However when I keyed in the URL there was some kind of error associated with a .asp file.

Then I found a thread here on the Texas CHL Forum in which someone had posted the link (which appeared identical to what was printed in the TSRA magazine and what I keyed in) and it worked. Downloaded the application - it is a simple one-page to send in, with two additional pages of instructions and so forth - and intend to get it going asap.

Anyway, if you type in the URL and have an error, look here on the Forum (I'll look and come back and edit this if I can find the thread) for the link.

EDIT: here is the link ... =7&t=17006