Have any of you folks got some fun/interesting/off the wall tales form your qualification?
One fellow brought out a Webley .455. Of course he loaded it with .45acp and promptly jammed a revolver! We all had to stop while the entire line was halted so this idjit could clear his weapon. Which he couldn't do.
Another elderly lady had the most vicious little .380. When ever she would shoot it would spit a red hot brass directly to the right and down my shirt or into the side of my head! Still have the scars.

At this shoot, our instructor directed us to fire 5 rds at the whistle and stop firing at the second whislte. This one fellow had an old USGI .45 1911A1. At the whistle he started firing, dropped the mag, inserted another and kept firing even after the second whistle had blown.
The instructor barked at him "What are you doing?!?! I told you to fire 5 rds!" The old fellow said "I know how to use the gun!"
The instructor said " I sure hope you have 14 more rounds because none of those count!"