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Analysis: How 50 Million Defensive Gun Uses Played Out According to a Massive Survey

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2022 2:21 pm
by Paladin
Some new details about defensive gun use:

Analysis: How 50 Million Defensive Gun Uses Played Out According to a Massive Survey
n the vast majority of defensive gun uses (81.9%), the gun was not fired,”

Most defenders reported facing more than one assailant during the incident. Though, 48.8 percent said they faced only a single attacker. Nearly a third said they were up against two attackers. The numbers decrease precipitously from there with 3.2 percent saying they had to deal with 5 or more assailants.

The survey also asked respondents if they’d ever been in a self-defense scenario where they felt they may have benefited from having a magazine capable of holding more than ten rounds. English said 550 people said yes and offered up descriptions of those incidents.

“I went in but into a store and 4 thugs approached me telling me to give them money,” one respondent said. “I produced my handgun at my side, and they left. If this had been a shooting with multiple bad guys with guns a 15-round magazine is best.”

“Having less than 10 rounds against 3 attackers, especially if they were also armed, would have put me at a disadvantage if I was unable to accurately hit my targets initially and they continued to pursue me,” the respondent who used his gun to escape a fight in Philadelphia said.

Re: Analysis: How 50 Million Defensive Gun Uses Played Out According to a Massive Survey

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2022 11:30 am
by K.Mooneyham
Paladin wrote: Mon Sep 19, 2022 2:21 pm Some new details about defensive gun use:

Analysis: How 50 Million Defensive Gun Uses Played Out According to a Massive Survey
n the vast majority of defensive gun uses (81.9%), the gun was not fired,”

Most defenders reported facing more than one assailant during the incident. Though, 48.8 percent said they faced only a single attacker. Nearly a third said they were up against two attackers. The numbers decrease precipitously from there with 3.2 percent saying they had to deal with 5 or more assailants.

The survey also asked respondents if they’d ever been in a self-defense scenario where they felt they may have benefited from having a magazine capable of holding more than ten rounds. English said 550 people said yes and offered up descriptions of those incidents.

“I went in but into a store and 4 thugs approached me telling me to give them money,” one respondent said. “I produced my handgun at my side, and they left. If this had been a shooting with multiple bad guys with guns a 15-round magazine is best.”

“Having less than 10 rounds against 3 attackers, especially if they were also armed, would have put me at a disadvantage if I was unable to accurately hit my targets initially and they continued to pursue me,” the respondent who used his gun to escape a fight in Philadelphia said.

Well, I had to use the element blocker feature of my browser to read the entire article, but I did find it of interest. Surveying 16,000 people nationwide certainly seems like a better sample than a few dozen in a couple of states as often happens.